My Age of Investment

Chapter 234: Campus culture phenomenon

  Chapter 234 Campus Cultural Phenomenon

The launch of the   Tubing website created a video storm on American campuses, and students were deeply attracted by this website.

  Although the oil pipeline has not announced the specific number of users, some insiders speculate that the number of users should not be less than 5 million.

  Online one week, no less than 5 million users.

  This shocked not only Silicon Valley, but also American television, radio, and media groups.

  Now, many media people finally understand that the Facebook CEO, who has disappeared for more than two months, went to tinker with this website.

  Facts have proved that this is a very amazing idea.

  Because before this, there has never been such an online video site.

  "From the perspective of the Internet, the emergence of the YouTube website indicates that there is another vertical segmentation field in the Internet industry...

  I really appreciate this product. It makes it easier for users to upload, watch and share videos. This is an increase in efficiency and has extraordinary significance...

  I am not surprised at all about Facebook launching this product.

  Because this company has repeatedly surprised the outside world, it is a website that is keen on innovation.

  Good luck to them, to bring more genius ideas to Silicon Valley and the world! "

  This is what a senior Internet critic in Silicon Valley gave to YouTube and Facebook in an interview.

  The big bosses of the media group are more arrogant. When the reporter asked their views on the YouTube video site and whether it would disrupt and impact the traditional media industry, a Fox Media Group executive commented:

  "Subvert traditional media? I don't think it is possible.

  I have visited the YouTube website. Their video quality is terrible. They are all self-entertaining stuff recorded by young people.

  This has no appreciating significance at all.

  Many people are just curious for a while, and the freshness has passed, and that’s it.

  Our traditional media group has a stable TV network and customer base. We have a good cooperative relationship with major film and television production groups and a professional team..."

   Comments are polarized.

  The Internet community believes that the launch of oil pipes is of great significance and opened up a new path;

  The media industry wears colored glasses and constantly picks up on various faults in the tubing.

  In addition to focusing on industry leaders, the media also focused their attention on campuses.

  "I visited several universities in California and saw an amazing phenomenon.

  Students took DV and shot various videos in every corner of the campus.

  Someone introduced the school’s classrooms, library, cafeteria, etc. through video;

  Someone looked at the camera and showed off a great dance;

  Someone also uploaded a video of themselves playing basketball to the oil pipe.

  When I asked these students why they would do this?

  Someone replied, but they didn’t know. They saw that their friends were uploading videos, and they also uploaded them.

  Some people answered that they found it interesting and they could show themselves. In particular, the video can also be shared to Facebook, so that more friends can learn about their lives.

  I came to the conclusion that making YouTube videos has become a kind of campus culture.

   Facebook has already set off a social storm on campus before, and now it is another video storm.

  The reason why YouTube has achieved such a great success is inseparable from the great influence of Facebook on campus.

  As I was preparing to leave the campus, I accidentally discovered a new phenomenon.

  A student with a DV in his hand is taking a video of each student, shooting one for ten dollars.

  After getting to know it, I learned that this is a part of the students who do not have video recording equipment, but they want to have a video of their own that can be uploaded to Facebook.

  So, I found a classmate with a DV, and paid to hire the other party to help me shoot a video.

  The popularity of tubing on campus has made some students with DV equipment the most watched and popular campus stars..."

  This is a report of a reporter visiting the campus and sorting out what they have seen.

  Xia Jingxing sat in the company, and after reading this report, he was stunned.

  To be honest, even he underestimated the chemical reaction caused by the "oil pipe + Facebook".

  If it is just a video website, more users will only watch the video instead of shooting the video.

  But with a display platform like Facebook, the effect is completely different, and users are motivated to do more fashionable things.

  The Facebook accounts of my classmates are more or less, and there are a few videos, but I don’t have one. How can this work?

  If you don’t have shooting equipment, just borrow or rent it, or spend money to ask your classmates to help you shoot a section.

  At the same time, the emergence of this phenomenon has successfully resolved his concerns about "higher shooting conditions and insufficient number of tubing videos".

  This confirms the old saying: There are always more solutions than difficulties!

  In order to verify the reporter’s report, Xia Jingxing dialed Kevin’s phone and said, "Hi, buddy, I'll ask you something!"

  Kevin asked: "Darren, what's the matter? I'm a little busy now."

  Xia Jingxing: "Just a few minutes, if you are busy, I will call you later."

  Kevin took the phone away from his ear and said to a few students who were waiting to shoot the video: "Everyone, wait for me for two minutes."

   "Hurry up, if you don't shoot, we will find someone else."

  Kevin had to lose his smile: "Soon, don’t worry."

  Walking aside, Kevin continued to talk to Xia Jingxing on the phone.

  Xia Jingxing asked: “Are there any students at Stanford University who charge to help people make videos?”

   "Yes! Not a lot."

  Kevin smiled and said, “Actually, I’m also filming. I’ve taken a dozen of them today and made more than one hundred dollars.”

  Hearing this, Xia Jingxing finally no longer doubted, and asked Kevin a few more words, and had a clearer understanding of the matter.

  Many American college students are backed by student loans, and tuition fees are strenuous. Many people buy a laptop at most. They don’t say they want to buy something flashy like DV.

  But with the launch of YouTube, many people want to show themselves and improve their Facebook accounts.

  Can't afford DV, spend one or two dollars to shoot one or two videos, and experience the head office.

  Of course, not all students collect money, and some people help students shoot for free, but they are all a minority.

  Most Americans don’t like to talk about human relations, and prefer a purely monetary employment relationship.

  Twelve dollars is not a lot, basically every student can afford it.

   "Okay, don't delay your money making plan, you go and shoot!"

  Xia Jingxing hung up the phone and went to the fourth floor, ready to learn about the latest situation of the oil pipeline.

  The foreign girl was holding a document and was discussing something with an employee of the oil pipeline.

   Seeing him coming, the babes got up and walked towards him, and said with a smile: "Dalun, you came just right, this is the latest data report of the oil pipeline, you can take a look."

  Xia Jingxing took a look at the document.

  Two particularly bold data are very conspicuous, 7.56 million registered users and 577,000 videos.

   Thanks to the book friend 20201009194742567, it is not hard to serve the people, and Mu Yutang rewards!



  (End of this chapter)