Musashi of the Elves

v3 Chapter 11: "Daughter of the Sea"

  Back from the Golden Ball Bridge, Musashi walked blindly on an unknown street in Hualan City, thinking about the movement.

   "Without the channels to obtain the legends of the characters and the poignant love stories, how should we proceed with the compilation of the "Chinese Blue Movement"?"

   Musashi, who was annoyed by the direction of the follow-up progress, suddenly heard several girls walking by. The topic they were talking about immediately disappeared, and there was a sense of surprise in another village.

   "Have you heard?" said one of the girls A.

   "What, what?" The curious girl B immediately took the conversation.

   "There is a water ballet performance at Hualan Road tonight."

   "Aquatic ballet performance?" Interest dropped by three points, but B continued to ask: "What is the theme of the performance?"

   At this time Girl C spoke: "If I remember correctly, the theme is "The Daughter of the Sea""

   "Daughter of the sea? Menus? I haven't heard the rumors of Menus in Hualan Road, but Menus is really beautiful."

   Girl B's eyes are about to show up with little stars.

   "No, "Daughter of the Sea" is an ancient legend adapted from our Hualan."

   Girl A continued to talk about science, but her speech was still halfway, waiting for Girl B to ask, but Girl C was a little bit uncomfortable with Girl A, and directly announced: "You know this legend is "Snail Picking Girl"."

   ""Snail Picking Girl"? Isn't this a tragedy? And the length is not long, can it be adapted into a water ballet?"

   Girl B still understands this old legend that has been spread in Hualan City since she was a child, and she stopped to look at her two good sisters in confusion.

   "I don't know if it looks good or not. After all, we have never seen it. But there is a saying that the classics handed down are often tragedies, so it is quite reasonable to adapt them to tragedies."

   Girl C explained.

   At this time, girl A is getting angry with girl C, so she didn't say a word. It is better not to ask girl C to come out in the future. Her existence makes herself very inexistent, and her vanity is not satisfied.

   Girl B got the answer, so she stopped thinking about this topic. She stepped forward and took the hands of two good friends, and she was about to leave.

   "Wait, please wait."

  The eavesdropping Musashi was waiting for them to introduce themselves to the detailed outline of "The Snail Collector", but they gave a name without saying a bit about the content, which made Musashi tolerate so much, and immediately called them aloud.

   "Huh? What do you stop us for? Are you?"

   "Oh, my name is Musashi. I am a person who is starting to travel through the Kanto area and collect folklore. I accidentally heard you say "Snail Picker". Is this a folklore spread in Hualan City?"

   "Yes, yes, my name is Saiye, her name is Ami, and her name is Rena." Girl B answered Musashi enthusiastically.

   "Hello, Saye, can I call you like that?"

   "Of course~"

   "Can you please tell me about the storyline of "Snail Picker"? This is very important to me."

   Musashi asked.

   "Actually I don't remember much, can Ami ask you to tell her?"


   Musashi clasped his fists on his chest, then used the star-eye attack to sprouting himself, reducing the hostility of others towards him.

   "This... well. "Snail Picker" mainly refers to a small fishing village, and this small fishing village may be the predecessor of our current Hualan City."

   Girl A, which is Ami, began to speak slowly for Musashi.

   "Snail Picking Girl"

   When Hualan City was just a small fishing village, there was a poor family, said to be a poor family. In fact, there was only one member of the family, and that was the protagonist of the whole story, the snail picker.

   My parents were both killed in a shipwreck several years ago. Everyone knows that in those days, when they were killed in Shanghai, they were basically sentenced to death, with ten deaths and no life.

   The snail picker also knew very well that her parents could not be back, but the feeling of missing made her soak the pillow every night and wake her from her sleep. But life still has to go on, picking snails and selling is her only way of making a living.

   But while selling marine goods, the snail picker met a rich man and returned home happily.

At night, the snail picker rarely wakes up in sorrow, but with a good dream, she sleeps until dawn. She wakes up early and does not go to catch the tide. Instead, she sits in front of the water basin and dresses up, exhausting all her savings. After buying a set of clothes that looks a little more decent, I'm going to meet the rich man who had a fate yesterday.

She feels that yesterday’s glance is an excellent opportunity to escape her current life. She is not waiting for her inner thoughts that her parents will return. She wants to get rid of the current hard and poor life. She wants to be happy and live a prosperous life. And the rich man can achieve all of what she wants.

   So the snail-picking girl who thought she was still a little beautiful went out to the streets after she was well-dressed, so she wanted to meet the rich man again. Everyone knows that she succeeded.

   not only met the son, but also married into a rich family.

But she also failed, because the happy and prosperous life she imagined did not appear, or the time of appearance was extremely short. After the rich man found out that the snail picker had no new feelings, the senses of the snail picker were good. To describe it in one word, it is to give up.

But after all, it was married into their concubine house. Although I was tired, it was a pity that I just took a break, so I left it as a subordinate. The drastic changes in life and the plummet of status made the snail picker a little panic. , She kept trying to please this former husband, but she was so quiet that she couldn't even see anyone, let alone to please. Everyone knows that the snail picker was originally a snail seller because of her beauty. Only when I was taken in by the son, anyone who was favored had to be polite to three points, but fell out of favor.

Such a situation made her miss when she was still in the fishing village, although she was hard but free, she tried to escape several times, but she was caught several times, and she was beaten back several times. After confessing her fate, she was depressed and unhappy for two years, and finally died. In the firewood room, no one cares.

As she died, the long-forgotten picture in the mind of the snail picker resurfaced in front of her It was a blue sea, golden beaches, the sea blue beating against the yellow sand and rolling up layers of white waves. The little girl in fine cotton clothes and a bun walked barefoot on the beach, leaning over to pick up something from time to time.

   Suddenly a shout came from the little girl's ear: "Xiaobei, Xiaobei~~"

Ok? Beckham? It seems that my name is Xiaobei, who is calling me? A familiar voice.

   The little girl raised her head to face the sun and looked into the distance. As far as she could see, two people appeared, standing side by side, a man and a woman.

   The man was shirtless to his upper body, his dark complexion muscles tied up, and his lower body was wearing a pair of linen shorts with traces of repair. The woman wears a hat, a watery blue coarse cloth, and the same patches are repeated, but the appearance of the two is not clear to the little girl, but it feels very familiar.

   "Dad...Mom...Dad! Mom!"

The little girl recognized these two people, it was her parents, and immediately rushed towards them happily. The decent and exquisite cotton-padded clothes on her body changed for a while. The coarse cloth and patched shorts instead of the cotton-padded clothes appeared on the little girl. The girl's bun also became a simple ponytail. When she was about to approach her parents, the little girl flew up and caught it with a pair of strong and powerful hands and let her sit on her arms.

   "Hee hee, father, mother. Beckham misses you so much~!"

Tears unconsciously appeared in the little girl’s eye sockets. Although the little girl didn’t know why she shed tears, her little hand was holding her vague but familiar face, her heart gradually settled down, as if she had nothing to fear anymore. Of it.

   The picture is frozen.