My Age of Investment

Chapter 1389: arrow on the string

   Chapter 1389 The arrow is on the string

   "Their traffic sources all come from the domestic network and domestic Weibo. Once this traffic source dries up, all the businesses of domestic holdings will be rootless."

   Zhang Hailong saw the "gentleman's smile" on Robin Li's face, and he panicked a lot. He hurriedly considered the language, and chose the flow he was most familiar with to explain.

  Robin Li smiled, "I think the domestic Weibo is developing very well, and there is no shortage of traffic at all."

   "Actually, they lack traffic!"

  Zhang Hailong said with a serious expression: "The number of monthly active users of the domestic network has dropped significantly, and the Weibo battle is also full of suspense. Now all business sectors of domestic holdings are buying our search traffic on a large scale.

   If they simply compare traffic, they may not be able to compare to Penguin, but Penguin is not very good at monetizing traffic, which has led to the constant pressure and beating of domestic holdings.

   And Ali basically does not produce traffic, and is highly dependent on external traffic import.

   It can be said that the one with the largest traffic in China and the one who can realize the most traffic is our Chihiro. "

   Hearing Zhang Hailong's analysis, Robin Li was quite content.

  Xia Jingxing has indeed made extraordinary achievements, and has even replaced him as the most outstanding returned student entrepreneur after the reform. Just as he replaced Charles in the previous two years, the waves of the next generation pushed the waves of the previous generation.

   However, in the Internet field, Chihiro is the real overlord!

  What is Domestic Holdings? He wants to lead his traffic cavalry and lay a big Internet territory.

  Google is basically dead!

   Not only does it lag behind Chihiro in market share, but it is also as rigid as a Tie Hanhan.

   He got inside information that the Silicon Valley giant has entered the countdown to exiting China.

   Once Google is gone, China's search engine market will not be Chihiro's iron bucket.

  What Sogou, 360, they all have turkey ears, they are not good!

The    search engine battle is basically over.

   Then his eyes will turn to other fields.

  The expansion of capital is endless.

   Xia Jingxing was just too rich and expanded a little faster than them.

   The recent series of movements made by Hai Nei Holdings have successfully aroused his attention and vigilance.

   Especially Hai Nei Holdings extended its claws to the field of online music and began to face Chihiro.

   If the opponent is allowed to expand like this, it is hard to say that it will not pose a greater threat to Chihiro in the future.

   You must know that 360 is still invested by Envision Capital, but not pan-entertainment has become pan-search.

  Zhang Hailong observed his words, and when he saw Robin Li Mulu pondering, he knew that the boss had listened to his words, which showed that the boss was still very afraid of Asia's richest man and domestic holdings... So why don't you come to live?

   "As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers! According to the aggressiveness shown by Haihai Holdings, we need to plan ahead."

   Zhang Hailong's words went to the heart of Robin Li. He looked at the former and said, "Just say what you think."

   "Instead of passively defending, it is better to take the initiative to attack!"

   Zhang Hailong's eyes lit up, and he said confidently: "Now, domestic holdings have made enemies on all sides and offended countless peers in the industry. If you add another Chihiro, then they will lose their skin even if they don't die."

  Robin Li frowned slightly, although he held a traffic empire in his hand, he was still very afraid of tearing his face with Xia Jingxing.

   In the past, Mu Zhixin had called their group members to discuss investing in bidding for Huaxia Digital.

   He could not save face, so he invested 50 million RMB perfunctorily.

   Fortunately, the final bid for Huaxia Digital failed, otherwise he would definitely be hated by Xia Jingxing.

   A big event happened in Conscience Holdings some time ago, and Mu Zhixin went overseas.

   Now there are almost no business people who dare to stand up and fight with Xia Jingxing.

   If he goes to be this early bird... well, it feels a little dangerous.

   Zhang Hailong saw that Robin Li didn't say a word for a long time, knowing that the other party might be cowardly, the comment of "doing great things while cherishing oneself, seeing small gains and forgetting justice" came to mind.

  You are the number one person on the Internet in China! Is there anything that dares to tear his face with Xia Jingxing, afraid that he will be a woolly thread!

   If you don't declare war, how can I explain it to others?

   Remembering the considerable number, Zhang Hailong felt that he could persuade him one more time.

   "The Achilles heel of Domestic Holdings is that there is no traffic, or that the social business has not been established completely!

  If the domestic network and Weibo have a billion users like Facebook, we will definitely not be able to cut off their blood vessels, and Google will not be able to take the current Facebook in the international market.

   Now there are multiple attacks on domestic holdings. As long as domestic Weibo does not develop, domestic holdings will basically be finished. The best outcome is to keep the online game business, and other businesses will make wedding dresses for others.

  Take online video as an example, which company is more suitable for this business than us. "

   Hearing this, Robin Li hurriedly glanced at Ren Xuyang who was standing beside Zhang Hailong.

   Ren Xuyang joined the company a year later than Seven Musketeers. He is one of the few remaining entrepreneurial veterans of Qianxun. Currently, he serves as the company's vice president of marketing and business development, responsible for marketing, public relations, investment and mergers, strategic cooperation and other businesses.

   He recently took on a secret assignment from Robin Lee to lead the establishment of Kiwi Video.

  The work is progressing well, and is in contact with Providence Providence, an American private equity investment fund, which is willing to invest 50 million US dollars to jointly establish Kiwi Video with Chihiro.

  $50 million is not too much, but considering that Kiwi Video has not yet been officially established, the other party is willing to pay such a large sum of money, and the brand Chihiro is interested in and the traffic empire behind the brand.

   Ren Xuyang coughed, "Robin, I also don't think Chihiro should or show weakness.

   Now that domestic holdings have entered our field, then we naturally have to retaliate.

  Hinai Holdings is in great trouble right now, and the four major portals, plus Shengda, are hostile to them.

  If we stand on the side of Penguin Weibo and stop exporting traffic to domestic Weibo, then the battle between the two Weibos will be fought.

  When the domestic holdings are involved in the Weibo business, we can be unexpected and break in quickly...and win a piece of cake. "

  Robin Li hesitated for a moment, then sighed suddenly, it was inevitable to have a tear with Xia Jingxing and Hainei Holdings. From the moment he decided to launch the Kiwi video, the two sides were doomed to have a dispute.

   It’s one thing to just compete for online video, it’s another thing to cut off search traffic.

   He was sure that when Chihiro cut off the traffic, hatred would be attracted.

   He was not such an indecisive person, but the person he wanted to offend was Xia Jingxing, so he could not think twice.

   Zhang Hailong squinted slightly, hesitating about this, what is there to hesitate.

   The first person on the Internet in China, there can only be one!

Is it possible to avoid    evil relations?

   Now is a good time to slam into the domestic holdings. After this village, there will be no such shop.

  Robin Lee glanced at several executives present, and said with a serious expression: "Today's words are all rotten to the stomach, I don't want a big mouth among us."

   All the senior executives nodded in unison, and they all knew how widespread this matter was. If the rumors leaked, Xia Jingxing would call at the door before Qianxun could do anything.

   Militant, good at fighting, and daring to fight are all labels attached to the richest man in Asia.

   A **** road from Silicon Valley, then cross-border to Wall Street, from Wall Street to Hong Kong Island, to the Mainland, to Europe... That is a real killer!

   They understand Robin Lee's hesitation, because no one wants to fight this kind of killer.

   But some things are unavoidable and cannot be transferred by human will.

   A group of executives from Chihiro left the just-completed Chihiro Building and got into cars parked on the side of the road.

  Robin Lee specially asked Ren Xuyang to take the same car with him, and he had something to ask the other party.

"Providence has only one requirement, let us choose the development model of hulu video, only make long videos and professional content and provide it to users for free, and then sell online advertisements. Those foreigners say that we are good at selling advertisements, believe we do it. Get it right."

  Robin Lee smiled, it's no surprise that Chihiro's reputation for being good at selling advertising has spread to Wall Street long ago.

   "Do they have anything else to ask for?"

   "Ask us to find an "entrepreneurial professional manager" to be the CEO of Kiwi, or you to be the CEO."

  Robin Li shook his head again and again, "What does it mean for me to be the CEO? If I really want me to be the CEO, I don't need to take their money."

  Ren Xuyang smiled and did not speak.

   is already on the line, but Robin Lee still feels very uncomfortable and wants to talk to someone.

  Because of this dark arrow, it may kill a juvenile unicorn that has not yet fully developed, or it may provoke the wrath of a giant whale, overturn the river and the sea, and the situation in the world will be turbulent again.

   (end of this chapter)