My Age of Investment

Chapter 1188: Development Stall and Strategic Turn

   Chapter 1188 Development Stall and Strategic Turn

   "This is the growth rate of registered users of from January to October this year. Since August, our user growth rate has slowed down like a car that is driving at high speed being slammed on the brakes.

   As of last month, the growth rate has been declining for three consecutive months. "

  Zhang Yong, as the CEO of the domestic holding group, is currently presiding over the executive meeting.

  Xia Jingxing, the chairman of the board, who often misses meetings, attended the meeting for a rare time. At this moment, he was looking at the several statistical graphs projected on the wall with a serious face.

   One of the most striking is the growth rate graph, an originally steep line halfway through, suddenly became smoother, and after reaching the top of the peak, it gradually went downhill.

   Among them, the horizontal axis corresponding to the top of the mountain is August, and the corresponding vertical axis is the monthly growth rate of registered users of 1.67%.

Zhang Yong sat sideways, pointing a laser pointer to the charts and data on the wall, and turning his head back to glance at everyone from time to time, he said, "Through these pictures, you can clearly see that August is one of our turning point.

  The domestic network before August was brave and diligent, with a monthly user growth of more than five or six million, and last year's user growth was maintained at an average of more than 10 million per month.

   But in August this year, our registered users only increased by 4 million, and in September this number fell to 3.2 million, and in October the least, only 2.6 million were added.

   This is not a good phenomenon, it means that the development of the domestic network has entered a bottleneck period. "

  MOMO Voice CEO and Group Vice President Lai Binqiang nodded in agreement: "From high-speed development to low-speed development, the domestic network added hundreds of millions of users last year, and this year, it may only add 50 to 60 million users.

   Specifically in the second half of the year, this number is even less, and it is estimated to be less than 20 million. "

   "I think this is a very normal phenomenon, it does not mean that the domestic network is going downhill, but that the platform is maturing. .

  The total number of registered users of has now reached 250 million, which is a very large number.

   After deduplication, there are at least 150 million real users.

  According to CNNIC statistics from the China Internet Network Information Center, on June 30 this year, the total number of netizens in my country reached 253 million, surpassing the United States and ranking first in the world for the first time.

   Now, it may have approached or exceeded 300 million netizens.

   This means that the domestic network covers at least half of all netizens in China.

   On this basis, it is difficult to maintain the previous rapid growth.

No matter how fast    is, our user growth rate cannot be faster than the growth rate of netizens. "

   Tang Yang, vice president of Haifutong, is very talkative, and he immediately found the main reason for the stalled development of

   The others did not speak, and silently turned their attention to the boss who was sitting in the first place with the old **** present.

   Aware of everyone's caution and prudence, Xia Jingxing smiled and said with relief: "Tang Yang is right, now the development of the domestic network has reached a peak, breaking through 300 million users, it may have to wait until next year or even the year after.

   In this regard, there is no need to hide, we must discuss the issue with a pragmatic attitude. "

   Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing looked at Zhang Yong, "The Chinese market is so big, if does not enter overseas markets, its development will basically come to an end.

  The rest is to tinker, seize the time to cash in, and contribute part of the revenue and profits to the group. "

   Zhang Yong nodded slightly, Xia Jingxing had an in-depth exchange with him about the positioning of the domestic network as early as a year or two ago.

  There are penguins in the front, it is impossible to make a Chinese version of Facebook.

   Today’s domestic network is just equivalent to a low-profile version of Facebook, with less prospects and expectations.

   In addition, the contribution revenue and profit of are secondary. The real main task is to hatch other businesses one by one like an old hen laying eggs.

  Online games, Weibo, MOMO voice, Haifutong... These businesses are all branches that grow along the social backbone of

   Now that the development of the domestic network has encountered a bottleneck, continuing to be the backbone of social networking may limit the growth of the entire group.

   As for how to replace the trunk, he and Xia Jingxing had a comprehensive consideration and plan.

  Xia Jingxing said slowly: "Old Zhang, please report and show the active users of the domestic network."

   Zhang Yong nodded and said ok, and then started to play the PPT file.

The number of monthly active users of has been slowly increasing above 100 million since the beginning of the year.

  In August, after the growth reached 120 million, there was a stagnation of growth, and then a rapid decline.

   As of the end of October, the monthly active users have dropped by 20 million, and it has dropped back to 100 million.

   is equivalent to saying that the decline of the last three months has wiped out the gains of the previous seven months.

   In this regard, Zhang Yong explained: "The growth rate of registered users declined in August, and the number of monthly active users also declined for the first time in August.

   After our internal investigation and analysis, it is because the launch of Weibo has attracted a large part of the traffic that originally belonged to the domestic network.

   Now there are even some old users who don’t log in to and stay on Weibo all day long. "

   Hearing this, Gao Lili and Shen Xin were a little embarrassed.

  Weibo was very successful, gaining 50 million registered users within three months of its launch.

   But a great foundation for success is based on the promotion and diversion of domestic and international networks.

   Nowadays, there is a lot of blood loss in the domestic network, which means that all this blood has been lost to Weibo.

   Zhang Yong looked at Gao and Shen with a smile, and said, "Weibo is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the domestic holding group, and is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of the group.

   These palms and backs are full of meat. It is better to give the flesh to one's own people than to be gouged out by an outsider Penguin Weibo.

   I haven’t lost any weight anyway…

   No, the weight has also increased.

After the    removal of duplicates, Weibo also touched the other half of Chinese netizens that had never touched before.

   Although not many, it is still a good start. currently only covers half of Chinese netizens, but the powerful social matrix built by Hainei Holding Group can cover 60%, 70% or even more netizens in the future. "

   Hearing Zhang Yong's remarks, Gao Lili and Shen Xinyi immediately relaxed a lot.

   As long as the group and other departments don't think they are sucking blood.

   Although they are all one group, it is inevitable that some people will feel that their interests are divided.

   In response to these people's thoughts, Xia Jingxing also added a few words: "The emergence of platforms such as Weibo will definitely have a certain impact and impact on SNS websites such as

   Rather than being revolutionized by others, it is better to revolutionize your own life.

   Facebook and Twitter get along quite well, and both have found their own differentiated development paths. can learn about Facebook next. Active users are allowed to lose a certain degree, but our basic disk must be kept.

  Weibo does not represent the domestic network at this stage, and the domestic network is still our number one business.

  This matter, everyone should pay more attention after coming down, and don’t feel favoritism over the other, this is a major strategy of the group! All must obey unconditionally.

  I don't want to see anything sloppy and **** happening inside. If anyone has an opinion or doesn't understand, come down and talk to me.

  If someone can persuade me, I will change my strategy.

  If no one can persuade me, or come to me, they must obey orders! "

   Seeing Xia Jingxing's serious expression, all the executives froze in their hearts, and all nodded to show their understanding.

   Zhang Yong was thinking about the deep meaning of Xia Jingxing.

  Although may become an abandoned child in the future, it has to hold on for now.

   Until a new social backbone emerges.

  Weibo, no matter now or in the future, cannot take on the heavy responsibility of the social backbone.

   Thinking of this, Zhang Yong talked about Zhang Dalong who was far away in Yangcheng.

   "Zhang Dalong is currently leading the team to develop domestic mailboxes, and this new product will be launched soon.

  I plan to let several subsidiaries such as and Weibo work together to promote it. "

  Xia Jingxing nodded and said, "Yes! Although this is a new project, e-mail is still very important, we must participate.

   Relying on the two major social platforms, our e-mail still has certain advantages.

  You let Zhang Dalong do it well, just mention whatever you need! "

   In fact, it is only now that the domestic holding group's own mailbox has been launched, which is a bit late.

  This thing, it is important to say it is important, and it is not important to say it is not important.

   But as an internet giant, who doesn't have a mailbox? This is factory standard.

   Even Ahri has his own mailbox, although most people don't know it.

  Although we have missed the golden development period of e-mail, we still have to solve the problem of “nothing” first. As for whether the development is good or not, that is another matter.

   Do it first!

   And this is also a training opportunity for Zhang Dalong's team that he negotiated with Zhang Yong.

  Although they have all registered and purchased WeChat's trademarks, domain names, etc., and have made corresponding preparations, it is true that it is not yet time to officially launch WeChat.

Take the 3G network license as an example, it will take two months for it to be issued. At present, only two new smartphones, the Renaissance FX1 and FX2, are on sale in large quantities in China. form a scale.

   Exposing ambitions and strategic goals too early is to look down on Xiaoma’s product reproduction ability.

   And judging from what happened on Weibo, the current Pony is paying close attention to every move of Domestic Holdings.

   Therefore, we have to build high walls, store grain widely, and slowly become king.

   Thanks for the 10,000 coin reward from Xichen book friends, the old rules, add a new chapter.

   Today is an update, I adjusted my work and rest, the headache is terrible, and I can't write.

   Chapters 1193 and 1199 were hacked, and I don't know if they can pass.



   (end of this chapter)