My Age of Investment

Chapter 1431: Potato Potato, I'm Sweet Potato

   Chapter 1431 Potato Potatoes, I am Sweet Potatoes

   "Potato Potato, I am Sweet Potato, please answer if you hear me."

   "Sweet potato, I am a potato, please tell me if you have something to say."

   "The penguins have come out of the nest, requesting artillery support."

   "Received, carpet bombing will be launched in three minutes, fat penguins will be grilled, sweet potato comrades, please be sure to pay more attention to your own safety."

   "Bang bang bang ~"


  In a conference room in Area A, Fuxing Industrial Headquarters Park, Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, there is a unique "sweet potato" battle.

  Zhang Dalong, codenamed "Sweet Potato", held a Fuxing FX2S mobile phone in his hand, pointed the receiver to his ear for a while, and then pressed the voice recording button for a while to send a voice to "Tudou".

  Xia Jingxing, code-named "Tudou", was also very playful. He took a Honor mobile phone that had only been on the market for less than two months and tested the voice intercom function of the newly developed product WeChat with "Sweet Potato".

   There were also Zhang Yong, Gao Lili, Shen Xinyi, Lin Bing, Zhu Zhaojiang and other senior executives of domestic holding and rejuvenation industries.

   A group of people stared at the two magical mobile phones, or the magical Internet applications in their hands.

The birth of this magical application means that it will completely subvert the Internet instant messaging industry. People can use text and voice to chat in real time through WeChat, instead of expressing their emotions through text as in the 2G era. and thoughts.

   After playing for a while, Xia Jingxing put down the phone with satisfaction, and said with a smile to Zhang Dalong who was about to speak to the phone's microphone: "Okay, sweet potato, we won't play today, the test is almost done."

   Hearing this, Zhang Dalong put away his mobile phone and smiled with a simple and honest face towards Xia Jingxing.

   The more Xia Jingxing looked at Zhang Dalong, the more reliable he felt.

The WeChat project was established in August last year. In order to develop this project, Zhang Dalong resigned as the head of the domestic mailbox and the general manager of the Yangcheng branch, and left the comfort zone of Yangcheng with a few cronies and backbones, and came to the capital to re-establish WeChat development. team.

   In just a few months, Zhang Dalong led the team to develop WeChat version 1.0. After testing and polishing the version, Zhang Dalong and the team also tinkered with the voice intercom function that should belong to the 2.0 version.

   This work efficiency is nothing to say, a bit beyond Xia Jingxing's expectations.

For the sake of confidentiality, Zhang Dalong and his team settled in Area A, which has been built and renovated in the Fuxing Industrial Headquarters Park a few months ago, and became the first batch of departments and teams to settle in the Fuxing Industrial Park. Also use the brand new office first.

However, Zhang Dalong and his team did not come here to enjoy themselves. They worked overtime for a few months, and the floor where they were located was often brightly lit until the early hours of the morning. The frantic and desperate effort made many employees of Fuxing Industry feel self-conscious when they saw it. Ashamed, the Internet industry is too convoluted.

   Xia Jingxing had heard of these things.

Today, when he saw the dark circles on Zhang Dalong's face and the constant yawning of the other party, he knew that the rumors were true, the WeChat team was really working hard, and the level of overtime like 007 might not have reached the level of immortals. , but definitely far exceeds the work intensity of 996.

   So Xia Jingxing said with a concerned look: "Dalong, I see that your face is not good, you must be tired recently, right? Next, give yourself and the team a good long vacation, take care of your health before continuing to work."

  Zhang Dalong immediately waved his hand, "Mr. Xia, you don't need to rest, there are many camp beds in the company, you can lie down and rest at any time when you are tired.

   Now is a critical moment, there is no delay at all, let’s talk about rest when WeChat reaches 100 million users. "

   Speaking, Zhang Dalong laughed himself, he was looking forward to the grand scene of WeChat reaching 100 million users.

   By then, there must be countless people holding mobile phones for voice chat in the streets, in the company, at home...

  As a developer, being able to see such a scene is the greatest compliment and affirmation for his programmer career, which is a life worth living.

   Just when Zhang Dalong was looking forward to thinking about the future of WeChat, Xia Jingxing suddenly poured a basin of cold water on his head, chilling Zhang Dalong.

   "WeChat cannot be published yet!"

   Before Zhang Dalong took the initiative to ask, the impatient Gao Lili had already spoken ahead of him.

   "Why? Why don't you release Air Raid Penguin as soon as such a good product, don't you keep it for the New Year?"

  Xia Jingxing said, I really want to keep it for the Chinese New Year.

   But it’s just a thought. The release time of a product needs to be considered in combination with many factors.

   Zhang Yong glanced at Gao Lili, who was puzzled, and explained, "We must consider the penguin factor!

   Think about it, last year Weibo was only launched for half a month, and as soon as the Olympic Games ended, Penguin immediately launched its own Weibo.

   If we havetily launched WeChat, what would be the consequences? Before we could promote this product on a large scale, Penguin's imitation products were one step ahead.

   And from past experience, QQ will definitely continue to act as a drainage artifact.

   We don’t have a king bomb like QQ. Penguin’s mobile instant messaging product is likely to come first. Although it is our imitation product, it has successfully surpassed our original creator. "

  Ko Lili argued: "The reason why Penguin Weibo went online so quickly is because Wu Yimin leaked secrets.

  Under normal circumstances, Penguin found out that we had launched an instant messaging product, and immediately decided to set up a project, set up a team, develop a product, and test it. It would take at least a few months to complete the whole process. "

   "Can we establish the decisive advantage of WeChat in a few months? Penguin has QQ to drain traffic, but we don't."

   Zhang Yong's words were heard by everyone, and they felt very reasonable and real.

   But Gao Lili felt that Zhang Yong was a little bit forward-looking, but considering that this was his immediate boss, and he had to save some face, she basically planned to give up the debate, until she saw Xia Jingxing's encouraging eyes, and then continued to express her opinion.

   "Mr. Zhang, we don't have QQ, but we have domestic network, Weibo, MOMO voice, domestic games and many other products.

After the   removal of duplicates, our products can cover 200 million users across the country, which are all the help for us to promote WeChat.

  As of December 31 last year, according to the China Internet Network Information Center, the number of netizens in my country reached 384 million.

   Just being a domestic holding company can cover more than half of the netizens in the country.

   For the other half of the netizens, we can influence and touch many long-term Internet companies such as Ali,, Dianping,, and Autohome.

   Although our strength is a little more dispersed than that of penguins and QQ, it is not completely without the strength of a battle. "

   Gao Lili paused, pointed at Zhang Dalong, who didn't say a word, and said, "And Lao Zhang, he and his team fought day and night, day and night, for hundreds of days and nights, before we developed WeChat.

  If we can’t go online in time, let’s not talk about whether morale will be hit.

   Just talk about market feedback, if there is not enough user feedback, how to upgrade and optimize the product.

  I know that instant messaging is the lifeblood of Penguin. Once we expose the WeChat project, Penguin will fight back like crazy.

   But over the years, which project we launched has not suffered a counterattack from Penguin.

   went online on Weibo, and Penguin followed up with a Penguin Weibo;

   launched MOMO voice, and Penguin immediately resurrected QQtalk;

  Drafting bottle function was launched on domestic mailboxes, and Penguin immediately copied it.

  Competition is unavoidable, and plagiarism is unavoidable. What we can do is to defeat Penguin as soon as possible and end the life of penguin, a cancerous tumor in the industry.

   And I see Penguin shares are rebounding recently, which creates favorable conditions for them to launch a new round of fundraising. "

   Zhang Yong just saw Xia Jingxing give Gao Lili a look and knew that the other party was the representative of the opposite party that the boss deliberately pushed.

   As the representative of the positive side, he had to continue to debate with the negative side.

   "You're all right, but you've overlooked an important point."

  Zhang Yong turned his eyes to the other side and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Lin and Mr. Zhu, you have the most say. Please come and say a few words on this issue."

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   (end of this chapter)