My Age of Investment

Chapter 1128: real story

   Chapter 1128 The real thing

   "How to solve the problem of Weibo's partiality?"

  When the meeting was over, Shen Xinyi returned to the office on the floor where Weibo was located, and immediately led Gao Lili to discuss countermeasures.

Looking at Shen Xinyi, whose eyebrows were filled with worry and anxiety, Gao Lili took off a piece of chewing gum in a hurry, threw it into her mouth, and said while chewing, "Didn't your man say it? Development, let the people from all walks of life to settle on the Weibo platform, give pointers to the country, and stimulate the text.

  His analysis can be said to hit the nail on the head. The biggest problem with Weibo now is that there are too few influencers and opinion leaders, and they do not have the ability to continuously output high-quality content.

  Only by continuously outputting the content that users are interested in, the registered users of Weibo can roll more and more like a snowball, and at the same time, the activity will not decline, and may continue to rise steadily.

   We can just follow the line of thought he said, many things can’t be rushed. "

Gao Lili walked over and patted Shen Xinyi's shoulder, then sat down on the desk and joked: "I know you want to help him, to be a good helper, but everything is about a process, haste Not reach."

Being distracted by a good girlfriend, Shen Xinyi neither admitted nor denied it, with a delicate and fair face showing a smile, "The Internet industry is a man's world, and the two of us are entrusted with important responsibilities as women, and we cannot be underestimated by others. Now, we have to fight for our female compatriots."

   Gao Lili spread her hands and said, "Then you can talk to the woman. I'm a man, so I'll leave first."

   Having said that, Goryeo left without any hesitation.

   When she walked to the door, she suddenly turned her head and said comfortingly: "Don't think too much, the road that takes a year to complete, you want to complete it in a month, is it possible?

  Although the world's martial arts, only fast is not broken, but there is also a saying that busyness creates chaos.

  Keep a normal heart, don't put too much pressure on yourself, I feel bad! bye! "

   After blowing a kiss, Goryeo laughed and walked away.

  Shen's heart is complicated. Although she knows that Gao Lili cares about her and is good for her, and what the other party said is reasonable, haste is not enough, but she wants to try.

  Although there is no strong competitor yet, it should not be taken lightly.

   If Weibo can launch a series of offensives, even if competitors enter the market, they can only follow and eat dust.

   She sat on the chair, her eyes brooding, where is the point of breaking the game?

   In just 16 days of the Olympic Games, she made a grassroots Internet celebrity like 639 popular.

   Everyone admires her, but she knows it's not enough.

   Or, come out with a sister Furong?

   She quickly dispelled this idea, judging ugliness and making hype without a bottom line is really inconsistent with her values.

   She really wanted to see Weibo develop as soon as possible, and she became Xia Jingxing's right-hand man, but she didn't want this kind of success to be based on the transmission of negative social energy.

   Moreover, as soon as Weibo went online, it joined hands with more than 600 Olympic athletes and dozens of Olympic champions, calling on tens of millions of netizens to cheer for the Olympics, conveying the spirit of winning glory for the country and self-improvement.

   Immediately after the Olympic Games ended, he immediately promoted an ugly internet celebrity to the top, which really lowered the style of the platform, and it might have the opposite effect.

   Her brain hurts a little bit. After knocking on her head, she decides not to think about it for the time being. She goes to the Internet to find answers and see what hot topics have been discussed recently.

   Then, she turned on the computer and started browsing Weibo, major news websites, and forums.

   "Niu Fei retires, sorry for the 1.3 billion people!"

   Seeing this news, Shen Xinyi frowned. Now the whole country is shouting and killing Niu Fei, feeling that he has lived up to the ardent hopes of the people of the whole country, that he is a deserter and a coward, and the Internet is full of abuse and accusations.

   She actually quite understands the deep love and responsibility of everyone.

   After all, track and field has always been the weak point of the yellow race and the Chinese. The birth of Niu Fei gave everyone hope. They all hoped that he could win the championship at home and let foreigners see: Chinese people can run too.

   As a result, he retired from the competition due to injury, and various conspiracy voices appeared on the Internet: It is obvious that there is an injury, so don’t say it sooner, you have to go on stage to show off, and you are in cahoots with relevant interest groups, playing everyone like monkeys;

   Knowing that he can’t beat the shredded carrots, he deliberately didn’t run, so as not to lose and affect the advertising sponsorship.

   The reasons are complicated, and Shen Xinyi doesn't know whether Niu Fei can't help himself, or whether he has a big problem.

   But wait until the heart is calm and look at it later, the other party's previous achievements are also worthy of recognition.

   Shall Weibo fan the flames and rectify Niu Fei's name? Set off an online scolding war?

   Shen Xinyi thought about it, and felt that the risk was not small, and it might even destroy Niu Fei, so she should give up.

   She continued to watch the news, analyzing and eliminating one by one.

  Suddenly, she saw a post on Tianya Forum titled "Can this milk powder be given to children?"

She quickly browsed through the post, to the effect that the netizen who posted the post bought Liuyang milk powder for her daughter in a supermarket in the county town of Zhejiang Province last year, and later found that the milk powder caused her daughter to urinate abnormally. As a result, the netizen had no choice but to post online for help and rights protection.

   This news is very common, Shen Xinyi read it once and planned to skip it.

   But she suddenly noticed a lot of threads below.

   "It's Liuyang's milk powder again! My child ate this brand of milk powder and also felt sick."

   "I am very sympathetic to the landlord's experience, and bless the child's safety! Liuyang Milk Powder was investigated four years ago, and there was a lot of commotion at that time, saying that a group of big-headed dolls appeared in Yingzhou, Hui Province...

   The result ended with the staff of Yingzhou CDC publicly admitting the false report, publicly apologizing to Liuyang Group, and blacklisting Liuyang milk powder from substandard milk powder and inferior milk powder!

   The thing is very funny. If you are interested, you can search for this news. There should be some traces left on the Internet. "

   "Has the child's urine changed color or have particles in the urine after eating milk powder? What is your contact information? I want to join your rights protection team!"


   Looking at the dense information in the thread, Shen Xinyi's brows furrowed, and she intuitively told her that this might not be an accidental phenomenon, there is a big problem with Liuyang milk powder!

  Thinking of this, she immediately quit the Tianya Forum and began to search the Internet for negative news about Liuyang Milk Powder.

   To her surprise, there was very little negative information in the search engine.

   She had an idea and switched to Google and Sogou to search.

   Under this search, completely different search results appeared.

   She began to read relevant news carefully, word by word, while holding a notebook in her hand.

   By noon, her notebook had already recorded several pages of information in the format of timeline, region, and names of infants and young children, which was heart-wrenching!

   "Bang bang bang ~"

   Gaolili knocked on the door and walked into the office, carrying a few lunch boxes in her hand, and said with a look of joy: "Quick, let's open a small stove today, and Mr. Xia specially ordered the cafeteria to provide the lady's set meal, and I also dipped in it!"

   Looking at Shen Xinyi without raising her head and looking at the computer intently, Gao Lili walked over with a smile, "What are you doing? Eat it while it's hot, it'll be cold later!"

After    approached the desk, Gao Lili got close to Shen Xinyi and went to see the computer together.

   "Hey~, what kind of headshot is this? Why does it look a little scary?"

   Shen Xinyi turned her head and said in a heavy and serious tone, "This is a real thing! A real thing that happened in our country!"

   (end of this chapter)