My Age of Investment

Chapter 122: Scape

  Chapter 122 Scape

  "To be honest, we are now short of a certain amount of operating capital, and very much need Darren's investment."

  After chatting for a while, Nicolas returned to the topic and directly talked about investment.

  The other five founders, and Andrew, all looked at the young man sitting on the sofa.

  Xia Jingxing shrugged, “Of course, I came to Estonia this time because of this.”

  Nicholas smiled and said, "Okay, then I will take you to see the product first."

  He took Xia Jingxing and Andrew to a messy bedroom.

  The bedroom was changed to a "black internet cafe", the bed was emptied, and there were six or seven computers on the ground. The ground was full of various lines, instant noodle barrels, cigarette butts, and empty wine cans.

  Xia Jingxing and Andrew endured various pungent smells, and after choosing two seats to sit down, Nicolas helped them start the software.

   "Wow, what is this?"

   Andrew looked at the dial interface on the computer and yelled.

  Xia Jingxing picked up the call on another computer, smiled and said, "This is an Internet call!"

  Andrew listened carefully, and sure enough, there were two voices, one directly from the room to his ears, and the other from the computer.

   "This is interesting!"

  Andrew became interested, began to talk and sang songs.

  Xia Jingxing also talked to the computer, and the two asked and answered questions, testing the product in all directions.

  Nicholas and other six people stood by the door, watching all this with a smile.

  No one can see their products without being indifferent, and this time is obviously no exception!

  Played for a while, or called a test for a while, after Andrew confirmed that the network call is really possible, he smiled and praised Nicholas and others, and at the same time made a small suggestion.

  "The sound is a bit distorted, and sometimes the transmission is still a bit stuck..."

   is all small flaws, no major problems.

  Nicholas nodded, then shrugged, “Yes, we have noticed these problems, but right now we don’t have the money to recruit more people to improve it.”

  Andrew nodded, this is the truth.

  In his thoughts, six people can make this thing without any major problems. It is already very good and cannot be extravagantly demanded.

   "Hey, do you charge a fee for this network call?"

  Andrew suddenly remembered something and asked seriously.

  "We intend to make it free to help us acquire more users."

  Nicholas added with a smile, "Of course, we will also study more value-added services, such as using our Skype software to dial landlines and mobile phones, and these services can be charged."

  "It's called Skype (Scape)?" Andrew asked.

Jonas, another founder beside Nicholas, nodded, "Yes, it is composed of "Sky" and "Peer", but since the domain name of has been registered, we changed to Skype."

   "PeertoPeer (point-to-point) technology."

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said, “Napster and Kazaa both use this technology, which greatly facilitates the Internet experience of netizens, but it also touches the cake of vested interests.”

  P2P is the abbreviation of peer-to-peer, also known as peer-to-peer technology. It is a peer-to-peer network without a central server and relying on user group nodes for information exchange.

  Different from the traditional C/S central server structure, each user node in the P2P network is both a client and a server, and can serve as a server to provide services to other nodes at the same time.

  Napaster was the P2P music sharing and downloading website he mentioned last time when he answered questions from entrepreneurs at Stanford. Because it caused large-scale music piracy, it was bankrupted by the Recording Industry Association of America and the five major record companies.

  Kazaa is also a P2P file sharing program, which has improved a lot on the basis of Napster.

   officially came out in September 2000 and became the most downloaded software at the time. Almost every second, several users download music, movies, software, games, pictures and files through P2P sharing technology.

  The developers are the six people in front of them. Why are they still mixed up when they have developed such a hungry software?

  That's because the Nicholas team broke down with American film and music companies.

  These companies sued Kazaa for copyright infringement, which resulted in them having to avoid American lawyers and court subpoenas at all times.

  Xia Jingxing had heard about the experience of Nicholas and his five friends in his previous life. How could he get the word "miserable".

  One time, Nicholas was watching a theater in Stockholm. His wife received flowers from a stranger with a letter in it containing a summons from the court.

  Nicholas was taken aback, and ran away quickly. In the end, the summons was not delivered.

  In addition to Stockholm, Nicholas also encountered the same incident in London and also escaped.

  I heard that when Nicholas fled back to Estonia from other places, he brought his team back by boat, because only in this way could he escape the identity check.

  Even after returning to Tallinn, Nicholas was still frightened every day.

   "As long as someone knocks on the door, and we can't judge the person's identity, I will be scared to hide under the table." During a media interview, Nicolas himself admitted to the past.

  For fear of being arrested, Nicholas and Jonas dared not fly to the United States for several years. Even if Kazaa was later sold to an Australian businessman, they still dared not fly.

  Fortunately, the two spent more than 100 million US dollars to settle the lawsuit, and reached a settlement with American film, music companies, and associations, and the days of hiding XC officially ended.

  Currently, Kazaa has been sold, but the American film and music companies have not let them go, so they are still in a mess at the moment, and the development of Scape is also secretly.

  Listening to Xia Jingxing's mention of Kazaa, the expressions of all six people were unnatural, because it was a period of time that was both dangerous and exciting, and unbearable to look back.

  Nicholas, as the leader of the team, shrugged generously, "It seems that Darren, you know our experience very well."

  Xia Jingxing was afraid that the other party would think too much, and said with a smile: "I don't mean anything else. I also admire your technical ability very much.

  At the same time, I also sympathize with you. The **** in the recording industry and the film industry are indeed too greedy.

   Live by the copyright, lack of innovation, look at the movies released in recent years, and the albums released, what kind of shit...

  Lying on the past merit books to live life, sooner or later it will be over! "

   Hearing Xia Jingxing scolding Hollywood giants and several major record companies, several of the development members of Scape looked a little sullen, and felt that Dai Lun talked very nicely, and suddenly they narrowed the distance between them.

   Andrew is still at a loss, but he also heard a few key words, "Kazaa" and "copyright". He plans to check it online later.

  "How much do you need?"

  Xia Jingxing has seen the product and knows the past glory of this entrepreneurial group of six.

  Basically, there is no need to think too much about the next investment. As long as the price is right, the investment is over.

  (End of this chapter)