My Age of Investment

Chapter 1016: Science and Technology Dream

  Chapter 1016 Dream of a Science and Technology Powerful Country

  In mid-February, Xia Jingxing returned to China from Europe.

  He went home first, accompanied his parents and grandparents for two days, and then went straight to the capital of the business base in China.

  At this time, the New Year’s holiday has come to an all-round end, and all employees under the major industrial groups have returned to their posts and began to work intensely and busy.

  Xia Jingxing also put all his mind and body into work, checking and approving emails in the Capital Office of Vision Capital located on the 36th floor of China Merchants Building.


   Liu Xiaoduo knocked on the door and walked in, followed by two middle-aged people behind him.

As soon as he saw someone coming, Xia Jingxing got up and handed out his hands with a smile on his face: "Dr. Wang and Dr. Shen, on behalf of the Fuxing Industrial Holding Group, I welcome the two to join. With the joining of two talents, I think we can Sit back and relax."

  The news of Wang Jian and Shen Xiangyang’s resignation was officially released yesterday by Microsoft Research Asia. It has aroused widespread discussion in the industry, and everyone is curious about which technology giant they will join next.

  Wang Jian and Shen Xiangyang were very happy to see Xia Jingxing attaching such importance to themselves, and they shook hands with Xia Jingxing respectively, and they were polite.

  Xia Jingxing greeted the two of them to sit down on the reception sofa, and asked Liu Xiaoduo to make a pot of good tea, and then chatted with them.

   "Microsoft is not embarrassing you, right?"

Looking at Xia Jingxing with a look of concern, Shen Xiangyang smiled and shook his head, "This is not true. Microsoft is still very angry and didn't play those tricks. It's just that Mr. Gates wanted to invite me back to the United States to meet. I refused."

Xia Jingxing smiled, he was not surprised by this. Shen Xiangyang is a great expert in the field of artificial intelligence, and he is very prestigious in the industry. This kind of talent is about to quit. If he is Gates, he will probably also come forward to retain him. .

   "Mr. Gates asked me where to go next stop. I didn't hide it from him, and told him that I was going to join the Fuxing Industry Holding Group."

  Looking at Xia Jingxing’s slightly surprised eyes, Shen Xiangyang explained: “But please don’t worry, Mr. Xia, I haven’t revealed our R&D plan at all. Mr. Gates thought I was going to make a mobile phone.”

  Xia Jingxing smiled slightly and shook his head: "I'm not worried about this! It's okay, Mr. Gates and I have a relationship. I will solve any problems in the future. You only need to lead the team to do research and development work."

  Wang Jian couldn’t wait to ask: “Mr. Xia, when can we start?”

  Xia Jingxing was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "You just left your job, don't you need to rest for a month or two?"

  Wang Jian waved his hand, “No, we have been taking a break from the handover of work in the past few months. If we start the job one day earlier, we can get the scientific research results one day earlier.”

  Xia Jingxing nodded solemnly. He was infected by the professionalism of Wang Jian, but he still did not speak, turned his head and glanced at Shen Xiangyang, wanting to ask the other party's opinion.

  Shen Xiangyang’s enthusiasm is not much more than that of Wang Jian. He smiled and said: "Mr. Xia, if there is no problem, let’s join the job tomorrow! The year is over, it’s time for some activities."

  While speaking, Shen Xiangyang straightened up and started a chest expansion exercise.

  Xia Jingxing smiled. He thought it was interesting to deal with this kind of technology giants.

  "Well, since both of you are ready, we should start sooner rather than later, and start working tomorrow!"

  Shen Xiangyang and Wang Jian looked at each other and laughed. Both of them hoped to produce a technological achievement that shocked the industry as soon as possible, and this feat was accomplished by a Chinese company.

  In China, there are not many entrepreneurs who have the strength to support them to complete their scientific research dreams, and they can count them with one hand. Xia Jingxing is undoubtedly the most powerful and the most active in technology research and development.

   "Mr. Xia, we joined the Fuxing Industry this time. We didn't take away many people, maybe thirty or forty people, but you can rest assured that everyone is a technical backbone."

  Shen Xiangyang smiled a little ashamed, because Xia Jingxing commissioned him to dig as many people as possible from Microsoft Research Asia, but only brought so few people.

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand generously, “It’s okay. I have already commissioned a headhunter to dig people from Google China Research Institute and Silicon Valley. As long as they are willing to spend money, people are not a problem.”

  Shen Xiangyang smiled, "Then I can rest assured."

  Xia Jingxing kept a smile on his face. In fact, he knew very well that if Shen Xiangyang was willing to use his strength, the more than 1,000 engineers of Microsoft Research Asia would not say half of it, but it would be no problem to get two or three hundred people over.

  However, the other party abides by professional ethics and does not want to be too stiff with Microsoft. Xia Jingxing can also understand and support, because how can he catch a sheep hard, after all, he and Gates are still good friends.

  This time I first dig Google China, and then I will dig one or two hundred people from Microsoft Research Asia every year. If you learn sustainable development, you will not bald your sheep, and new wool will grow quickly.

   "So Mr. Xia, the R&D funds for the two companies, Revival Cloud Computing and Revival Artificial Intelligence...are they in place?"

  Wang Jian’s tone was a bit hesitant. He actually felt that he was a bit too direct to ask, but it was habitual.

  Seeing Xia Jingxing staring at him, Wang Jiansheng smiled, “Mr. Xia, I’m speaking straight, don’t be surprised!”

  Xia Jingxing smiled, and said indifferently: "How come you are the commander, now you are the commanders, and you should take care of the logistics.

  Don’t worry, everything is ready, you guys wait. "

  As soon as the voice fell, Xia Jingxing got up and picked up the landline in the office and dialed a call.

  After a while, Fu Jixun opened the door and walked in. After saying hello to the three of Xia Jingxing, he found a place to sit down.

  He pulled out a paper from the folder he carried with him, and handed it to Xia Jingxing, “Mr. Xia, this is the US$1 billion that Vision Capital America remitted to Bank of China Hong Kong only a few days ago.”

  Xia Jingxing took a glance and handed the copied receipt to Wang Jian and Shen Xiangyang.

  Wang Jian hurriedly caught it with both hands and glanced at it. The first reaction was that there were many zeros, and his eyes were all blurred.

   "Mr. Xia, with the $1 billion, I can rest assured that there should be no company in China that is more willing to invest in scientific research than our Renaissance Industry."

  Not embarrassed to read more, Wang Jian and Shen Xiangyang glanced at the numbers and handed the bill to Fu Jixun, who was aside.

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "Huawei is also quite willing to smash scientific research! It will definitely do something in the future.

  The US$1 billion is only the first phase of research and development funding for cloud computing and artificial intelligence. Your two projects will each be US$500 million. Additional investment will be made in the future depending on the progress of the research and development.

  After the two projects are developed, they still need to be commercialized, which is another big expense.

  But don’t worry, Renaissance Industry Group will continue to invest, with an investment of at least US$1 billion per year for 10 consecutive years. "

  Xia Jingxing did not dare to report too much, for fear of frightening the two of them.

  In spite of this, Wang Jian and Shen Xiangyang are still a little dumbfounded. They are not people who have never seen money. They deal with at least 100 million yuan in scientific research funds each year.

  The one in front of you is better, and it is directly in the unit of tens of billions.

  Wang Jian swallowed, "Mr. much investment will not cause you any financial pressure, right?"

  Shen Xiangyang recalled the "Vision Capital America" ​​that he had just heard, and immediately realized it.

"Fortunately, the pressure is not too great. As long as 10 billion U.S. dollars can be transformed into world-class technology, it is worth it. After all, we are taking the route of technology, industry and trade. We first smash the core technology and then commercialize the technology. "

  Xia Jingxing said lightly: “Cloud computing and artificial intelligence are both cutting-edge technologies. You can only become an assembly plant when you enter the market when the technology is mature.”

  Wang Jian and Shen Xiangyang both laughed. The grudge between Xia Jingxing and his conscience is no secret, and people all over the country know it.

  From their point of view, they definitely support Xia Jingxing. If a scientist hasn’t had the dream of making the country strong through science and technology, the conscience company can only sit there with Lenovo.

  (End of this chapter)