My Age of Investment

Chapter 1271: Going out to meet noble people (add more

   Chapter 1271 Going out to meet noble people

   Considering that there was a shooting on this floor, there are certain security risks, Xia Jingxing proposed to change the house.

  The dog agrees with this. Anyway, he has a lot of houses under his name, and they are located in many big cities in the United States. There are nearly 100 houses in the San Francisco Bay Area alone.

   Ivanka's performance was somewhat unexpected, she rejected Xia Jingxing's suggestion.

   "We've already come here, how can we not take a look? Work must be efficient!

   Besides, don't you think the matter of the woman just now is very meaningful to investigate? "

   After finishing speaking, Ivanka, who was still scared to death just now, strode forward.

   is not a pose, but a real overcoming of fear.

  Xia Jingxing shook his head with a smile and followed.

   He could be said to have learned what it means to ask for money or not to die.

   Zhang Chenguang and Pete looked at each other, and then the two quickly formed a formation, guarding Xia Jingxing in the middle, lined up in a row and walked into the somewhat narrow corridor.

   Most of the doors on both sides of the corridor were closed, and only one person came out to take a look.

   But when he saw a large group of people walking towards him, he was about to close the door in a panic.

   Ivanka, who was at the forefront, walked like a fly, and the ten-centimeter high heels did not affect her forward speed.

   She took three steps and made two steps, and stopped the man before he closed the door.

   I saw that the person who came was a beautiful woman with a hot body, and she spoke very politely, with a down-to-earth and generous temperament.

  The white man did not close the door, and chatted with Ivanka one after another.

   Through the mouth of this man, Ivanka learned a lot about the white woman who was just captured.

   "Because you can't repay your mortgage, it's normal for your house to be confiscated by the bank and auctioned off. It's happening in all fifty states and Washington, D.C. at present.

   Few people will have disputes with institutions such as banks, courts, and police stations.

  Especially the middle class like us who have two or more houses.

   Even if a house is taken away by the bank, it will not end up being homeless.

  I heard that there are even abandoned houses in some areas. Since the outstanding bank loan balance has exceeded the current price of the house, not only has the down payment lost, but the house is not enough to pay off the debt, so they simply throw away the house and run away.

   Alas, what a pity! It's time to put all those guys on Wall Street to the gallows! All this is caused by those greedy people.

  How could a good country become what it is now? "

  Ivanka patiently listened to the white man's complaints and asked, "The woman just now is your neighbor, do you know her?"

   "I'm not very familiar with her, but I heard that she lost her job, her husband passed away, and she has no children, so she has been living alone.

  Last month, someone from the bank came to the door to urge her to move out quickly, but she didn't want to, and even had a big fight with the banker.

   There was a lot of commotion at the time, and I also heard the people around me to know this information about her. "

  The white man sighed: "Actually, she is also quite miserable. Not only did she lose her house, but she also lost her job. If she really moved out according to the bank's requirements, she would have to move to the park and be in the company of those homeless people.

   For someone who was still in the middle class a few years ago, this life gap is more uncomfortable than killing someone. "

   Ivanka listened carefully for a while, and asked a few more questions. After confirming that he couldn't find out more information, he politely thanked the man and prepared to leave.

  The man is in a hurry, he hasn't talked enough yet, why did he leave?

   "Miss, can you leave a contact information, or add a Facebook?"

   "Sorry, my boyfriend is still waiting for me."

   Ivanka smiled and pointed to Xia Jingxing who was standing not far away. The latter did not know the situation and nodded to the white man with a smile on his face.

   Then, the white man saw the stunner in front of him like a swallow in the forest, and threw himself into the arms of the Asian man.

   This made the white man angry. After scolding the quintessence of the United States, he slammed the door and slammed it shut, not wanting to endure the psychological crit.

   Later, Xia Jingxing and Ivanka followed the dog to visit the house he bought.

  The house is not big, only about 100 square meters.

  According to the customary name in the United States, this kind of house should be called Condo, a collective community in which individuals own single-family property rights and the properties are managed by the property company.

   As for the House, it is an independent cottage with a garden, just like a domestic villa, where a large family can live.

Therefore, apartments such as Condo are generally used for investment and rental by Americans. The homeowners usually live in their own homes. They choose to rent them out to young people who work in urban areas to earn rent. When the house appreciates, it can be sold again to make another profit. .

After listening to the words of his ex-girlfriend, the dog bought this house in 2006. At that time, he just bought the top of the house and spent about 400,000 US dollars. Now the market value of this apartment has dropped to only about 240,000 US dollars. Down as much as 40%.

  The decoration of the house is a bit outdated, because it is an apartment building developed in the last century.

   On the way back, Ivanka, who has a family background, put forward a lot of suggestions for the puppy's house.

   "The decoration of the house must be renovated, and it must be decorated according to the style that young people like now.

   Nowadays, more and more Internet companies have moved in the downtown area of ​​San Francisco. These IT people like minimalist style, and we have to invest in them.

  Like a New York house, that's another style.

  The industries in different cities in the United States are different, and the preferences and styles of urban residents are also different. "

   The puppy nodded repeatedly, agreeing with Ivanka's suggestion.

   The nearly 300 houses in his hands are not easy to sell. If he chooses a set of houses to rent out, it will be a bit of effort. It is the best outcome to invest in Vision Home Company.

   Ivanka said suddenly: "You said that the house of the lady who was just arrested went to the market for auction. How much can it sell for? 240,000 US dollars?"

  Xia Jingxing shook his head, "I can't sell it, because some banks are anxious to sell this bad debt, and they may pack dozens, hundreds or even more houses to form an asset package and sell them together."

  Ivanka smiled and said: "There is quite a lot of arbitrage space here. I think I should hurry up and visit bank executives in various regions."

   "That's right, house prices are plummeting now, hitting new lows since the beginning of the new century, and foreclosures will be sold at a discount.

   This is equivalent to an attractive piece of fat, which is bound to attract investors with a keen sense of smell. Maybe Blackstone is also making the same idea as us now.

In addition, there is another great advantage of buying a house for auction. Before putting it on the shelf, the bank, the court, and the police station will first clean up the people who stay in the house. We directly take it to the decoration company to receive one set after another. A set of houses will do. "

  Xia Jingxing kept a faint smile on his face, and his calm tone seemed to be stating a trivial matter.

   It is not that he has no sympathy, but that he is divided.

   The evil that the bald eagle has done up and down together is none of his business as a Chinese.

  Ivanka recalled the appearance of the woman who had been beaten with blood by a rubber bullet just now, and felt a little unbearable in her heart. The corporate slogan of Vision Home is "Building a beautiful urban home and letting wandering souls belong."

   But what they are doing now seems to be "let some people drift first".

   But she quickly dispelled this unbearable thought. Even if there is no Vision Home, the bank will still repossess the houses of these mortgage defaulters.

  As the general trend is, it has nothing to do with her or the company.

  Xia Jingxing and his party took the elevator to the bottom floor. When they were about to get out of the car, three young people waiting for the elevator ran in in a hurry, and one of them collided with Pete, who was 1.9 meters tall.

   How could ordinary people withstand Pete's savage impact, the young man fell back on the spot and landed on his butt.

   At the same time, the flyer in the young man's hand also fell on the ground.

   He rubbed his chest hurting from the bump and stood up. While apologizing to Pete, he hurriedly went to pick up the flyer that fell on the ground.

   Seeing this, the other two companions also hurried to help their companions pick up the flyers.

  Xia Jingxing glanced at the flyer that had fallen under his feet, and then looked away.

   But he suddenly seemed to remember something, and immediately squatted down and picked up the flyer under his feet.

   "Man, can you tell me about your service on this flyer?"

   Hearing this, the three young men raised their heads at the same time and saw a young Asian man walking towards them with a smile on his face.

   In this regard, the expressions of the three were different, two of them were stunned, and the other's expression became extremely wonderful.

   That kind of wonderfulness is difficult to describe in words. If I had to describe it in one sentence, it would be that when I go out to meet a noble person, what kind of bicycle do I need? It’s time to change.

   The winner of the quiz with prizes is a taciturn book friend. The protagonist he guessed is worth three houses and one city, 3×400+100=130 billion US dollars. There is almost no error.

   In addition, there are 10 chapters that have not yet been implemented, and will be added as soon as possible.



   (end of this chapter)