
Chapter 1

When I opened the door, I shouted "I'm back" habitually into the room. Although, as always, there is no response, but it does not matter, I am used to it. Yi Tian was not always there, and even if he was there, he never responded to me.

I pulled the suitcase into the room. I went to city A for a week on this business trip, and ran the factory with the manager every day. In the evening, I accompany those heads to drink, tossed back to the hotel in the middle of the night, spit upside down in the toilet, and did not know when it was time to sleep.

I haven't rested for a few days, and I'm exhausted now, I just want to take a shower and rush to bed to get a good night's sleep.

When I bent down to change my shoes, I found two pairs of shoes on the ground. When I walked into the living room, I immediately heard the sweet gasp from the bedroom, and I stayed where I was.

"Yi Tian ... Tap ... Ah ..." the voice became louder.

My mind was blank, and my heart seemed to have been pierced with hundreds of dense holes with a needle, and my body trembled with pain. I slowly leaned down on the sofa so that I wouldn't fall to the ground embarrassed.

In fact, human beings have an instinct to avoid pain. Just like now, every cell in the body is trembling and shouting to leave this place, but I clenched my fist and sat here again with pain.

Something is losing in my heart, I am fortunate that those inexplicable and resolute love that has never been shaken from the root has faded away from the bottom of my heart. At the same time, I can only watch my inner world collapse, helpless.

I don't know why I suddenly remembered a picture I saw on TV when I was a kid. The world in boys' eyes is black and white, but when he sees his beloved girl, he sees color. Starting from the figure of a girl, the colors are gradually rendered, the blue of the sky, the red of cherry blossoms, and the boys ’world becomes a little bit brighter and brighter. From then on I thought, someday, I would also wait for such a person to bring light and hope to my hopeless life.

But now, with all my imagination and disillusionment, I have discovered that after all these years, I have never waited for it, nor have I possessed it. I am still alone.

I shook my head and got back to the door to pick up luggage. Probably the pain is numb to the extreme, or the painful storage in the human body is actually limited. This time I finally consumed them completely without being tortured by them.

I pulled the box into the living room and there was no sound in the bedroom.

There was a "scratch" behind me, I turned my head and saw Yi Tian pushed the door and came out. He was wearing a pair of jeans with a bare top, sweaty on his forehead, and his lower lip froze coldly. He was followed by a very beautiful man who saw me saying nothing and left with a slight smile.

Yi Tian saw that there was no surprised look on my face, so he went straight to the dining table and poured a glass of water. I looked at him stupidly, trying to say what, but didn't know what to say.

After a while, I swallowed and whispered, "Yi Tian, ​​let's break up."

The opposite man put down his cup and raised an eyebrow at me, and spit out a sentence: "We have been together"

I reacted suddenly, shaking my head with a bitter smile. I'm really stupid to say this kind of thing. I and Yi Tian have said that together, but I blindly used all mean means to haunt him.

I went into the study, opened the locked cabinet under the desk, took out a document bag, opened the bag opening to confirm the photos and negatives, and then got up and went out.

It was these things, and I threatened him to stay with me for three years.

I walked in front of him, handed the bag over, and whispered, "Photos and negatives are inside."

Yi Tian didn't reach out to pick it up, but just ridiculed a laugh at the corner of his mouth and asked me, "What do you want to do?"

I looked at the expression of distrust on his face, and my heart was so empty.

Three years ago, I took medicine to have a relationship with him. I took pictures to threaten him with me. These photos are my only bargaining chip. If I lose them, I will not only lose him, but I may not even be able to save my life. I gave it to him so easily, it would be strange if he could accept it without doubt.

In fact, even if the background photos of Yi Tian were to flow out, no one would dare to send them out, but with his personality, no one would be allowed to see these photos. So I succeeded, and successfully kept him by my side. Even after being taken into the hospital, I was filled with excitement and happiness.

I thought everything would be fine. As long as I work hard, I'm good to him, best to him, better to him, he will be impressed and will accept me in love with me.

I was naive and foolish at that time, and I thought I had found the best way to be with Yi Tian.

I shoved the bag into his hand. "Yi Tian, ​​you believe me, no one can threaten you in the future."

He frowned as he looked at me as he opened the bag, and when he saw those unbearable photos his face changed immediately, as if he saw something extremely disgusting.

I was a bit tired, so tired that I couldn't open my eyes, and sat down on the sofa in the living room and wanted to rest for a while. Nancy Yitian suddenly pulled me up suddenly, holding my collar and looking at me fiercely: "What on earth do you want!"

I looked up at the ceiling. The zenith lamps were old and worn, and the walls were wrinkled and yellow, and they were like a master of exasperation. I heard my own voice for a while, "Yi Tian, ​​this is my home ..."

I have grown up to be the most extravagant, but I just want to have a home. When the orphanage was picked up and returned like a commodity, when the school was crowded and bullied, and burned in bed in the middle of the night, the only thought in my mind was: if I had a home .

Growing up finally has a home. Although the house was rented, although it was small and broken, although the only family did not love me. But it doesn't matter, I'm very satisfied.

I just didn't expect Yi Tian to hate me so far, to bring people here, to humiliate me to the extreme.

Since we were with him, he has hurt me in various ways and tempted me, and he delighted in seeing my bottom line. This time he finally hit me the deadliest place, and it made me so painful that I didn't have the strength to hold him tight.

Yi Tian looked at me coldly, then suddenly got up and went to the bedroom to grab his clothes and grab the paper bag without leaving.

After a gurgling noise, the room was restored to peace.

I blinked and suppressed my tears, and before going to sleep stupidly, I thought that it would be empty after three years of giving.