My Age of Investment

Chapter 1595: Borrow the wind

   “Yes, it is precisely because of the need to maintain the rules-based international order that we decided to add some provisions to the FY 2011 Appropriations Act signed two months ago that will help keep the United States ahead…”

   "Did these clauses work? Hehe, I believe you should have read the content of today's "New York Times" report, right?"

   "Burning at least tens of millions of dollars in funding, dedicated an extremely beautiful aerial fireworks show to audiences around the world."

   “Perhaps they should donate the money to starving children in Africa, where they hear there is a humanitarian crisis.”


   On the TV, Wolfe, who is in a suit and leather shoes and has meticulously combed silver hair, is a guest at the studio of ABC TV station. He talks eloquently in front of a beautiful blond female anchor, with a gloating smile on his face.

  However, Xia Jingxing was not angry. He watched this scene calmly, as if watching a clumsy clown performance.

Wolff in the video is very interested in talking. When faced with the hostess’s question of “whether the failure of the Fuxing space rocket launch has something to do with the promulgation of the Wolfe Clause”, the old man said firmly: “Yes, Wolff The Golf Clause will make it impossible for those pesky rats to move even an iota of stuff from America to their lairs.

  It was our negligence that allowed them to make great strides in space technology in the past.

   Now that we have deeply realized the harmfulness and destructiveness of the proliferation and theft of American aerospace intellectual property technology, the whole world will be disturbed by it.

   This loophole should be filled immediately, and more beware of those thieves who come to steal our technology under the guise of business cooperation, academic exchanges, and studying abroad.

  As long as we keep the checks and blockades in place, the failure of Fuxing Aerospace’s rocket launch is just the beginning, and the collapse of China’s aerospace industry is still to come...”

  The old man and the hostess asked me questions and answers on the show. Their words not only showed a strong sense of superiority, but also filled with hostility and contempt for China's aerospace industry.

  Before Xia Jingxing said anything about this, Liu Xiaoduo couldn't listen anymore, and said angrily, "Mr. Xia, this is not the first time this old man has criticized and slandered us in public."

"Ok, I know."

  Xia Jingxing glanced at the empty conference room where only the two of them were left, just nodded slightly, and then continued to watch the program quietly.

  Liu Xiaoduo was a little depressed, and asked with a frown: "Is this the old man just letting this old man talk nonsense?"

  Xia Jingxing looked at Liu Xiaoduo with a smile, and jokingly said, "Then teach me, what should I do? Kennedy opened the convertible—is his brain open?"

  Liu Xiaoduo shrank her neck and said in a low voice: "I just feel uncomfortable, but I dare not instruct you to commit a crime."

   "Okay, don't talk about it, this is their territory, you have to hold back no matter how upset you are!"

  Xia Jingxing didn't pay too much attention to the jumping up and down of the jumping clown, and continued watching TV, and then he was very happy.

  "If China relies on independent technology to complete lunar exploration, fire detection and the establishment of a space station in the future, will we reconsider cooperation with them?"

  The hostess’s sudden question made Wolf a little unhappy, and he replied without thinking: “As long as NASA’s computer center is not invaded by the Internet, even if they are given a hundred years, they will not be able to complete the achievements you mentioned.

   Therefore, your assumption does not hold.

  Even if they get away with it, we won't lower our profile and ask them to cooperate. "

  Xia Jingxing smiled, signaling to Liu Xiaoduo to turn off the TV. It would be a waste of time to watch it any longer. Let's dig out the corpse after ten years.

  After instructing Liu Xiaoduo to prepare for the video conference, Xia Jingxing thought for a while in the conference room alone.

  Wolf’s dirty water didn’t do him any real harm at all. It’s just that this guy rushed out to bite people again and again, which made him a little worried about the change in the attitude of mainstream American society towards him and China.

  Ao Guanhai's friendship with him is also getting weaker and weaker, and activities such as asking people to pass messages are rapidly decreasing.

   Dealing with sensitive industries such as Android and Youtube, which have shown certain value, must also speed up.

  The overall environment is deteriorating day by day, he must plan early!

  After making some plans in his mind, Xia Jingxing then held a video conference with the executives of Fuxing Aerospace at the Silicon Valley office of Fuxing Industry on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

   "After a preliminary investigation into the cause of the rocket crash, the target was basically locked. It should be that the rocket's first-stage engine failed."

Ivanovic, the chief technology officer who joined Fuxing Aerospace from Ukraine to China, spread his hands and said in a heavy tone after a brief report in the video: "I'm sorry, Darren, I've let you down. "

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand, "It's okay, I've already been mentally prepared for failure."

   After finishing speaking, Xia Jingxing felt that he didn't speak well, and quickly added: "A new rocket engine model is definitely not as stable as the RD-120.

   It doesn't matter, the main work of rejuvenating aerospace in the next two years is to try and explore.

  Whether we succeed or fail, they are all helping us accumulate experience. "

  Hearing the comfort from Xia Jingxing, Ivanovic and a group of Fuxing Aerospace executives and scientists felt much better.

  Failure, they are naturally not happy to see it.

  But there is no way, the establishment of Fuxing Aerospace is too short, and the foundation is too weak.

  In order to catch up with the progress and catch up with leading international companies, they can only trade cost for time, and sharpen the entire team through rocket launches twice a year or even higher rocket launch frequency.

  In addition, Fuxing Aerospace also shoulders certain political tasks.

  Of course, this is entirely voluntary, and you can also choose not to bear it.

  Xia Jingxing coughed lightly, and asked, "Did you say anything? How did they reply?"

I attended the meeting with Ivanovic and other sixty and seventy-year-olds, but a young man in his thirties who sat at the end of the table quickly replied: "The leaders of the Sixth Academy and the Eleventh Institute said, Wan They are also responsible for the failure of the launch of Hu 1 A, so the YF-100 test model engine that was blown up should be charged at the cost price, which is equivalent to a 50% discount on the basis of their original quotation.

   Of course, the money will not be refunded to us. They said that they will give us a newest YF-100 engine at the end of the year, and help us carry out the third rocket launch mission at the same time. "

  Hearing this, Xia Jingxing laughed, these astronauts are really interesting.


  In fact, there is no intention to buy and sell by force, but to sign a long-term cooperation agreement with each other, which is equivalent to taking what they need.

   Aerospace Science and Technology Group provided its latest developed engine to Fuxing Aerospace, which still lacks research and development capabilities, for launch verification, and received a certain amount of remuneration from it.

   This move can not only help the national team to dilute the research and development costs of rocket engines, but also gain a free experimental mouse, which is very cost-effective.

   And for Fuxing Aerospace, it is not a loss.

  Because their current self-developed rocket engine has not made much progress, in order to maintain a high frequency of rocket launches, they need to purchase a large number of rocket engines from outside.

  At the same time, this is also a way to maintain a good relationship with the two units of Aerospace Science and Technology and Aerospace Science and Industry.

   Anyway, it doesn’t cost a lot of money, and it’s considered to support the development of the country’s aerospace industry.

  Furthermore, Fuxing Aerospace can also take this opportunity to have a close contact with the YF-100 engine.

   This engine is not an unknown person, but will be used in many future rocket models such as the Chang 5, Chang 6, and Chang 7. It is a rocket engine with great potential.

  When the time is right, there will be such a situation——YF-100 is copying Damaojia’s RD-120, while Fuxing Aerospace is copying YF-100.

  What is this called? This is called standing on the shoulders of giants.

  Xia Jingxing nodded to the young man with satisfaction, and said, "Yonglai, you are from the system, and you are good at dealing with people in the system. If you have any precautions or taboos in the future, you must be careful."

  Kang Yonglai nodded heavily, and then a bright smile appeared on his face, "Mr. Xia, you don't need to worry about this. The old experts, old professors, and old leaders all like you."

   "What do you like about me? Do you have more money than billions?"

  Kang Yonglai smiled and said nothing, since he knew it, why do you still ask? Who wouldn't like you, a money-spreading boy?

But then again, he also likes Fuxing Aerospace, which is not short of money. Not only is the research and development funds abundant, but the working salary is also super good. Relaxed, and the relationship between personnel is also very simple.

  Xia Jingxing glanced at Kang Yonglai, who was smiling blankly on the screen, and didn't speak, but he was quite contented in his heart.

  He has already seen that the youngest research director and general deputy chief engineer in the history of the First Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology has completely returned to his heart.

   Back then, digging this guy took a lot of effort. Not only was he not very happy to join his colleagues in a private aerospace company, but the leader of his original unit, the First Aerospace Academy, was also unwilling to let him go.

Why is this so?

Because this brother is not an ordinary person. He once presided over the overall demonstration and design work of the Dongfeng-17 hypersonic missile and the Long March 11 launch vehicle. It is very normal for him to have some arrogance, and most importantly, he is still very young. What can be achieved is simply unimaginable.

However, Fuxing Aerospace's corporate vision of "opening the era of human spaceflight" finally moved him, and he agreed to jump to work for him, and was appointed as the important position of deputy chief engineer. More rocket models for Hu-1.

  Xia Jingxing still has high expectations for this "borrowed Dongfeng talent", and intends to train him to be a technical leader who will revive the future of aerospace, otherwise, it will be a waste of the country's top talents.

   "The launch mission of Wanhu-1A in the second half of this year cannot be delayed. At the same time, the research and development of several important projects such as self-developed rocket engines and recyclable rockets must be advanced at the same time.

  The rocket manufacturing base in Xi'an should be completed within this year. After it is officially put into use next year, we will initially have the ability to independently produce rockets.

   Such good conditions should not be wasted. Next year, the frequency of rocket launches must be further increased to three or even four launches a year.

  In addition, we can't always use rocket engines developed by others, although we can learn from some things in the early stage and save some development time.

  But our ultimate goal is to become a top aerospace company with international competitiveness, with independent rocket design, research and development, manufacturing, final assembly and launch capabilities.

  These things are our real foundation. Don’t confuse our direction. The current "assembly plant" model is only temporary. "

  Ivanovic, Kang Yonglai and other executives nodded one after another, extremely adhering to the boss's strategy.

   Then, everyone reported the latest progress of the research and development project led by each of them.

   There is a lot of good news. For example, the small recyclable rocket has already started to be manufactured, and it will soon be pushed to the launch site to start the test.

  For another example, the first imitation rocket engine will start its first test run next year.

   This series of good news dilutes a lot of the negative atmosphere caused by the failure of the rocket launch.

  Everyone is full of confidence in the future of Fuxing Aerospace, and firmly believes that one day it will catch up with SpaceX and become the other pole of human commercial spaceflight.