My Age of Investment

Chapter 1510: old boys

   Chapter 1510 Old Boy

   Seeing the comments of these top netizens, the Penguin executives present embarrassed and almost dug three rooms and one hall with their toes.

  Liu Zhiping glanced at the screen, was stunned, and then scolded the PPT maker in his heart.

   He glanced at Pone Horse and found that the other party was not angry. It seems that after so many blows, Pone Horse's qi-raising kung fu is also getting better and better. This is one of the few gains of Pone Horse in recent years.

   Liu Zhiping quickly turned the PPT page, and the next picture finally made everyone present look good.

   "If you peep, you will peep. I have used QQ for 10 years, and there are so many friends in it, it is impossible to use it."

   "3721, the predecessor of 360, is a rogue software. Zhou Hongyi has no trust in me, and it is impossible to believe everything 360 said, unless they publish the principle of detection technology to prove the authenticity of the scan results."

   "Thirty-six thieves call to catch thieves, but in fact, I like to scan the whole thing the most!"

   "360 has a criminal record. For the sake of commercial interests, he once opened operations against peer companies such as Jinshan, Rising, Keniu, and Auyou Browser in the name of security.


   Seeing so many justice netizens denouncing 360, everyone including Ponima smiled.

   Zhou Hongyi's reputation is too bad, to the point that no one believes what he said, and his reputation is so infamous, there is no one left.

Just when a group of people despised and made fun of Zhou Hongyi in their hearts, Liu Zhiping put away his smile and said lightly, "Unfortunately, these rational remarks with great thinking and judgment come from various Internet forums and our penguins. Weibo.

   On the domestic Weibo side, all such rational voices were drowned in the vast ocean. "

  Tang Daosheng, who used to work at Oracle and is currently the senior vice president of Penguin, said: "Obviously, this is domestic Weibo, which is deliberately targeting us."

   "No, they're not pulling the strings, they're gangsters!"

   Bonima's words caused everyone to chuckle, and the tense meeting atmosphere instantly relaxed a lot.

   As the backbone of everyone present, Bonima knows that he can't panic, and needs to calm everyone's nervousness.

   He smiled and said, "From my point of view, this is because Xia Jingxing guessed that we will have a big move in the near future, so he deliberately sent Zhou Hongyi to make trouble to tie our hands and feet.

  We must not fall into the trap. New products must be released on time, and we cannot leave WeChat any chance to breathe. "

   When Bonima said this, everyone was fully understood, and they all agreed.

   "So there is such a conspiracy, no wonder Zhou Hongyi worked so hard to please the master behind him."

   "Boney, you're right, we can't stop our counterattack because of this."

   "WeChat's user base has grown rapidly, and user stickiness is not low, especially on mobile phones. The development can be described as a thousand miles in a day."


   The executives worked together to speak up, but Zhang Zhidong, the chief technology officer nicknamed "Winter Melon", one of the five penguins, kept his head down and didn't say a word.

   Seeing this, Bonima asked, "Tony, what do you think?"

  Zhang Zhidong hurriedly raised his head and smiled, "I'm thinking, if we deal with domestic holdings and 360 at the same time, will it be too distracting?"

  Tony's words aroused everyone's contemplation. Yes, domestic holdings are notoriously difficult to deal with. In the past few years, the Penguins have never won half a point.

   Now add another unscrupulous 360 as an opponent, and the situation will only become more tricky and complicated.

  Ponima was a little unhappy in his heart. The army was about to go out and it was time to boost morale. How could he say something depressing?

   But if you think about it carefully, the old man's words also have some truth. It is to remind yourself to avoid fighting on two fronts.

   But 360 put the knife holder on the penguin's neck, can he avoid it?

  Ponima said in a deep voice: "Tony, I understand what you mean, before the official war with Haili Holdings, we will definitely fight back Three Six Zero."

   "How to fight back?" The one who spoke was Xu Chenhua, the chief information officer, one of the five tigers.

   Bonima said: "We can fight a public opinion war and a lawsuit war with 360.

  伱 has been in charge of public relations affairs, I will leave this matter to you, and keep Zhou Hongyi in check. "

   Speaking of this, Bonima glanced at another tiger, Chen Yidan, the CEO, "Charles, you are a legal expert, you should help Tony more then."

  Chen Yidan nodded and said with a smile: "No problem, make sure to keep Zhou Hongyizhi obediently.

   When dealing with rogues, we should use more rogue means.

  Only when Zhou Hongyi saw clearly our determination to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests, would he put away his suit, so far he dared not touch the penguin's whiskers lightly!

   Didn't the great man say it? Hit a punch, lest a hundred punches come! "

   Bonima nodded with satisfaction, that's what he meant, in front of Zhou Hongyi, he must not be soft, otherwise the other party will only gain an inch.

   And he also has a very bad head. Any cat or dog can provoke penguins.

  Although the development of Penguin in the past two years has not been satisfactory, it is still a big four in the industry.

  Except for Zeng Liqing, who has left his job to invest, four of the five penguin tigers are present today.

  With such a group of old brothers to help him, Bonima didn't panic at all, and began to arrange tasks one by one.

   After arranging Xu Chenhua and Chen Yidan to deal with 360, Pony Ma once again looked at Zhang Zhidong, who was mature and prudent.

   "Tony, what do you think of this arrangement?"

  Ponima, as the CEO, has said this, and made it clear that he is going to die. Zhang Zhidong can only say anything, he can only nod his head and express no objection.

   In fact, he doesn't quite agree with Ponima's recent series of practices.

  In the case of the main social network and instant messaging business facing major challenges brought by domestic holdings, but also to expand the security business, what is the difference with the ancient Jin Kingdom's "North Lost South Supplement".

   Zhou Hongyi is weak, just like the Southern Song Dynasty, but don't people lose face? Don't be beaten down by a dog!

   This kind of speech is not good, and Zhang Zhidong is not good at words when he is technical, so he can only keep the words in his stomach.

   Bonima looked around at the executives present, and then began to fight chicken blood: "The reason why 360 dares to provoke us may be that the penguins are already weak and can't deal with the two-front battle, and they will compromise!"

   Bonima paused, his voice suddenly raised an octave, "I want to say to Zhou Hongyi, go and live his Spring and Autumn Dream!

  We not only have to fight back against 360, but also clean up the master behind them, Xia Jingxing.

   This battle is watched by hundreds of millions of netizens across China!

  The penguins cannot retreat, and there is no way to retreat, we must fight to the death!

  I announce that from now on, the Penguin Holding Group will enter a wartime state, below self, all executives will cancel their vacations and be on standby 24 hours a day.

   After winning this battle, we will share these unforgettable memories bit by bit. "

   Seeing Ponima who suddenly stood up, kept slapping the table, and began to speak impassively, Zhang Zhidong, Chen Yidan and others all laughed, feeling that they had returned to the struggle years of ten years ago.

   At that time, the Penguins were still living and working in Seg Square, and Ponima made a big statement in front of the other four tigers: After three years, the Penguin Company will have 18 employees, filling the office of more than 100 square meters.

   Daddy Ponima, who was rushing to account for the Penguin Company, laughed and scolded: "You poor boy, let's survive first and talk about other things!"

   Today’s Penguins have everything, a listed company, selected for the Hang Seng Index, have their own building, and thousands of employees…

  The brothers who started a business together are also all sitting on a sweet wife and a beautiful maid, a Guangsha BMW...

  The material conditions are rich, but the blood is getting colder, the spiritual world is empty, and the passion for starting a business and working hard can no longer be found.

   But after a series of failures in the past two years, everyone began to wake up, if they don't work hard, Xia Jingxing will take everything they have now.

   In the face of a major foreign enemy threat, a group of old boys feel that their mentality is gradually regaining the vitality of their youth.

   At that time, under the leadership of Ponima, they fought east and west, and the Chinese Internet was all afraid of the prestige of the Penguin company.

   (end of this chapter)