My Age of Investment

Chapter 1075: Dajiang Wizard

  Chapter 1075 Dajiang Wizard

  Ending the display of the Facebook mobile application, Xia Jingxing showed the YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, Facebook map, Android mailbox, Android browser and other applications in turn, and finally ended with a gravity sensing game launched by Xingjia.

   "Okay, because the conference time is limited, so I won't show more mobile apps, and leave it to users to discover by themselves! Exploration is also an interesting process!"

  "The Android App Store currently has more than 500 mobile apps, covering news, entertainment, social networking, sports, tourism and many other fields."

   "Moreover, all mobile apps in the store are free to download for Fuxing mobile phone users! Note that they are free to download!"

  Hearing this, the audience immediately burst into enthusiastic applause. Although Americans are more aware of paying, but there are opportunities for free prostitution, who would dislike it?

  “Next, Fuxing Mobile will cooperate more deeply with Android, recruiting mobile application developers from all over the world, and providing users with more and richer mobile applications."

   "That is to say, there will be more different software such as game software, entertainment software, etc., which will be available in the Android application store. Users only need a mobile phone to meet or even exceed the software experience of a PC."

"As for the mobile phone sales issue that everyone is most concerned about, I am here to give a clear answer. From now on, mobile phone pre-sales will be opened at Fuxing Mall International Station and China Station. One month later, on July 1, it will officially be in China and It is on the market in 20 countries and regions including the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom."

  "In the United States, we have reached a contract with Friesen. The user has signed a two-year online contract with Friesen Telecom. That is, 8GB and 16GB models can be obtained for US$199 and US$299."


  In the applause and farewell, Xia Jing walked down the stage and ended the morning conference.

  After lunch, a large number of users began to return to the venue.

In the small lounge behind the curtain, Wang Tao held a white multi-rotor drone in a daze, while Xia Jingxing and Li Zexiang sat together to discuss DJI’s first consumer-grade drone product-DJI Phantom 1 .

  "After two years of painstaking research and development, DJI finally came up with an official product and got such a good opportunity to make an appearance."

  Speaking of this, Li Zexiang stroked the four rotors of the drone in Wang Tao's hand. His eyes were like seeing the child finally grown up. There was joy, relief, and worry.

  A moment later, he raised his head and said to Xia Jingxing: “Mr. Xia, your technical judgment is very correct. Multi-rotor does have advantages over fixed wing, and it is more suitable for building this kind of integrated aerial vehicle.”

  Xia Jingxing smiled, "I just moved my lips, and I have been working hard for you and Wang Tao in the past two years.

  Flight propulsion system, flight control system, radio remote control system...These technical difficulties are all overcome by the two of you and your team. "

  Li Zexiang smiled and said: “Where, if there is no capital and talent support provided by the group, how could we produce products so quickly.

  Just talk about recruiting employees, right? When people hear that we are a member company of the Fuxing Industry Holding Group, they don't hesitate to sign the employment contract without saying anything.

The success of the   Renaissance mobile phone has really made us brothers and companies follow a lot of light. "

  Xia Jingxing had a faint smile on his face. Even if he was more real, Li Zexiang's words were not much exaggerated.

The success of   Renaissance mobile phone has indeed indirectly driven the growth of other subsidiaries and benefited everyone.

As one of the few technology brands that have successfully entered overseas markets, the four words "Renaissance Industry" are very appealing among domestic technology practitioners and top university students. In addition, the salary package is also the domestic ceiling level. Therefore, In the past two years, a large number of talents have joined the major subsidiaries of Fuxing Industrial Group.

  DJI naturally also benefited.

  Although DJI is not well-known in the industry and has not produced any official products, it is enough to take a glimpse at the sign of Fuxing Industry.

  This kind of soft power can enjoy certain benefits in many fields such as recruiting employees, foreign cooperation, and even policy support.

  So, the development of DJI in this life is much faster than in the previous life.

Wang Tao from his previous life is still **** the screws. Because the company can’t make money, and the founder’s lack of sleekness in his work, many people betrayed their relatives, and some employees even stole the product design drawings and sold it... …

After several years of development, DJI gradually got on the right track and won the first large-amount venture capital outside of Li Zexiang, and then launched the first official all-in-one aerial camera.

  In this life, due to Xia Jingxing's insistence on multi-rotor aerial photography integrated drones, DJI has been able to avoid a lot of detours in research and development, and has been working hard in one direction for two years, and the research and development efficiency has been much higher.

  In addition, Fuxing Industry Group also provided R&D funds of 100 million yuan. DJI does not need to sell flight control systems and help people build machines to support itself. Technicians can engage in R&D without distraction.

  Fuxing Industry Group also dispatched many senior employees in the fields of manpower, finance, and legal affairs to join DJI to assist Li Zexiang in all logistical support work. There is no ground for employees to steal design drawings.

  In this life, DJI, with one heart and one mind, worked hard, so it came out with mature products several years earlier than in the previous life.

  Xia Jingxing looked at Wang Tao, who was silent, and asked: "What's the matter? I regret it again and want to demonstrate the product on stage?"

  Li Zexiang smiled bitterly. He is a good researcher, but sometimes his brain can't turn around, and he is also very awkward.

  Xia Jingxing originally wanted to give Wang Tao the opportunity to show DJI’s first drone.

  But this student doesn’t know if it’s stage fright, or which is wrong, he is reluctant to live and die, so he gave up!

  What a great opportunity to show up?

  In front of thousands of foreigners, introduce the black technology from China.

  Once the news was sent back to China, it would be strange that the media were uneasy about the titles of "technical geniuses", "young entrepreneurs on the international stage", and "star entrepreneurs".

  Don’t say how much profit can get, at least it is famous, and it is famous.

  The opportunity to become famous, this student doesn't want it, so I just answer "boring" when asked, which can kill the popularity.

  Wang Taochao Xia Jingxing shook his head slightly, and said seriously: "I have no regrets, I am thinking how many units of DJI Elf 1 can be sold?"

  Xia Jingxing smiled, "Being able to ask this sentence shows that you are mature and know to consider commercial issues.

  Don’t worry, foreigners have money, and sales will definitely exceed your imagination. Maybe the funds needed for the next product development will be enough for you. "

  Hearing this, Wang Tao finally smiled.

  Just as he was about to say something, Liu Xiaoduo knocked on the door and walked in to remind Xia Jingxing that it was time to make his debut.

  A group of people walked out of the lounge.

  Xia Jingxing took the remote control and walked at the forefront, while Wang Tao followed the drone with the drone.

  When Xia Jing walked on the stage, Wang Tao stood in the corridor near the stage and waited, and gently placed the drone on the ground.

   "Hi, good afternoon, see you again."

  Xia Jingxing walked in the middle of the stage glamorously, looking at the crowded stage, she was very satisfied, it seems that not many people left, which shows that everyone is looking forward to this afternoon conference and no one wants to miss it.

   "In the past, people have always asked me: Dai Lun, does Fuxing Industrial Group only make mobile phones?

  I replied, no, we are a large industrial technology group, a large company like Stark Industries. "

  The audience laughed, and when it was time for the commercials, what did they commit to come to this conference? The commercials will always catch you off guard.

   "But we don't sell arms. We like to make gadgets that change human lives."

  "Renaissance mobile phone redefines mobile phones, and our new product also intends to redefine an industry..."

Following Xia Jingxing’s introduction, the screen wall behind him lit up and began to play a video: a goshawk flapping its wings soaring in the sky, sweeping across the vast expanse of land, the camera zoomed in, through the reflection of the eagle’s eye, people can be clear To see all kinds of sights on the ground.

  "Flying, shooting, traveling, what would the combination of these things look like? An eagle?"

   Seeing this and hearing this, the audience has faintly guessed, but it is not very sure.

  Following the introduction of Xia Jingxing, a new video began to play: a pure white, weird-shaped aircraft slowly rose vertically to the sky, then hovered in the air, and then flew over the Great Wall, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, and the snow-capped mountains...

  The lens zoomed in, and a camera appeared in the belly of the machine.

  Next, the lens flashed, and frames of exquisite scenery were displayed on the projection screen.

  The audiences in the audience showed their suddenly realized expressions. It is really an eagle, and it is a civil miniature version of the Global Eagle...!

  At this time, Xia Jingxing took out the remote control from his pocket and operated it a few times.

  The drone docked at Wang Tao's feet slowly lifted into the air, then flew to the stage under the exclamation of the stage, and finally hovered in front of Xia Jingxing.

  Seeing this scene, the audience in the audience opened their mouths, as if they had seen something incredible.

  The reporters took out their cameras, pointed them at the stage, and captured the scene of the drone hovering in front of Xia Jingxing. They thought this picture could be used as the news page for tomorrow.

  The drone hovered for a while, allowing the audience to take a closer look, and after the reporter had finished taking photos, Xia Jingxing carefully operated the plane to fly around the stage.

  Although flying to the audience is more enjoyable and more effective, but he dare not, if something goes wrong, the trouble will be big.

  Everyone at the meeting held their breath and watched Xia Jingxing playing with the drone.

  Left to right, up and down, hover...

  The flexibility it shows is far from all the small civilian drones on the supermarket.

  Moreover, the drone is very miniaturized and seems to be easy to carry.

   By the way, it seems that aerial photography is still possible?

  Thinking of this, the audience especially want to urge Xia Jingxing to show off the new features quickly, don’t be too slow.

   can be separated by a stage distance, and they can only wait quietly for the end of the flight show.

  Played for a while, Xia Jingxing operated the plane and landed slowly on the stage, then walked over and picked it up with his hands.

   "It's very light, you can lift it up with one hand!"

  "Everyone should be very curious about its name now. We named it DJIPhantom1/DJI Phantom 1."

  Following the introduction of Xia Jingxing, the exquisite exterior picture of DJI Phantom 1 appeared on the screen on the stage, and the bilingual name in Chinese and English was also printed.


  The audience repeatedly chanted the word, and then thunderous applause rang out. Judging from the function it showed, it was worthy of the name.

  (End of this chapter)