My Age of Investment

Chapter 21: Entrepreneurship

  Chapter 21 Entrepreneurship

   "Boom Boom".

  There was a round of knocks on the door.

  The little dog, the "payer" and "door opener", dragged the clogs and walked over and opened the door of the dormitory.

  "Excuse me, is this Xia Jingxing's dormitory?"

  The little dog saw an Asian boy wearing glasses standing at the door and asked politely.

  The little dog turned his head, "Big brother, someone is looking for you."

  Xia Jingxing is browsing the backstage of Facebook. At present, including Sanyo Niu, the opposite dormitory, there are already more than a dozen registered users, most of whom are girls.

  As soon as someone was looking for him, Xia Jingxing put down the computer and came to the door.

"It's you?"

  Lu Wenlong recognized it at a glance. Isn’t this the **** surrounded by foreign girls two days ago?

  Xia Jingxing knew this man with glasses. The two were familiar with each other in his previous life. They often met together when they were studying, and they gradually lost contact after graduation.

"you know me?"

   Xia Jingxing asked curiously, it should be the first time they met in this life.

  Actually, his attention was focused on Shen Xinyi during the meal two days ago, and he didn't pay attention to the other young people.

  Lu Wenlong didn’t answer the call, he quickly got up to business, took out an invitation card and handed it to Xia Jingxing: “This is a weekend BBQ party organized by the Stanford Chinese Students and Scholars Association. Would you like to participate?”

  Xia Jingxing took the invitation and took a look at it. The date was the weekend and the location was in a nearby park. The registration fee was US$10.

   "Okay, thank you, I will attend on time."

  Xia Jingxing put away the invitation and replied with a smile.

  Lu Wenlong looked at the dormitory twice, and it turned out that there were three beds and it was overcrowded.

  At first he thought he was the son of the son from the country, but now, he is worse than himself, he still lives in a double room somehow.

  Then why can he drag three in one, and he is still all foreign girls?

  Lu Wenlong left after handing in the invitation, without any idea of ​​continuing to talk, it may be that his first impression of Xia Jingxing was not very good.

  Xia Jingxing is also happy, anyway, the two have no contact after graduating from university in the previous life, and the relationship is normal.

  He closed the door, sat back in his seat, and continued to check the backstage of the website.

  As for the weekend party, I didn’t take it too seriously.

  As a human being, naturally there is no need to worry about getting familiar with the campus environment and finding the small problems of belonging.



  Stanford University requires undergraduate students to complete 180 credits when they graduate, an average of 45 credits per year and 15 credits per semester, which means that each person has to take 3 to 4 courses per semester.

  After officially enrolling, Xia Jingxing and other freshmen began to choose courses.

  In a classroom, he sat down with other students and listened to the course selection teacher on the stage.

  High-quality courses and a free course selection system are the characteristics of Stanford University’s undergraduate education.

  The school ranks courses according to the depth of the courses.

  For example, the course number of the Computer Department is CS0 to CS599, among which: 0~99 are service courses, suitable for students of non-technical majors;

  100~199 are basic courses for undergraduates;

  200~299 are advanced undergraduate courses/junior graduate courses;

  300~399 are advanced graduate courses;

  The class number at the back represents experiments and seminars.


  The division of courses is very clear. If you plan to engage in programming after graduation, choose some applied or simple courses, starting with 1;

  If you want to continue to engage in research after graduation, you should choose more courses starting with the word 2.

  The course selection teacher also made it very clear, so that students can choose courses according to their own foundation and future career plans.

  If the course you choose is too complicated and you can’t keep up with the rhythm, it’s okay. You can return the goods within 1-2 weeks after the course starts and re-select it.

  When Xia Jingxing chose courses, he did not choose many courses or advanced courses in order to pretend to be compelling.

  He has taken many courses in computer science in his previous life. If it is purely to increase his knowledge, he can actually take some other professional courses.

  But he didn't do it.

  I chose a few general courses in computer science. No matter what the water is, I have more time to do other things.

  Speaking of water, in fact, there is nowhere to go.

  Each course at Stanford University has set up homework time. Usually a 3-credit course requires students to spend 3 hours a week in class, plus 6 hours to do homework.

  It can be seen that the school pays more attention to students' homework, so Xia Jingxing can't save much.

  You can skip the class, but the homework must be completed according to quality and quantity.

  The mid-term and final exams for computer majors are very simple, and the exam scores generally only account for 25% to 50% of the final score of this course.

  So students will put a lot of energy into weekly lectures, discussions and homework, and only spend less time on exams.

  This is different from domestic universities.

  American undergraduates value homework and classroom performance, and despise exams.

  The reverse is true in China.

  Domestic university students can usually go to class to fish, and when they have to take an exam, they will come back to embrace the Buddha's feet.

  The United States won’t work anymore. You usually have to perform well, or the GPA will be a mess in the end.

  Like domestic teachers, foreigners sometimes like to talk about gossip and talk about the mountains.

  Today, the elective teacher faced a group of computer majors and also talked about Stanford’s awesomeness.

  "Everyone may have heard that Stanford has cultivated many well-known technology entrepreneurs.

  Far away are the two founders of HP, Bill Hewlett and David Packard.

  The close ones include Yahoo’s Yang Zhiyuan and David Filo, Google’s Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and PayPal’s co-founder Peter Thiel...

  Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix, who disrupted the DVD industry, is also a graduate of our school.

  His company just went public this year. If you are interested, you can try to buy some stocks.

  You don’t want to find me if you are crying. It is just a suggestion and does not constitute investment advice. "

  The humor of the elective teacher made a group of students who just entered university laugh.

  Listening to the names of these well-known technology tycoons, many students in the audience showed fascinating expressions.

  Who does not have a dream to change the world for students who aspire to learn computer science?

  The little dog sat beside Xia Jingxing, and said with great expectation: "Dalun, do you think our website might be listed someday in the future?"


  Xia Jingxing smiled, "That's just the beginning."

  The little dog slapped his tongue, feeling that the big guy was forced to pretend to be a bit big, and it was difficult to answer the conversation.

   "The students, do you know why Stanford gave birth to so many technology rich people?

  As long as the outside world mentions the keywords of Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, and venture capital, they will connect with our school. "

  Looking at a group of rookies off the stage, the course selection teacher asked and replied: "That's because of our unique style..."

  The teacher's words for course selection are still the same, focusing on advocating Stanford’s innovative spirit, and there is a more mature mechanism for professors and students to commercialize the results in the laboratory...

  To sum up by Xia Jingxing, there are only four words: cheap land rent.

  The reason was that Stanford University was too poor in the early days, and the founder’s will confessed that the subsequent principals could not sell the land, so the land was rented out cheaply and the contract was renewed for a long time.

  As soon as I inquired about such an affordable price, a large number of technology companies moved here, and slowly spawned Silicon Valley.

  In addition, California has a good climate, which should be considered a geographical advantage.

  Silicon Valley was born around Stanford, and Silicon Valley fed back to Stanford, which is regarded as mutual achievement.

  It's hard to say in other places. In Silicon Valley, Stanford's academic qualifications are very recognized. Silicon Valley companies give priority to Stanford students.

  As soon as I entered the company, I found that many of my colleagues and superiors were alumni.

  In addition, computer science students also have a course CS210. Students form a team to solve challenging problems raised by companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft within two semesters.

  The purpose is to train students' practical ability through actual combat.

  Silicon Valley and Stanford are about this kind of relationship, you have me in you, and you in me.

  "If you want to start a business in the future, you must take the CS194 course. I recommend this course."

  The humorous course selection teacher danced on the stage, as if to sell something amazing.

  The freshmen in the audience listened attentively when they heard of entrepreneurship, for fear of missing important details.

  The course selection teacher was very satisfied with the students’ response. The only dissatisfaction was that there was an Asian-looking boy with an inch head yawning in the audience. Isn’t his speech not attractive enough?

  The course selection teacher focused his attention on Asian youths, and said with full enthusiasm: “This course requires students to form a team to complete a meaningful programming application. Many startups have come out of this course.

  If your project is good enough, you may be able to get angel investment from a professor who has succeeded in starting a business.

  The boys and girls who want to start a business must have a good relationship with the professors.

  These professors are very rich, and many of them also serve as angel investors or partners of VC institutions. "

  Xia Jingxing nodded, this is true.

Snapchat (Salad) was born from this course. The founder wanted to complete an assignment, but he did not expect to turn it into an entrepreneurial project. Then it went public, with a market value of tens of billions of dollars. He also married a supermodel Miranda Ke Son.

  Who should I go to to make sense?

  Stanford has too many entrepreneurial legends.

  Seeing that the Asian young man finally nodded his head in recognition of his words, the course selection teacher showed a happy smile: "Okay, guys, that's it for the introduction, I wish everyone a wonderful and happy college life. Thank you!"

  Under the applause and cheers, the course selection teacher finally flashed.

  Xia Jingxing and Little Dog also left. When they walked to the door of the classroom, he saw a familiar face when he was about to go out.

   couldn't help but stop.

  (End of this chapter)