My Age of Investment

Chapter 1420: spark of fire

   Chapter 1420 Sparks of Fire

  Xia Jingxing looked at the two with a smile, spread out a palm and said, "The lithography machine manufacturer is like this hand, and the five fingers are its parts supplier.

  Without the huge burden of lithography machines, Japanese semiconductor manufacturing equipment companies can make single-point breakthroughs without distractions like semiconductor materials, and be the king of the subdivision field. Isn’t this a benefit? "

   Hideo Omiya replied firmly: "Even if we don't sell the lithography machine business, we can still make efforts in the field of semiconductor manufacturing equipment."

  Xia Jingxing shook his head and laughed, co-authoring what he just said in vain.

   So I have to emphasize again, "The lithography machine must be industrialized and divided. It is impossible to complete such a arduous research and development task by relying on internal vertical integration, and a high-end EUV lithography machine will never be built."

   "Then we can sell the company to you to build a high-end lithography machine?" Kokubun also asked.

  Xia Jingxing smiled, "I can only say do your best, because the variables in this matter are too large to give any guarantee to the two of you.

   But what I can guarantee is that after Canon and Nikon sell off the lithography machine business to us, the remaining business units can be reorganized into a number of small and beautiful companies and continue to be suppliers of new lithography machine companies.

  While reducing the burden of Nikon and Canon, these companies can also usher in long-lost profits and become more sophisticated in various segments, which no one can replace.

  In the future, relying on this China-Singapore-Japan cooperation platform, other semiconductor manufacturing equipment and semiconductor material companies in Japan can also increase their shipments, sell a large number of products to China, and squeeze the market share of European and American manufacturers.

   Oh, by the way, let me explain here, you may not understand the Renaissance Industrial Investment Fund..."

  Kokubunwen also smiled and waved his hand to interrupt: "Xia Sang, you don't need to explain, I have heard of the Renaissance Industrial Investment Fund, which has an asset management scale of more than 1.3 trillion yen, which is very impressive!

   In addition, I also believe that Xia Sang has an extremely strong influence on the Chinese semiconductor industry and can influence the purchasing decisions of many semiconductor companies.

   However, the lithography machine business is too sensitive after all, and we dare not take risks with you. "

  Xia Jingxing smiled, talking about this, still playing with his heart.

   simply pointed out to the two of them: "The main body of the acquisition of Nikon and Canon's lithography machine business is a Singapore company, and the new lithography machine company will also operate in Singapore in the future.

  You sold your company to Singapore, which is not on the 404 agreement list. What happened to the new lithography machine company after that has nothing to do with your Japanese company. "

   Hearing this, the two Japanese people immediately felt relieved. They thought that Xia Jingxing wanted to move the lithography machine business of the two companies to China.

   Even if the technology mastered by Canon and Nikon at this time has fallen behind Asmail, they are still several levels advanced than the Magic Capital Microelectronics equipment, which represents the most advanced technology of Chinese lithography machines.

   Therefore, under the strict scrutiny of the Americans, even if you buy the lithography business of Nikon and Canon, you can't easily get it back to China.

If they have to forcibly tease the sensitive and fragile nerves of Americans, the 404 agreement is not a decoration. They are afraid that one day the police officer of the Metropolitan Police will suddenly come to the door to check the water meter. The beautiful female investigators in leather coats were a group of rough and strong men who were unreasonable and directly arrested people.

The Toshiba incident more than 20 years ago arrested a number of Toshiba executives and forced the then Prime Minister of Japan to bow his head and go to the United States to apologize in person, and even contracted more than 50 American newspapers to publish Japanese "repentance ads". ".

It can be said that it makes all the hundreds of millions of people in Japan lose face, but because of the good tail wagging, the Yankee who is sanctioning Japan finally raised his hand and let Japan go. After all, the dog You also have to look after the house. Killing them with one stick is definitely not enough, and you have to spend money and energy to raise new dogs. Just educate them and don’t dare to bark at their owners.

   Now Xia Jingxing said that a Singaporean company came forward to acquire the lithography machine business, which made the two Japanese who have become startled birds put down the big stone in their hearts.

Xia Jingxing observed the words and expressions and saw that the two were not as conflicted and opposed as before, so he continued to persuade: "I know your difficulties, so I will not embarrass you. We can explore a safer and more feasible way from a practical point of view. path of."

  Omiya Hideaki and Kokubunwen were also silent for a while, then looked at each other and said in unison, "We need to hold a manager's meeting to discuss it."

   "I understand very well, such a big matter should be discussed more, but we must pay attention to confidentiality."

   "Xia Sang, we understand, we will give you an answer as soon as possible."

"That's good."


   After talking for a while, the two got up, said goodbye to Xia Jingxing and left.

  Liu Hai, on behalf of Daxia Capital, watched the whole process of the negotiation and never interrupted. Seeing that everyone was gone at this moment, he finally had the opportunity to ask his own questions.

   "Jingxing, why are we buying two second-rate lithography machine companies? Does it make sense if we can't go back to China?"

  Xia Jingxing replied indifferently: "Although Nikon and Canon have fallen behind in the lithography machine war, it is the limit of our reach. I would like to acquire Asmail, but are they willing to sell it?

   As for what you said about getting back to China, if we can’t get it back, we can’t get it back. Even if we really take the risk of getting it back, it won’t bring a complete change to the semiconductor industry. "

   Liu Hai asked in confusion: "Why?"

   "Because compared with the finished lithography machine, what China lacks is 5,000 specialized and new little giants.

   The experience of the Japanese lithography machine has proved that it is impossible to build a high-end lithography machine with the power of a consortium or a country. "

   Liu Hai frowned, "Then you still buy them?"

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Don't you understand yet? If you want to create a high-end lithography machine, you have to reshape the new international political landscape.

  If you can't break the existing pattern, even if China has a good lithography machine company, it can't really build a formal machine, such as cutting off your supply chain, how can you build it?

  Unless the parts and raw materials are 100% localized, but once the 100% localization is done, it will go the way of Japan.

  Asmar can absorb the scientific and technological wisdom of the world, can China now fight against the world? "

   Liu Hai was at a loss, and asked in a low voice, "Then what else are we going to do, just lie down and forget about it."

   "You can't lie flat! If everyone lay flat, there will be no China today.

  We can lose, but we cannot admit defeat. What we need to do now is to accumulate strength a little bit, make all preparations, and wait for the day of full rejuvenation. "

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand and pointed to the U.S. military helicopter that just flew past the window, "See? Japan is already dead, and China will soon surpass them.

   Even in the next few years, ten years or even longer, we cannot mass-produce high-end lithography machines, but we can start by mass-producing low-end lithography machines and supporting supply chains for lithography machines.

  Although the new lithography machine company is located in Singapore, its suppliers are from Japan, China and the world.

  At the same time, our lithography machines can be sold to Japan, Singapore and China.

  With such a basic circular ecology, China's lithography machine supply chain can grow, instead of ramming around like a headless fly. "

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing remembered what happened to Magic Capital Microelectronics in his previous life. He tried his best to create a 90nm lithography machine, but it couldn't sell it because Asmail's products were better and more stable, and Magic Capital Microelectronics The lithography machine does not have any advantage in price.

  The semiconductor companies that purchase lithography machines are all profit-making organizations, and naturally they give priority to purchasing Asmar products that are better in all aspects.

  Due to the lack of orders for lithography machines and the lack of market feedback from Magic Capital Microelectronics, the development path has been stumbling.

   Of course, the biggest problem is that the domestic supply chain for lithography machine manufacturing is immature and imperfect, and there is a lack of high-quality parts and components that are indispensable for assembling a lithography machine, such as light sources and lenses.

   Liu Hai completely understood that Xia Jingxing wanted to put the lithography machine in Singapore in order to avoid the 404 agreement, and at the same time increase efforts to support and cultivate the Chinese supply chain.

  When the domestic supply chain is mature, it can attack the upstream of the industry and try to build a brand.

  China's mobile phones, automobiles, and home appliances basically follow this path. First, they do assembly and OEM, then the supply chain, and then domestic brands are born, and then they go to the international market...

   "Relying on the domestic supply chain alone, it is difficult to compete with Asmar, which is cooperating with the world, right?"

  Liu Hai asked another very poignant question.

  Xia Jingxing did not refute, and nodded lightly: "Yes, you are right, unless one day the Chinese suppliers are stronger than the suppliers all over the world combined, then the manufactured lithography machines will naturally be stronger.

  The development of industry is like this. There are no shortcuts. Every small step to shorten the gap requires an unimaginable price and bitterness.

   And we can't really lie down and do nothing.

  The lithography machine technology and supply chain can take a step forward. It is better to make progress than to stand still, or to sit back and watch the gap with others widen. "

  Liu Hai nodded, he finally understood Xia Jingxing's painstaking efforts, the acquisition of two promising lithography machine companies was obviously thankless, but some things always needed people to do.

  If no one does it, it will always be blank.

  Someone does it, it means there is hope.

   A spark of fire, one day can start a prairie fire!

   (end of this chapter)