My Age of Investment

Chapter 1138: fox out of the hole

   Chapter 1138 The fox comes out of the hole

   "Everyone, this press conference is held today for two main purposes."

  Although Li Huangtai has a kind-hearted face and a gentle tone of voice, the old man has been in Hong Kong Island for decades, and the reporter who was in a mess just now immediately calmed down.

Li Huangtai, who was sitting on the stage, faced the reporter and pointed out a forefinger, "First, I want to clarify one thing, to clarify on the Facebook platform for me personally and for the Li family, Huanghe Industry, Li Kee Huangpu, Li Kee Telecom International and other companies slander.

  I am a law-abiding citizen of Hong Kong Island, and a businessman who runs a business in a down-to-earth manner.

   Over fifty years ago, when I was young like all of you, I started my first factory with $7,000 in savings from my job…”

   Listening to Li Huangtai's personal narrative of his fortune and his magnificent business epic, the reporters could not help but show some admiration.

   Regardless of whether the $7,000 was given by his wife, or as Li Huangtai said, it was his own savings from work. It is an indisputable fact that the old man has been in the shopping mall for more than 50 years, and his business has grown like a snowball.

  Industrious, frugal, serious, and passionate about charity... This is the first impression of Li Huangtai's personal business biography and countless news and stories on countless Chinese.

  Li Huangtai said with a smile: "Some people accuse me of not developing land, but people in the industry should know that we have never stopped the development of real estate projects, but building a house is not a building block, and the quality of the project must come first.

  Some people say that I have nothing to lose, but I still donate to the university in my hometown.

  Someone accuses me of being a traitor, which is even more funny. As long as I do business with foreigners, is it a traitor? hahaha~

People on Hong Kong Island should all know that the return agreement had just been signed at that time, a large number of foreign companies had withdrawn from Hong Kong Island, and Chinese capital had launched a large-scale acquisition. Do so.

   We are optimistic about the future of Hong Kong Island and love the city where we grew up. Is it wrong? "

  The applause from the audience immediately resounded, and then the applause came together.

   Then, Li Huangtai refuted all the accusations made by the Facebook article against him, his family, and the company one by one.

   For every accusation, he can always find a very reasonable explanation to answer.

Li Huangtai continued: "I have been in business for more than 50 years. Regarding my person, Lai's family style, and the company's governance and operation, there are corresponding comments in the Chinese circles in Hong Kong Island, Bay Bay, Mainland China, and Southeast Asia. Not much to elaborate here.

  The clear is self-cleaning, and the turbid is self-turbid.

   Next, I want to say the second thing.

   Since two days ago, Huanghe Industrial, Lai Kee Whampoa, and Lai Kee Telecom International have encountered large-scale malicious shorting.

  Some people with ulterior motives try to achieve their ulterior motives by coercing public opinion and taking the opportunity to short listed companies.

   In just two days, the market value of the three listed companies has evaporated by hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars, which is the proof! "

   The reporters under the stage nodded, expressing their agreement with Li Huangtai's statement.

   Up to now, people with a little discernment have already seen that the short position is Xiangzhuang dancing swords, aiming at Peigong, and the main purpose is to short listed companies.

  Li Huangtai smiled and said: "In the past two days, many shareholders who hold the stocks of the three listed companies have suffered significant economic losses.

  I am here to give them and the public an answer: the three listed companies are in good condition, so there is no need to panic.

   Take Yellow River Industrial as an example. We pre-sold 2,100 residential units in the Tseung Kwan O project in March and recorded a revenue of HK$10 billion;

   Pre-sold 420 residential units in Mid-Levels One project in May, recording a revenue of HK$11 billion;

   It is estimated that for the whole year of this year, the property sales revenue of Yellow River Industry will reach HK$25 billion, nearly double the revenue of HK$13.4 billion last year, ranking first among all real estate developers on Hong Kong Island.

   In addition, according to data from relevant departments, in the next two years, the completion of private residential buildings on Hong Kong Island will be 11,000 and 12,700 units respectively.

   In the next two years, Huanghe Industrial will build and complete more than 10,000 residential units, and the expected income is very considerable…”

  The reporters nodded repeatedly. After all, they were the king of real estate. When the property lit up, they were immediately blinded.

   What is the specific concept, you can understand it by looking at the data.

   Hong Kong Island will supply more than 20,000 new houses to the market in the next two years, and Huanghe Industry will occupy 10,000 of them. It is said that the Lai family is "a half-city family business", which is not mixed with water at all.

   Then, Li Huangtai introduced the current year's performance of Lai Kee Whampoa and Lai Kee International Telecom and the expected performance in the next two or three years, all of which have good prospects.

   Looking at the bright-eyed reporters under the stage, Li Huangtai smiled slightly.

   Even if the market value drops by 100 to 100 billion, so what? The fundamentals of his own company are there, and his net assets are about to catch up with the market value. Why should he be afraid?

Li Huangtai unscrewed his company's Quchen's mineral water on the table, took a sip, moistened his dry throat, and then said slowly: "In order to boost market confidence , I and the management of the three companies have decided to increase our holdings of no less than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars in the three companies within the next month!"

   There was an uproar from the reporters under the stage, when did Li Huangtai become so generous!

   The dividends of listed companies are quite a lot every year, but Li Huangtai has not seen much increase in his holdings of stocks.

   I have to say that I have increased my holdings. There are also some. Li Huangtai has increased his holdings several times this year, and each time he has increased his holdings by hundreds of thousands of shares and tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

   It's purely a pretense!

  Because of the weak increase in holdings, taking two days ago as the dividing line, the stock prices of the three listed companies have fallen a lot from the beginning of the year, with a drop of about ten percent.

   However, the decline in the last two days is indeed a bit large, catching up with the cumulative decline in the previous half a year.

   At the same time, it can be seen that Li Huangtai is really in a hurry, otherwise he will not throw out the ten billion holding increase plan.

   Just when the reporters in the audience were whispering, Li Huangtai spoke again.

   "The announcement of the increase in holdings was submitted to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange yesterday, and the increase in holdings will officially begin today."

   Speaking, Li Huangtai suddenly pointed out five fingers, "Today's holdings increased by 5 billion Hong Kong dollars!"


   In the office area on the 49th floor of the IFC Phase II Building, Xia Jingxing was also looking up to watch the live news on TV.

   Li Huangtai's speech, he listened to all the words without saying a word, with a smile on his face, this old fox finally came out of the hole!

   "How? Is this old man sinister enough?"

   Facing Xia Jingxing's playful gaze, Ye Shuhui nodded lightly, and had to admit that the boss's judgment was much more accurate than her own.

  I thought that Li Huangtai might not be so "generous", but the other party's shot was 10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

   "He deliberately delayed the shot until today, the purpose is to complete the increase in stock holdings at a low price, and at the same time put his short positions into his encirclement step by step."

   Ye Shuhui sighed, "As expected of Li Huangtai, he is scheming!"

  Xia Jingxing sneered, "He's a foot taller, I'm still a foot taller! Isn't he going to increase his holdings? I want to see if he can handle it!"

   Hearing this, Ye Shuhui and Xia Jingxing looked at each other and asked, "Let's start selling now? Don't wait another day?"

  Xia Jingxing shook his head lightly, he understood Ye Shuhui's intention, she had the same idea as Li Huangtai, and wanted to wait for the stock price to rise, and then drop it at a high level, so that the profit margin of short selling would be greater.

   But Xia Jingxing didn't have time to play this hide-and-seek game with Li Huangtai at this moment.

   Isn't Li Huangtai going to increase his holdings?

   If you slap this old guy on the face with a backhand, I don’t know how he will react.

  Either hurry up and admit it, or show some courage to play a bigger game.

   The mere 10 billion is far from enough to satisfy his appetite.

   (end of this chapter)