My Age of Investment

Chapter 1379: The predecessors planted trees, and the

   Chapter 1379 The predecessors planted trees, and the later generations enjoyed the shade (Autistic Cat Leader 1010)

Liu Zhiping nodded lightly and said, "So, I suggest you don't put too much energy into the niche parallel-imported wisdom fruit. We are not geeks or digital enthusiasts, but high-level executives of a large Internet company. Management should pay attention to the mainstream!"

   Liu Zhiping's remarks with a gun and a stick made Bonima's face a little bit unbearable and felt hot.

   But he firmly refuses to admit that he is playing with things, but doing research!

   So Bonima said plausibly: "Martin, you are wrong!

   Smartphones have not yet entered the mainland market, but they have swept the world and created a smartphone storm.

  In my opinion, smart fruit mobile phones will enter the mainland market sooner or later, and compete with the Android manufacturers represented by Fuxing mobile phones! "

   Liu Zhiping smiled wryly, not wanting to debate this topic with Pony Horse any more.

"Let's talk about it first. Sohu's mobile application client is an Android application market that was launched three days ago. It has already had 200,000 downloads and installs. If it continues to develop at this rate, it will reach several million in a few months. The number of users is also normal.

   We are already a little behind our peers in developing mobile application clients. "

   Bonima pursed his lips and said nothing.

   He knows that Liu Zhiping is telling the truth. Mobile applications are so convenient that more and more netizens will migrate from PC to mobile in the near future.

   No matter how prejudiced and dissatisfied he was with Xia Jingxing, he could not ignore the increasingly powerful influence of Fuxing mobile phone and Android mobile phone operating system.

   "Xia Jingxing is an unscrupulous and downright villain. Even if we bow our heads to him, he will still trip us up secretly."

   After holding back for a long time, Bonima held back such words.

   Liu Zhiping shook his head again and again, "You're wrong, although he plays fiercely in the shopping mall, he actually values ​​corporate reputation very much.

  Google has launched several Android apps to test the waters this year, and it has not been attacked by Android, at least there is no stumbling block on the surface, preventing other people's apps from being put on the Android app store. "

   Bonima was silent for a while, then said, "You mean we should hurry up to develop Android apps too?"

   Liu Zhiping nodded and said: "At least develop one first, such as our Penguin News.

   If Android China doesn't allow us to put it on the shelves, it's smashing their own brand. "

   Bonima didn't say anything. He looked down at the Sohu News client on his phone. After watching it for a minute or two, he raised his head and said, "Then do as you said, and develop a mobile app to test the water."

  Liu Zhiping seemed to feel very embarrassed when he made this choice, so he smiled and comforted: "Boney, you don't need to feel embarrassed.

   When we took this step, we were actually going out to attack, and it was Xia Jingxing who felt the headache.

  Let's put the mobile app on the shelves, the enemy!

   Don't let us put mobile apps on the shelves, smash Android's own stop sign, if the industry boycotts Android, he will suffer. "

   Hearing this, Bonima's face finally looked better, yes, what's the embarrassment, Xia Jingxing gave himself a headache when he made a move.

  Liu Zhiping said with a serious expression: "The launch of the Penguin news client on Android is just a test of the water. If we find that mobile users are growing rapidly, we will try to develop a QQ mobile client.

  This instant messaging software is our foundation and cannot be left behind in the transition from PC to mobile. "

   Hearing these words, Bonima immediately woke up.

  The persistence of hundreds of millions of QQ users is the most valuable asset of Penguin Holdings.

  If QQ users are lost in large numbers, then the war between Penguin and Domestic Holdings will not need to go on.

  Ponima glanced at Liu Zhiping, and once again realized the brilliance of military advisors and an extremely sensitive business sense.

  Liu Zhiping pointed to the mobile phone in Bonima's hand and said, "In addition to its own products, Sohu is also the first large Internet company to enter the Android App Store.

As Fuxing phones continue to sell well and the rise of Android manufacturers such as Meizu and ZTE, Android mobile phone applications will become more and more mainstream, and there will be more large Internet companies that see opportunities, or are aware of the crisis, entering the Android app store . "

Bonima nodded lightly, and then he couldn't help but said bitterly: "Xia Jingxing's hand is too long, even if we completely tear up the domestic holding group, it will not shrink his wealth much. ."

   Hearing this, Liu Zhiping's eyes became a little sad, Xia Jingxing was indeed too strong a business opponent.

The domestic holding group is known as the four major Internet companies in China, but the actual valuation is less than 10 billion US dollars, which is not as good as Facebook, which has already announced a valuation of 100 billion US dollars, nor tens of billions of dollars. The rejuvenation industry valued is not comparable to the two financial giants, Envision Capital and Envision Financial Holdings, which are piled up with money.

   As for YouTube, Tesla, Android and other companies with slightly weaker reputation and valuation, Xia Jingxing also participated in and held a lot of shares.

  What to fight with him?

   The richest man in China and the richest man in Asia is no longer the puffy he was when he just returned to China a few years ago. All the companies under his banner have grown up, all of them are full of muscles, and they are not easy to mess with.

Seeing the frustration and helplessness on Liu Zhiping's face, Bonima comforted him and said, "We don't want to defeat Xia Jingxing in other fields, our hands are out of reach, we just want to defeat Hai Nei Holdings in the social field. .

   This goal can still be achieved!

   Although Xia Jingxing has 200 billion, can he buy our hundreds of millions of QQ users? "

   Liu Zhiping smiled slightly, but he was still a little worried in his heart.

   Bonnie must be called QQ, and Penguin only has QQ.

   Not to mention the huge wealth behind Xia Jingxing, just talking about the boundless commercial resources formed by the industries of Fuxing Industry, Android, and Domestic Holdings is enough to make Penguin feel fear and worry.

   Although he didn't know what Xia Jingxing would do next, he knew that the other party would definitely not end this life-and-death war.

   But the penguin had no way out, he could only overwhelm everything and fight the battle with his teeth.

   Cleared up his heavy heart a little, Liu Zhiping squeezed out a smile and said, "Boney, take a look at the news content on the homepage of Sohu News Client, it's good news."

When    said this sentence, Liu Zhiping felt that he had a feeling of having fun in the midst of suffering?

  In a series of failures and heavy pressure, I found a little joy.

  Ponima took his mobile phone and clicked to enter the Sohu News client.

   As soon as he entered the client's homepage, he saw an exaggerated title: "Hai Nei Net, is it going to die?"

   Then, with excitement, Bonima opened the news with trembling hands.

  "...According to a report released by CNNIC, the number of Chinese netizens has increased from 298 million on December 31, 2008 to 338 million on June 30, 2009, an increase of 40 million netizens in half a year.

   In the context of the thriving development of the entire Chinese Internet industry,, once the largest SNS website in the country, seems a little lonely.

   Looking back at the development history of the domestic network is like looking at a business inspirational legend., formerly known as, was originally a campus SNS website imitating Facebook in the United States founded by serial entrepreneur Mr. Huang Xin. Mr. Huang has worked hard to operate it for nearly a year, but has gained hundreds of thousands of users.

   After Mr. Xia Jingxing returned to China, he acquired this small website from Mr. Huang Xin.

After his transformation and magical operation, within a few months, the intranet has successively held the campus singer contest, the campus podcast contest and many other successful events that have swept thousands of colleges and universities across the country. Before the competitors reacted, they completely won the campus market and ended the campus SNS battle.

  Here, we can see Mr. Xia Jingxing's wonderful business tactics, as well as the Facebook founder's extraordinary understanding of campus SNS.

   Of course, as the richest man, Mr. Xia Jingxing has a strong financial ability that is beyond the reach of ordinary entrepreneurs.

After winning the campus market, the school network did not stop expanding, quickly changed its name to, and successfully went out of the circle through a series of popular games such as "Happy Farm" and "Happy Ranch", expanding the user base to the vast market outside the campus. ...

   No matter from which point of view, the development speed and commercial potential of is no less than that of its imitator, Facebook.

   However, at a time when Facebook’s valuation has exceeded 100 billion US dollars and the global registered users has exceeded 1 billion, the development of the domestic network has seriously stalled, and even reversed!

  According to Frost & Sullivan data, the number of monthly active users of the domestic network fell below 100 million for the first time at the beginning of this year, and the number of monthly active users last month dropped to only 60 million.

   This figure has dropped by half compared to the peak monthly active users of 120 million set by in August last year.

   So where did this half of the users go?

   Some of them have poured into the newer and more interesting Weibo platforms, and some of them have become loyal users of Qzone.

  QQ space has maintained a good upward trend since it exceeded 100 million monthly active users last year, and has now reached 150 million monthly active users, ranking it as the largest SNS platform in China.

   In the past, it was widely recognized that was China's Facebook, because Mr. Xia Jingxing was originally the founder of Facebook.

   But now, the key indicators of user operations in Qzone have surpassed the domestic network, so who is China's Facebook? "

   Seeing this, Bonima showed a smile, then raised his head and asked Liu Zhiping with a smile on his face: "Did you find someone to write it?"

   Liu Zhiping shook his head, "How is it possible, this is Sohu's editor!"

   Bonima laughed, "The article is well written, it is heart-wrenching to read, and the whole person's mood is clear."

  Liu Zhiping said with a smile: "Since the launch of Weibo by domestic holdings, the growth momentum of the domestic network has been stopped, and users have also been diverted."

  Ponima said with a smug look: "But this is not the main factor, the more important reason is that the users of the domestic network are not sticky enough, at least it can't compare to the combination of QQ + Space.

   We are also vigorously promoting Penguin Weibo, but the monthly active users of Qzone have not declined. "

   Bonima was happier the more he talked, because he finally beat Xia Jingxing by one game.

   It seems that the master's feng shui pattern really works, it's worth the money!

  Liu Zhiping said: "However, the decline in the number of monthly active users of is also serious, even more serious than that of It barely maintains 10 million monthly active users, and it has been diverted from QQ space and major Weibo platforms."

   Bonima waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, at that time it was a bet on both friends and QQ space, but now it seems that QQ space has won.

  Anyway, the meat is rotten in the pot, so if the ends its historical mission, it should be shut down. "

  Liu Zhiping smiled and nodded. It was indeed a rare victory, which greatly boosted his own morale.

   Bonima said at this time: "Let Penguin News also reprint this article, and strive to let more people see it.

  Xia Jingxing, the turtle, the richest man in Asia, is also the founder of Facebook, but he can't beat us coyotes! "

  Liu Zhiping said good, and added: "Although the domestic network is about to be scrapped, the domestic Weibo is like a newborn sunrise, and the monthly active users are approaching the 100 million mark.

   Only by destroying domestic Weibo can we truly break the backbone of domestic holdings and make their business a mess. "

  Ponima pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "You are right, although the domestic network is about to die, domestic Weibo has taken over their social banner and gradually became a pool for domestic holdings to accumulate users and traffic.

   Only by smashing the dam of this pond can they drain the water.

  Penguin Weibo…”

   Speaking of Penguin Weibo, Pony Horse is full of anger.

   A group of Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, none of them can fight, they are still working hard, and I don't want to cooperate with them anymore.

   Scattered hundreds of millions of signing fees and distributed one billion Q coins. Penguin Weibo couldn't develop.

   Now, Pony Horse is gradually coming back to it. Most of the stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan are out of breath, and they have a fart appeal.

   Most mainland users don’t care about the celebrity lives they show through Weibo.

   Alas, I stepped on a big pit!

   Bonima looked up at Liu Zhiping and smiled bitterly: "I also want to let Penguin Weibo rush again, but I can't find a focus!

  The mainland entertainment companies were all bought off by Xia Jingxing with money and resources, and they will not stand on our side. "

   Liu Zhiping sighed slightly in his heart, still underestimating the importance of these stars.

   Since this year, the public opinion environment has become stricter, and the Weibo platform can only focus on entertainment, not public events.

  Under this change, domestic Weibo has an advantage due to its early layout, and the interaction between celebrities and ordinary users is very enjoyable.

  Penguin Weibo is pretty good, and we have caught a group of outdated Hong Kong and Taiwan stars.

  Sina, Sohu, and NetEase were the worst, and they all depended on some public intellectuals to support the market, plus the media resources accumulated by the three companies for many years, they could barely maintain the platform traffic, and they did not collapse.

   However, the situation is not very good. The good Weibo platform is about to be turned into a platform for browsing news by those three platforms. It is seriously lacking in user vitality and lifeless.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhiping suddenly had an idea.

   "Boney, let's call those three companies, how about another secret meeting?"

   Bonima's eyes widened, "It's still open? You haven't seen those short-sighted people?"

  Liu Zhiping smiled lightly. At the end of last year, when domestic games secretly acquired pixel software, Penguin was also preparing to take control of Yinhai Domestic.

  Ponima felt that the business alliances in the past few times were not close enough, so he was ready to come up with something affordable to form an alliance with interests.

   He called Shang Ding Sanshi, Cao Accounting, and Charles to get together in Pengcheng.

   At the meeting, he proposed to sell 60% of the equity of Penguin Weibo, introduce strategic investment from three major portals, and the grand strategic concept of four companies fighting against domestic Weibo!

   It can be said that Bonima has invested a lot of money in order to suppress the development of domestic Weibo, and he believes that he has shown the greatest sincerity.

   In the past, Ponima would not have made such a big sacrifice at all, just copy it. If you can’t copy it, just choose a new direction and continue copying.

  What is win-win cooperation? Can it be eaten?

   But at that time, Penguin was facing a double attack from the domestic network + Weibo, and the pressure was huge. Ponima urgently needed a victory to relieve the pressure, so he came up with such a win-win cooperation plan.

   However, the three portals and Penguin have been fighting each other for many years, and a lot of quarrels have long been born.

   In the face of Ponima's proposal, the heads of the three major portals all spoke to him.

   So, this affiliate program is so yellow.

   At that time, the three major portals had not yet launched their own Weibo services. In Bonima's view, if the three companies threw their resources into Penguin Weibo, the four companies would be able to compete with domestic Weibo.

   If the four microblogs fight against each other and use their resources in a decentralized manner, they will only open a gap with domestic microblogs.

   More than half a year has passed, and the market structure of the five major microblogs also proves the thesis of Bonima at that time.

  The domestic Weibo is the best, and the monthly active users are approaching the 100 million mark.

  Penguin Weibo ranks second with 40 million monthly active users.

   The other three Weibo posts all have 10 million monthly actives.

   Liu Zhiping sighed heavily, and he also regretted that last year the four companies failed to form an alliance because they each had little jiujiu in their hearts.

   "Boney, let's be generous and invite them again."

  Liu Zhiping stared at Pony Horse and analyzed it: "First of all, now they have launched their own Weibo services, and their development has been frustrated. I know that Weibo is a muddy pool and it is not easy to travel.

  Secondly, it has been a whole year since the birth of Weibo, and there is not much time left for us and their development. If we continue to develop like this, the Internet head effect will be fully exerted.

  Finally, we invited them to talk twice, which is enough to prove our sincerity.

   Considering the importance of the alliance, we can even concede another ten points of equity and only keep 30% of Penguin Weibo shares, and the three of them have 23.3% each.

  When Penguin Weibo develops, everyone can share a good development dividend.

  We don’t want absolute control, as long as we can keep Weibo in China down, all these efforts and sacrifices are worth it. "

   Bonima thought about it in his heart, and I have to say that the counselor's proposal is quite reasonable.

   It will drag on for another year and a half, and all four Weibo will be kicked out of the domestic Weibo.

   A dead horse is a doctor for a living horse, everyone is happy if it succeeds.

   failed, and there will be no worse ending.

  Ponima, who had made up his mind completely, waved his hand, "Then you should contact them again, and give them a painful experience. If you don't work together again, just wait for Xia Jingxing to sweep Liuhe!"

  Liu Zhiping nodded lightly, a little bit of excitement and anticipation gradually increased in his heart.

   As long as the development of domestic Weibo can be successfully suppressed, then the social business of domestic holdings will basically be gone. Even if you can jump twice, it will be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

   And Penguin will usher in a turning point in the war. Relying on the huge user matrix formed by QQ, QQ space, and Penguin Weibo, it will sound the clarion call of counterattack and win positions such as games, online videos, and music.

  The online Disney strategy was first proposed by Shanda, and domestic holdings were responsible for development, then Penguin holdings were responsible for swallowing the fruits of their victory.

   The front (face) people plant trees, and the back (face) people enjoy the shade!

   No, so the penguins are not a generation shorter than them, and a "noodle" should be added in the middle, or their commercial heritage should be confiscated.

   Two chapters in one, the addition of the autistic cat leader has officially been added, and it took two months to complete the addition. I apologize to the autistic cat book friends.

   There is also the five chapters of the Xichen Book Friends, which has been delayed for a long time, and I will try to pay it off this month.



   (end of this chapter)