My Age of Investment

Chapter 1408: the lord of the money

   Chapter 1408 The Lord of the Money

   "Mubadala Investment Company is willing to support the development dream of Xinxin Group, and it is just a trivial matter for them to invest 20 billion US dollars.

   But they also made a request to move the factory and R&D center to their country. "

   Hearing the name "Mubadala", Huo Jing's expression changed first, and then he heard Fu Jixun's last sentence, and couldn't help laughing.

   "With all due respect, the base of their technology industry is the same as the local climate and environment. Is it a desert, suitable for building a fab and R&D center?"

  Fu Jixun spread his hands, "Mr. Xia also felt unreasonable, so he refused their request without hesitation.

   But they also said that they can invest in Xinxin Group without relocating the industry. "

  Huo Jing pursed her lips and did not speak. She couldn't help but start complaining in her heart. A group of oil tycoons from the desert came to Singapore.

Although   Mubadala Investment Company is not well-known in the outside world, this name is not unfamiliar to Huo Jing at all.

  Because this company is a peer of Temasek, it is also a sovereign wealth management fund with an asset management scale of up to 100 billion US dollars, and its scale is among the best among sovereign wealth management funds in all countries in the world.

   But in Abu Dhabi, an emirate with a population of only two or three million people, Mubadala Investment Company can only be regarded as a younger brother, and on its head is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority several times larger.

  Xia Jingxing raised the teacup on the table with a smile, took a slow sip of the tea, while secretly observing the expression on Huo Jing's face.

  Compared with Singapore, where the local oil tyrants pay so neatly and generously, if there is really no soil for the development of the semiconductor industry there, he would like to move the Xinxin Group there.

After a long while, Huo Jing said slowly: "We have dealt with Mubadala, after they acquired AMD's manufacturing business, they originally wanted to acquire Chartered Semiconductor.

   But we felt that Xinxin Group was more sincere, so in the end, Chartered Semiconductor was handed over to Xinxin Group. "

Xia Jingxing smiled, Huo Jing's words were true, there is indeed such a thing, the local oil tyrants don't take money as money, if they hadn't been a step ahead, maybe Chartered Semiconductor would have fallen into the control of Mubadala as in the previous life. In the hands of GlobalFoundries.

   It is precisely because of Xinxin Group's early card position that it has also caused a big problem for the oil tyrants.

Looking at the world, the five largest wafer foundries, Huaxin International and Chartered Semiconductor, were acquired by Fuxing Semiconductor and Xinxin Group, respectively. The local oil tyrants own GlobalFoundries, which was established by AMD's split manufacturing business. To quickly make large-scale mergers and acquisitions, we can only play the ideas of Bay Electric and UMC.

  Yizhou can't treasure these two semiconductor companies, after all, they are one of the few world-leading companies, and it is difficult to agree to sell.

   This has made a group of oil tycoons anxious, and they can’t find a suitable M&A target even if they want to spend money.

   It is not impossible to live by GF, or to slowly expand the new factory. The key is that it takes time to build a new factory, and the semiconductor industry pays attention to the strong and the strong.

  If GF develops too slowly, or the revenue and profit volume have been unable to increase, it will be very difficult to catch up with the advanced process technology, because the more advanced the technology, the greater the investment.

  If there is no way to rush to the forefront of the industry all at once, the investment will become a tactic of adding fuel, and then a huge financial black hole will be formed. Not to mention how much income is generated, it will continue to swallow the wallet of Mubadala, a shareholder.

  Although the oil tyrants are not bad, but who doesn't want to invest in the industry to make money and make big money?

   Under such circumstances, Xinxin Group, which was only established this year, naturally entered the attention of the oil tyrants.

   At first, the oil tyrants waved their checks and wanted to acquire Xinxin Group, but Xia Jingxing refused without hesitation. Only then did the oil tyrants change their minds and participate in Xinxin Group.

  Huo Jing suddenly realized a serious problem and asked calmly, "Mr. Xia, when did Mubadala contact you?"

  Xia Jingxing immediately heard the overtones of Huo Jing's words. Maybe she felt that Temasek, as a shareholder of Xinxin Group, should guarantee the right to know about such a big matter, but it seemed that they were the last to know about it.

   "Mr. Huo, you misunderstood! I met Mr. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan in New York before.

   Later, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority and Mubadala hoped to subscribe to the hedge fund under Vision Capital, and had several rounds of talks with Vision Capital.

   But due to various reasons, the cooperation has not been able to move forward.

   A few days ago, Mansour contacted me again and asked me to negotiate a stake in Xinxin Group.

   After I finished dealing with the matter at hand, I immediately flew from the mainland to Singapore to discuss the matter with you.

   Including Mr. Fu who only learned about it yesterday, I first asked him for his opinion, and then I will ask you for their opinions today. "

   "So that's how it is! I've been thinking too much, Mr. Xia hope you don't mind."

  Huo Jing immediately apologized, but she still felt that the matter was not that simple.

Xia Jingxing seemed to have guessed what Huo Jing was thinking, and took the initiative to explain: "Mansur also proposed a cooperation plan to invest in assets and merge GlobalFoundries into the Xinxin Group, and provide another amount of Philippine development funds.”

Huo Jing thought that he had discovered the key information in Xia Jing's jargon, and asked: "After merging GlobalFoundries, our wafer fab may be about the same size as UMC. Now the market is not good, and we can digest such a big fab. productivity?"

  Xia Jingxing replied lightly: "So, here is the matter of Xinxin Group's acquisition of Qimonda and Elpida.

  When we have two memory chip manufacturers under their command, self-production and self-sale alone is a huge number, and there is no need to worry about idle production capacity.

   Of course, in this resource integration operation, early losses cannot be avoided.

   But Mansour said that as long as Xinxin Group can be made into a top semiconductor company that can rival Intel and Samsung, it is worth spending 10 to 20 billion US dollars, and Abu Dhabi can bear the required development funds. "

   Hearing this, Huo Jing didn't know what to say, because Xia Jingxing had considered all the issues, and even brought in local oil tyrants to pay for the huge investment.

  Is it expected that Singapore will be more restrained and cautious about the huge investment in the semiconductor industry?

   But then again, compared to the oil tyrants who make money easily, Singapore does seem to be more careful when it comes to spending money.

   To pay 20 billion US dollars without frowning, Huo Jing believes that he can't do it.

  Xia Jingxing glanced at Huo Jing and said, "If Abu Dhabi successfully becomes a shareholder in Xinxin Group, in exchange, Envision Capital must also provide a fund subscription quota for Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth management fund!"

  Huo Jing suddenly realized that everything made sense. In the final analysis, it was Xia Jingxing who invested in Abu Dhabi.

   In addition, she has also heard about the popularity of the Envision Capital hedge fund shares. Except for the elite capital in the United States, few institutions can participate.

  Temasek and GIC have contacted Envision Capital, hoping to subscribe for some fund shares, but they were politely rejected.

  There is no shortage of money, and there is no shortage of LPs who are enthusiastic to participate in the subscription, which is probably the true portrayal of Envision Capital raising new funds at this time.

   For an ordinary fund, the father of the gold owner naturally has to coax him.

   But for top funds such as Envision Capital, even if others take the initiative to send money to your door, you have to consider it to see if LP has any added value other than money.

   Needless to say, the wealthy capital in the United States, if you don’t bring them to make money, then no one will shield you from the wind and rain.

   The reason why Abu Dhabi can successfully subscribe to the hedge fund of Envision Capital is additionally conditional, such as taking a stake in Xinxin Group.

  Thinking of this, Huo Jing said with a smile, "We, Temasek, followed behind and took advantage of Vision Capital."

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand and said very generously: "What's the matter, Mr. Huo doesn't have to worry about it, everyone is working hard for Xinxin Group to develop better.

  So, Mr. Huo, can you tell me your opinion now?

  Singapore, Abu Dhabi, plus Envision Capital and Daxia Capital, such a shareholder combination, don’t worry about fighting an industrial war with Bangguo, right? "

  Xia Jingxing looked at Huo Jing and patiently waited for the other party to reply.

  Singapore is timid and spends money carefully, and now he has found a good owner. If there are still a lot of concerns, it is a bit unreasonable!

  Huo Jing smiled and said, "Mr. Xia, as long as the headquarters of Xinxin Group is still in Singapore, everything else is up to you, and Temasek has no opinion!"

This sentence restored some of Huo Jing's bad impression in Xia Jingxing's place. If he was not willing to pay, but also set up obstacles for those who were willing to pay, it would be a bit disgusting. Fortunately, Huo Jing was still a little smart and did not What a moth.

  Xia Jingxing said with a final word: "Okay, then it's settled. The day after tomorrow, people will come from Abu Dhabi. When that time comes, Mr. Huo will be invited to sit and watch."

   "No problem, we'll be there on time."

   (end of this chapter)