My Age of Investment

Chapter 233: Data explosion (Leader of Deepwater Dead

  Chapter 233 Data Explosion (Deepwater Dead Cat Leader 710)

On June 15th, Facebook sent an internal letter to all users, reminding users that the website has been upgraded and added a video album function. Users can upload videos through the YouTube video website and share them to Facebook. So much.

  A very conspicuous portal appeared on the homepage of Facebook. Once the user clicked it, he was directly redirected to the YouTube website.

  After more than a week of joint testing, Facebook and YouTube have made many technical connections.

  At the same time, the oil pipeline development team has also seized the time and uploaded dozens of videos to the oil pipeline website.

  There are scenes of fierce rugby matches in the field, which can cause people to turn their backs on their backs and see the blood of the people.

  Beach bikini show with more blood and blood;

  There are also various videos of planes taking off and landing, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Statue of Liberty and so on.

  Visitors who browse YouTube can watch three videos freely, but if they want to watch more videos, or participate in comments and upload videos, they must register a YouTube account.

  Xia Jingxing sat quietly on the fourth floor with Xiaoqu and Yangniu, watching the changes in background data with other employees.

  The number of users of oil pipes has grown rapidly, and the number of registered users in the background is beating violently every minute and every second.

  In just ten minutes, the number of registered users exceeded 100,000.

  Then break through three hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, and one million in turn.

  After the number of registered users exceeded one million, the data growth gradually slowed down.

  The foreign girl saw Xia Jingxing's expression indifferently, thinking that the latter was not satisfied with the data.

  She glanced at her watch and exhorted: “It’s only been online for a few hours, wait a minute, and it should grow a lot.

  Although we claim to be 20 million registered users, there are only a few million users who actually visit the website every day. The rest of the people either visit once every three or four days, or visit once a week or two weeks.

  There is a small part that may not be visited once a month.

  Many people probably haven’t seen the new changes on Facebook.

  Wait until Facebook is full of videos, and others should join in. "

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand, “I’m not dissatisfied with the data, but these users themselves are the meat in the pot. Even if all 20 million people are converted, I can’t afford too much energy.

  This is the stock market. We have to find a way to obtain the incremental market. "

  The foreign girl smiled and said, “Don’t worry too much. When the Facebook users are almost converted, someone will naturally follow the trend and upload videos.

  Have to wait until there are enough videos to attract users outside the Facebook system. "

  Xia Jingxing nodded and said no more.



   Facebook threw out a nuclear-bomb-grade product without saying a word, without revealing any news beforehand.

  But with the passage of time, more and more users are aware of the tubing.

  Where can I watch videos online?

  Can still upload videos?

  The most important thing is that you can share the video to Facebook so that your friends can see the video you made? And give yourself a like and comment?

  And, these services are all free?

  Users are just as happy as having Christmas, and they are going to tell.

  Countless people went to the YouTube website through the portal on the Facebook homepage, ready to find out if it is really as good as friends said.

  Even though the number of Facebook users has reached 20 million, American college students are still the cornerstone users of Facebook, accounting for 70% of the total number of users on the platform.

  Young people are also the ones who like new things the most, and they also have the most time.

  These people have registered Youtube accounts and watched all dozens of videos on the website.

  Some people feel that they are still unfinished, and they watched it the second time, the third time...

  Some people think that the video technology they shoot is not very good, and they are not even as good as their own.

  Users have too many words to talk and communicate.

  With this demand, some people quickly created a “tubing group” on Facebook, and millions of people joined.

  Someone wrote on the message wall of the tubing group: “There are too few videos on the tubing. I have watched it the fifth time. Should the website operators post more videos?”

  This message was quickly recognized by other users: “It’s too right. Just this video is not enough to watch.”

  The sentiment was very exciting, and they all said that the official website should quickly add the number of videos.

  The operation staff of Facebook came and replied: “The YouTube website is a “User Original Content” platform. The core purpose is that users upload content by themselves and share it with other users. Welcome everyone to upload their own videos..."

Some people thought that the quality of the video on YouTube was not good, and directly wrote in the reply of the Facebook operator: "The video you made is too bad. If I shoot better than you, will it not show me? "

  Operation staff replied: “Please upload with confidence. The first batch of users who upload videos will also enjoy YouTube’s video recommendations and get more exposure...”


  Xia Jingxing and Yang Niu sat in front of the computer, and read the discussions and replies of the “Tubing Group” on Facebook one by one.

  Xia Jingxing asked: "You arranged this official Facebook staff, right?"

   "Yes, many people are not yet familiar with the gameplay and rules of tubing. Someone has to guide them."

  The foreign girl smiled and said, “Although you can comment on the video on YouTube, the discussion is not convenient and not too concentrated. I will arrange it on Facebook.”

  Xia Jingxing nodded, "Okay, this is a good way."

  "Some users have started to upload videos actively."

  An employee shouted at the workstation.

  Xia Jingxing and Yang Niu hurriedly walked over, ready to see.

  Compared with the skyrocketing number of users, Xia Jingxing is more concerned about how many users upload videos.

  If there are only large-scale users, there are too few videos on the website to retain users.

  Just like what the user in the group just said, there are only dozens of videos, and there are no more after watching them, so how can I play them?

  The employee played the video, and Xia Jingxing and Yang Niu stood by and watched.

   "My name is James, this is my roommate Mayweather, and we are first-year students at Georgetown University..."

  The video is very common and the time is short. A college student introduced herself and her roommate.

  Look at the environment, it should be taken in the dormitory.

  Although the video is very ordinary, the number of views and comments can be quite large.

  Because the number of videos on the tubing is currently limited, as soon as a new video is uploaded to the website, the website will be directly pushed to the homepage of the website.

   gained such a large degree of exposure, the video immediately became popular.

   "The environment in this dormitory is good, and the people are very handsome."

   "I want to make a video too, but I don't have the equipment."

   "I want to shoot too, but the person is so ugly, I am embarrassed to be on the scene."

   "The ugly one, you may be able to take pictures of the scenery."


  The comment area was very happy, but Xia Jingxing frowned when she saw it.

   "Darren, what's the matter?"

  The foreign girl noticed the other person’s expression, and wondered: “Some users have started to upload videos. Isn’t this something to be happy about?”

   "It's a good thing!"

  Xia Jingxing nodded, and then said again: “But I’m worried that many people don’t have shooting equipment, and the threshold for uploading videos is still a bit high.”

  What he said is also the fact that there is no smart phone at the moment, and you can shoot video anytime you want. Even the built-in camera on the computer has just been born, and it is not very popular.

  The foreign girls spread their hands and said, "This is no way. Maybe one of the ten people will upload a video, and the other nine will be viewers.

  In fact, this is enough. If YouTube has 10 million users, and one million of them broadcast videos, that would be one million videos.

  This is already very much, even 5%, or less, 1% may meet the user's viewing needs. "

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "Nevertheless, it is still necessary to have enough human-to-person videos to produce more exciting videos.

  Don’t watch an ordinary dormitory video that is so popular now.

  That’s because everyone thinks that video sites are still very novel and new, and the user’s aesthetic and appreciation level is also constantly improving.

  Tubing should also be improved to cope with this change. Otherwise, users will vote with their feet. "

  The foreign girl finds it a bit funny. It is good to think about the long-term every time, but it also adds a lot of troubles to herself.

   The fourth update is over. Those who have tickets will hold a ticket. Thank you.



  (End of this chapter)