Muchuan and Xiang Wan (Murder the Dream Guy)

Chapter 371: , The whole world is silent

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Mu Chuan Xiang night!

It's still that office.

A lamp, cold and cold.

Yu Bo's spirit is a little better than when he saw him later in the afternoon.

It seems to have taken a break.

He sat on the sofa, nothing changed in his posture, but in his arms... an extra cat.

Black cat!

It seemed to be the one I had seen in the evening in the Villa Bald Eagle.

Cheng Zheng once sutured the wound himself.

Unexpectedly, I can still see it here...

It was an ordinary black cat, but for Wave, it was definitely not ordinary.

Yu Bo looked at his eyes, as soft as he was looking at his children.

Hearing Xiang Wan and Quan Shaoteng's voice, Yu Bo looked up at her, bowed his head expressionlessly, and touched the back of the black cat, talking low to the cat, ignoring them.

Sit down opposite him tonight.

He heard whispers in his mouth, but couldn't hear what was said.

"Cough!" Xiang Wan cheered up, "I heard that you are looking for me, is there something wrong?"

Yu Bo didn't raise his head, his mouth moved, there was no sound.

Xiang Wan: "Is this cat yours?"

Yu Bo held the cat's head and looked very pitifully, "Uh."

Observing his reaction to the night.

This cat is very close to him...

"Is he your playmate?"

Yu Bo was stunned, raised his head to look at her, and murmured again.

Is this willing to manage her?

Xiang Xiang was relieved, "It looks cute."

Yu Bo seemed to be very interested in this topic. Looking at her, her eyes flickered, "Did you also find out?"

Xiang Wan focused on her head, um, "Can I touch it?"

Yu Bo showed resistance in his eyes, but in the soft eyes of Xiang Wan, it seemed that he couldn't bear to reject this kind of person who liked cats as much as she did.

But in the process of touching the cat to the night, he stared at her hand staring, without blinking.

"Wow, its fur is so soft!"


"It's just a little thin! Has it not had a good appetite recently?"

"Huh!" Yu Bo's expression showed a sadness, "I haven't seen it for a long time, and they brought it to me today."

Xiang Wan heard that and gave Quan Shao Teng a glance.

Quan Shaoteng spread his hand, "Your family Xiaobai explained."

Bai Muchuan suddenly let people give the cat to Bo, of course, he will not be without ideas.

Xiang Wan smiled slightly, looking at Yu Bo, "You like it very much."

Yu Bo yelled again.

"It's my friend."


A person with a simpler mind than a child, the only cat, the only friend.

"What's its name?"

"Little Black Black..."

Little black, little white...

Xiang Wan suddenly smiled, feeling a little want to laugh.

She talked to Yu Bo about the topic of cats.

Fortunately, with the experience of helping Fang Yuanyuan to raise her sister Baoxiang, she talked about raising cats, which is also a set.

Moreover, some scientific feeding methods are unknown to Yu Bo.

He listened with relish.

The topic of the two people is 180,000 miles away from the case.

Quan Shaoteng looked at the side, yawned, kept looking at the ceiling, and controlled the inner horse...

Finally, he took out his mobile phone and vomited in the chat group.

"It's okay to be left by Xiaobai as a security guard. Now I have to listen to two abnormal people chatting cats at night..."

"Is this world too cruel for someone like me who looks good?"

Two were sent in a row.

No one answered in the group.

Quan Shaoteng sighed.

"Look, the beautiful person speaks, and the world is silent!"


After a few seconds, Fang Yuanyuan suddenly appeared.

"If you have the ability, don't compare face value, come and compare my weight?"

Quan Shao Teng sent out a picture, "Can't afford it, can't afford it! Farewell!"

Fang Yuanyuan: "What about me later?"

Quan Shaoteng made a snigger, "Of course it' my side..."

The previous ellipsis is meaningful.

The last ellipsis means nothing.

Fang Yuanyuan wowed, and made a fuss.

"Who can tell me what happened? It's early in the morning, she, for, why, what, is, you, body, side?"

Quan Shaoteng: "You, say, what? Ha ha!"

After sending, do not reply again.

Then, a person's heart is dark!

Wait until Xiaobai sees it, will he be mad?

Quan Shaoteng thought beautifully, suddenly a word floated in his ear.

"Is Heihei a little anorexic, so she doesn't like to eat?"

Yu Bo, "I don't know. Will cats also be anorexic?"

"Yes! Just like people. Not only will anorexia, cats also be depressed. So, you can be its friend."

Yu Bo thought for a while, and looked distressed at the look of the cat.

"What are you unhappy about?"

"Maybe Xiaoheihe saw something, but he couldn't tell..." Xiang Wan smiled. "Cats and dogs are the most spiritual creatures, some are more intelligent than humans? They see it, they are all in their hearts. Understand, but unable to express, and no one can speak for it... This is quite painful. If it is serious, it will lead to depression, not thinking about diet, gradually losing weight, or even death..."

Yu Bo was stunned.

"is it?"


The black cat called out in time.

Yu Bo stared at it, his pupils contracted slightly.

He stayed still, examining his gaze, and asked slowly: "Your mother used to cook it for you?"

Yubo whimpered, "I do it sometimes."

That is to say, most of the time mothers are raising cats.

This is the case for ordinary families, and it is not difficult to guess.

Nodded towards the night, his eyebrows twisted slowly, "You said, does it miss your mother?"

Yu Bo looked at her, and a painful expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Mom is dead." Yu Bo bowed his head in pain and hugged the cat tightly.

Xiang Wan: "How did Mom die?"

Yu Bo was silent.

Xiang Wan narrowed her eyes, "Did Heihei see it? So, is it sad and depressed?"

Woo... Yu Bo's shoulder suddenly twitched.

He cried, "Mom... um... mom..."

"You said!" Xiang Wan sat next to him, holding his shoulder, "Tell us, and help Xiao Hei Hei..."

Yu Bo choked.

"It's me...I killed my mother."

what! Shocked the ear fossa.

In this case, from the video of Meng Chi's narrative looking for his wife that day, there must be something wrong with Yu Bo's death.

Xiang Wan imagined many possibilities, but he never thought that the murderer would be Yu Bo himself.

"Why?" she asked slowly.

A little sad.

Yu Bo raised his head and his eyes were red.

"Mom, don't let me go to West City."

"You killed her?"

Yu Bon gave a cry.

"She's dead and won't stop me."

This answer...

He froze for a moment, and his head exploded immediately.

Seeing that Yu Bo was so simple as to be almost stupid, if she had a belly, she didn't know what to say.

This man... is actually the murderer of the mother?

She also told Bai Muchuan before that he was simple, kind...

Swallowing saliva to the night, I couldn't bear to look directly at Yu Bo under the dim light.

"you sure?"

Yu Bo didn't speak and lowered his head.

The fingertips are thin, just touching the back hair of the cat.

His hands are thin and his joints are slender...

Except that the skin color is too dark, it really looks like a woman's hand.

Suddenly there was a thrill in Xiangye’s heart, and goose bumps instantly jumped—




Let's change three chapters first, and follow up...

The babies vote a little more forcefully and comment a little bit more, let me feel your enthusiasm, I will have more confidence and write more.

Thank you to the fairies who voted for "Mu Chuan Xiang Wan"!

Believe me, you are the most discerning readers! Hahaha.