Musashi of the Elves

v2 Chapter 72: beginning

   mission? ?

   Musashi was stunned by the task that came in, can it be done if he wants to?

   is just thinking about how to obtain ground gems and complete the fixed learning of skill awakening power. Why did the task appear? ?

   And it's a wild fight with a very high risk factor for myself.

  Although I have experience of survival in the wild, what is this place? ? ?

   This is Yuhong City, an international metropolis.

   There is a possibility of Warcraft Siege recently. Is it really good to let yourself go out and practice at this point in time?

   I wonder if there is any in life, I am only 7 years old, not even 8 years old.

   Only two years ago escaped from the dead and came back to life, working hard to change the status quo, now want to let myself go to death?

  What kind of logic! !

   The villain in his heart almost writhed up and down in a state of demolishing his home, burning with anger, and ape demon making trouble in the heavenly palace.

   Regardless of whether the words or sentences are right or not, they all mean the same thing:

  I, Musashi, I am very unhappy, very unhappy, and very irritable! !

   "Sniff~ Hmm, it seems to be aroma therapy~~" Musashi's mood slowly calmed down with the fragrance of the nose.

   "Thank you, Fan."

  The ups and downs of emotions made Musashi's spirit a little tired, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth to thank the smelly flower.

   "Huh?" Master, what's wrong with you?

   "Huh?" Yes, what's wrong with you? Suddenly it became so scary. If it weren't for the smelly flowers, I didn't know what to do.

   "I got a news suddenly that we might be going to the suburbs tomorrow."

   Musashi said with a headache.

   "Hey!" Go to the suburbs, okay, okay, I haven't been out for a long time. (*^▽^*)

   Hearing this news, Aboshe's first reaction was happy.

   It’s no wonder that after staying in the same place for two months, her snake body is going to grow moldy and grow mushrooms.

   But only Abai Snake is happy.

   stinky flowers (╯_╰)

  唔...I can't see anything on the expression, but Silent Abosnake can still confirm it.

   "Huh?" What's wrong? Isn't it good to be able to go out and play? Smelly flowers?

   "Ha na~" Going out to play, of course it's fine, but don't you know what will happen in the suburbs recently?

   "Huh?" What happened? (((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ)))

   The extremely fast-running brain almost burned, but Abo Snake still failed to remember what was going to happen outside in his own mind.

   "Apart from eating and sleeping, I can't remember it. Now a wild Pokémon riot is happening outside, you say, can you go out and play now?"

   Musashi nodded Abai Snake's head with helpless expression.

   "Hah!" wow~⊙o⊙! (There is nothing wrong with this expression, face, body, tail, etc.)

   "You know you're afraid? Do you want to go out to play?"

   Musashi asked with a serious face.

   "Hah~" o((⊙﹏⊙))o. Still not working, my home is fine.

   "But you have to go if you don't go. Since you can't escape, then think about countermeasures. This task is likely to be issued by the female emperor, which means that Li Jia may also participate.

   Still not considering this, according to the worst, I am the only one. "

   "If I am the only one, I have Abo Snake now"

   "It's you, you don't need to run, it's useless to run, just stay."

   "There is anything else, dealing with two or three Pokémon below level 30 is basically no problem, five or more Pokémon is difficult, so the next thing to do is to avoid the wretched development."

   "There must be elite trainers stationed in the outskirts of Yuhong City, so it is the right choice to find them the first time and seek refuge with them."

   "As for whether they will refuse to accept, or accept me as a human being, let's not consider it first."

   "The first thing to consider is how they accept themselves and how they can show their abilities."

   "First of all, I have medical skills. I can heal human Pokémon. The smelly flowers can also be aromatic to relieve abnormal conditions. Moonlight can heal wounds. I can also recover through rooting and photosynthesis."

  ‘’Abosnake’s words..."


   Before Musashi had finished speaking, Abaishe, the horrified snake, screamed, fearing that the inconspicuous master would remember him.

   "Don't be nervous, listen honestly."


   "Your words are more of a vigilant role. They are secretly poisoning and do not need to fight head-on. They should also look down on your attack power."


   "If you don't accept it, then it's easy to handle, just leave, follow the first step, don't let the wretched development be a waste. If you don't accept it, then we can only ask for more blessings."

   Musashi has no good way to do this. If it doesn’t work, let’s die together. As the apprentice of Poison Master Yingu, how could he not have a self-defense poison in his hand...


   "Ha Na!"

  We will protect you, even if you fight for your life!

   "Okay, okay, if you say anything unlucky, give me a good life, let's cheer together."

   I have a warm heart. Although my body is not big enough and my arms are not wide enough, I still have more than enough arms to hold Abo snake and smelly flowers.

   "Next, consider Li Jia. If Li Jia is there, then the elite trainers will have only one choice to protect us. Or we will not seek their shelter and be our own."

   "With Li Jia, you can easily defeat ten wild Pokémon below level 30. No matter how many numbers there are, there is no problem to escape. Two stinky flowers fight (smoke) invincible hands all over the world!"

   Beautiful fantasy, laugh~~~

   I clarified my thoughts, and my anxious heart settled down.

   Isn’t life like this? When you are going smoothly, suddenly it creates some hardships for you, maybe this is one of the few joys of life~

   "Um... I don't want to study now, then rest early, Abosnake, Fan, don't play too late, rest early. By the way, if mom and dad come, say I'm going to sleep."

   After explaining, pick up the pajamas, wash and go to bed.

  . . . . . .

   "Master, is this decision..."

   The old Okuko butler knelt behind Audrey and stopped talking.

   "Is it sloppy? Do you think I sent Lijia sloppyly together, or did I decide to send out the top eight new trainers this time to fight against the wild Pokémon to guard Yuhong City sloppyly?"

   Audrey stared at the three gods and asked the old butler who had followed him for nearly thirty years.

   "The old slave dare not..." Okuko was frightened.

"I know you are worried about Li Jia, but the flower without the wind and rain can't support the rainbow flower clan emblem. You can't control Yuhong City, an ancient city full of careerists. UU Reading "

   The female emperor’s considerations are cold and realistic.

   "That Musashi..." Okuko still asked the doubt that had been in her heart.

   "She, look at her good fortune, you are familiar with her identity, Miyamoto."

   "My sister..."

   "Musashi should be her daughter. She has burgundy hair and a pretty face like a young Miyamoto. Her noble blood can't be born by an ordinary villager."

   Audrey’s ancient aristocratic thought would never place civilians on an equal status with himself.

   "Miyamoto-sama! Musashi turned out to be the blood of Miyamoto-sama. As the only known heir of Miyamoto-sama, this is your decision..."

  Okuko hesitated again and stopped.

   "If I survived, I would admit that she was the flesh and blood of my junior sister. If she died, we would cultivate one again. There is no shortage of such research alliances."

   At this moment, Audrey fully displayed the aristocratic indifference.

   Also only in front of Odley, Audrey will show her truest side.

   "Yes!" Okuko was about to get up and leave.

"and many more…"

   "Give this to her."

   Audrey finished speaking, and a green bead floated up and flew towards Okuko.


   Okuko glanced at the bead in his hand. This is the latest generation of nano-shield produced by Daishi Co., Ltd.

   It is detected that the wearer is in danger of life and shaving the head will spontaneously form a protective cover, which can resist the attack and damage below the quasi-king.

   bowed and exited the temple, Ouko's expression became much more relaxed, and the master was still influenced by Lord Miyamoto and learned to care about the people around him.