My Age of Investment

Chapter 212: Iron fan support

  Chapter 212 Iron Fan Support

  The fifteenth of the eighteenth princes, after collecting the money, finally began to do business.

  A newspaper wrote: “I visited the Classmates website today and learned a very interesting story.

  Most Americans think that Facebook is the earliest campus social networking site.

  In fact, Classmates was founded in 1995. People can find their kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, university and other students on the website.

  The most romantic example, Ray Hills found his girlfriend in the seventh grade of middle school on the website. He asked her through the on-site information tool: Do you remember him?

  She replied, "How can I forget my first love".

   So the two walked into the palace of marriage and gave birth to two children. "

  There was also a newspaper interview with the founder of Meetup, Scott Hefman.

  Faced with the interview, the founder preached: “Meetup was founded after the September 11th Incident in 2001. The purpose at that time was to help people get rid of their grief, get out of the house, find new friends, and meet offline...

  Although we were founded very early, we never gave ourselves the title of "social originator".

  Some websites that were established a year later than us are not even the originator of social networking.

  All of this is for marketing hype.

  In order to win eyeballs, it is simply desperate to bottom line.

  I also hope that more people will know the history of social networks and not be fooled by certain people and certain companies. "

  There are many similar reports.

  The CEOs of fifteen social networking sites signed eaby's advertising contract, so naturally they had to reciprocate.

  And these media reporters don’t need them to spend money, they are all found by the leader of

  You can advertise your own company without spending money, and say a few words on Facebook in innuendo, which is nothing.

  With the help of, newspapers, media, and online forums set off a new wave of anti-Facebook.

  Only this time, has learned lessons and did not forcefully slander Facebook.

The methods used by    are relatively mild, but the core tone remains unchanged, which is to weaken the aura and reputation of Facebook.

  The CEOs of fifteen social networking sites showed up and introduced the development history of their own sites, while denying certain aspects of Facebook’s achievements.

  And these denials can withstand investigation and scrutiny.

  There are a lot of people who are idle on the Internet. Some people really checked the establishment time of these websites and found that it was really earlier than Facebook.

  It’s like when Bonima said “We are the originator of social networking” every day, when a netizen suddenly discovered that social software was born before QQ and is still alive and well.

  Slapped face like this!

   Must join in the fun.

  The hot posts in major forums are all posts that "reveal the true face of Facebook" when there are people with a rhythm.

  In the comments and discussions, it was also said that Facebook used all means to distort the facts in order to gain a position.

  In fact, Xia Jingxing and his management have never said in public that Facebook is the originator of social networking and the first social networking site.

  These titles are all put on the head of Facebook by the media.

   Facebook did not refute these reports, which is equivalent to acquiescence.

  After all, people praise you, you can't ask them to remove the report.

  In fact, Facebook is indeed the first social networking site to scale.

  Classmates and Meetup are not social networking sites in the strict sense, and their development is not tepid.

  Because it is not well-known, many people have never heard of it. When the media reported before, they skipped these websites.

  The media's skipping may be really unintentional, because the media also don’t know "there are you two in front of Facebook?"

  Netizens don’t care about that much. They have indeed seen all kinds of media reports, all boasting Facebook’s “social originator” and “the first campus social networking site”.

  On the forums, netizens who are so idle are holding on to this matter, and continue to verbally criticize Facebook.

  In fact, this approach has little effect on Facebook.

  No one abandons Facebook because of this. After all, so many friends are on Facebook, it is very convenient to use, and the functions are also rich and complete.

Websites such as   Meetup and ClassMates have become famous once through this incident.

  A large number of visitors visited their website and registered.

  But after the user came in, they found that this was it?

   is nothing great?

  Compared with Facebook, it's just rubbish.

  It’s better to see Facebook.

  Traffic came in a hurry, and then left in a hurry.

  The CEOs of several websites felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

   Facebook also has diehard fans. After experiencing several competitor’s websites, these people went straight to the forum and started cursing.

   "Spam site, waste my time!"

   "What's the use of setting up early, not many people have used it until now, it's just because it's too rubbish."

   "It's gone, it's the black PR post that hacked my big Facebook again!"



  As the chief information officer of Facebook, Little Dog not only has to monitor various competitors, but also collect information from their competitors. The information of his company in the media and on the Internet can also not be let go.

  He learned this information as soon as the media reported and the hot posts on forums.

  At first, he thought the matter was serious, and he had to dispatch the public relations department to put out the fire.

  As a result, the public opinion went out by itself.

  He ran to tell Xia Jingxing that he had said this in a joke manner.

   "Boss, you haven't seen how much Facebook fans are arguing with those "Keyboard Guys", and you dare not reply to those people."

  Keyboardman, this term was told by Xia Jingxing to Yang Niu, a "new Marvel hero" invented by a Chinese netizen, and then the entire Facebook company knew this term, and the little dog naturally knew it.

  Listening to the little dog telling stories vividly, Xia Jingxing smiled and asked, "Do you know why this is?"

   "What and why?" the little dog asked suspiciously.

   "Fans maintain Facebook!"

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said, “Did you not notice that the voice of Facebook fans on the Internet is getting louder and louder now?”

  Little dog nodded, "That's true! It shows that our company's influence is getting bigger and bigger, and the users are getting more and more."

  "This is only one aspect!"

  Xia Jingxing shook his head, looked at the little dog, and said meaningfully: “Also because Facebook’s products are good and users find it easy to use, they have fun here.

  Otherwise, who will help you say something nice? The product is not good, no user will speak for you. "

  Speaking of the product, the dog remembered one thing.

  He glanced around and asked in a low voice: "Boss, is the secret team that Evans and the others set up, is the "information flow" product developed so powerful?"

Xia Jingxing smiled, "Suppress all enemies in the world! What do you think?"

  The little dog took a breath, "No wonder, I heard that it will be developed for a year?"

  Xia Jingxing nodded. The product technology is not mature. After the Evans team got his guidance, it took two months to figure out the logic.

  In the past life, the Xiao Mazi team spent half a year exploring, a year of development, and a total of one and a half years before the official product was launched.

  In a short time, Facebook can't use this big killer!

  However, he was not in a hurry either. is walking on the old road to the past life. When the opponent is too hard to return, he will give a fatal blow and not give the opponent any chance.

  The little dog tentatively asked: "Then I will raise the level of confidentiality by one level?"

  Xia Jingxing shook his head and laughed, "No, as far as the development team and our three founders know, this is enough.

  And the development team has signed a non-disclosure agreement. If anyone leaves halfway, we have to track which company he goes to.

  This technology is very difficult. Even if a competitor knows it, it cannot be developed before us. "

  The little dog rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "That's what I said, but I still feel a little worried.

  Such an important thing, you must keep an eye on it and make no mistakes. "

  Xia Jingxing nodded, "Don't worry!"

  He thought, this technology is actually a treasure on its own.

  At first, Xiao Mazi was dissatisfied with this technology. It was the programmer who asked Xiao Mazi to take a look.

How important is   ? At this time, no one but myself can give an accurate definition.

  (End of this chapter)