My Age of Investment

Chapter 314: Take what you need

  Chapter 314 Take what you need

   "MSNSearch (MSN search)."

  Xia Jingxing smiled and looked at Bill Gates, an old man, and reported a little-known Microsoft product.

  Gates was silent for a few seconds, and then smiled and said: “This product is just a small internal attempt. So far, it has not achieved any decent results, and the search results are not accurate.

  How did you pay attention to it? Quite surprised me. "

  Don’t admit it yet?

  Xia Jingxing directly opened up Gates' old bottom.

  "Microsoft entered the search engine field in 1998, but it did not pay enough attention to it at that time and did not develop its own search engine technology. It has been using search data from third-party search technology providers such as Inktomi.

  This situation continued until 2003, when Microsoft finally began to develop its own search technology.

  Three months ago, you launched your own search engine MSNSearch and no longer use third-party search services. "

  Seeing that Xia Jingxing knows Microsoft’s situation so well, Gates no longer hides it, sighed and said:

   "Yes, I admit that I did underestimate the potential of search engines.

  If we launched our own search engine technology a few years ago, perhaps there would be no Google today. "

  Gates spread out his hands, with regret on his face, and seemed to regret that he had misjudged the development trend.

  Little dogs and foreign girls were a little surprised. They read newspapers and the media said that Gates has focused on charity and no longer worry about money and company business.

  Look at Gates’s chagrin now, which shows that all the media reports are scams.

  Gates is also a human being, and he also has emotions, not to mention the development and operation of the company.

  Xia Jingxing smiled, MSN search will be renamed LiveSearch (real-time search) in the future, and finally renamed bing (Bing search).

  Microsoft has never extinguished its ambitions in the search engine market, and it has been so for the past two decades.

  At the same time, it proved that Gates has not completely faded out of Microsoft. After all, who would think that he has more money and the company is bigger?

  This principle is the same both at home and abroad.

   "Now there is Google search on the market, and Yahoo has also launched its own technology search engine. It may not be easy for Microsoft to get a share of the pie."

  As soon as Xia Jingxing's voice fell, Gates nodded, "I know this, but there are some things that I have to do all the time."

  “A lot of text, pictures, and video information are deposited on Facebook and YouTube.

  If you provide an index to Microsoft, you can undoubtedly bring Microsoft's search engine to a whole new level, with more search results, richer and more accurate search results. "

  In fact, cooperating with Google, the future search boss, is the most beneficial to Facebook in terms of monetary gains.

  But Google is now personally doing social networking and making videos, so Xia Jingxing will not consider them and cannot go to rivals.

  And Yahoo was originally their ideal partner, but who knew that the other party bought a picture social networking site after changing hands.

  In fact, there is not much competition between the two sides, but from a long-term perspective, Yahoo's decline is inevitable.

  Xia Jingxing feels that hugging Microsoft’s thighs is actually not bad, and there is not much conflict between the two parties’ businesses.

  When Facebook enters instant messaging, MSNMessenger is almost cold.

  In his previous life, Xiao Mazi also hugged this thigh, and he did not worry about eating and drinking.

  Gates smiled and nodded, "When you say this, I suddenly feel that there is a lot of room for cooperation between our two companies."

  Xia Jingxing continued to release bait, "Of course, Microsoft can also become our advertising supplier, and distribute part of the advertisements undertaken by search engines to Facebook and YouTube."

  Gates’ eyes lit up again, is this to give Microsoft money?

  Because these advertisements can earn a price difference every time they pass from Microsoft and distribute them to Facebook and YouTube.

  In addition to this, Microsoft's search engine can be strengthened through the ever-expanding advertising business.

  The reason why Xia Jingxing chose to do this was that he wanted to use the Microsoft brand to expand Facebook and YouTube’s advertising business first.

   Give up part of the short-term benefits and seek long-term benefits.

  In the final analysis, Facebook is still too weak and the brand is a little bit worse. Some advertisers don’t bird Facebook at all, but they will definitely bird Microsoft.

  In this way, Microsoft earns some advertising price difference, and Facebook can also earn an extra advertising fee in the future.

  After Facebook has fully grown up, you can kick Microsoft and go it alone.

  "In addition to Microsoft being our advertising supplier, Facebook has also developed an advertising system, which is expected to be launched soon."

  Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing thinks it is better to make it clear.

  Because Facebook has its own advertising system, it can also expand its customers on its own. It is impossible to hand over all the advertising business to Microsoft.

  The search engine independently developed by Microsoft has only been launched on the market for a few months, and there is no supporting development of an advertising system.

  So when Gates heard this, he waved his hand generously, "It doesn't matter, you can expand some advertisers, and Microsoft can provide you with some."

  Xia Jingxing nodded. The old man is a smart man and knew that it was impossible to monopolize Facebook’s advertising business.

  Because no sane company will agree to such a condition, it is equivalent to handing over the company’s lifeblood to its partners.

  If Microsoft gets stuck, Facebook will not say that it is completely dead, it will be uncomfortable for a long time, maybe there will be problems in the capital chain.

  Search engine is an area that Gates has high hopes for, and in the future he will personally end up with the goods.

  The cooperation plan proposed by Xia Jingxing fits his appetite very well, and the two chatted in detail around the relevant content.

  Because each takes what they need, the two quickly reached a rough framework agreement.

  At this time, the meal is almost finished.

  When Xia Jingxing was about to leave, the old Gates suddenly said: “If you want to conclude a strategic partnership, I think it’s better to let Microsoft invest in Facebook and become your shareholder.”

  From an acquisition to a shareholding, Xia Jingxing did not reject this. He smiled and said, "This is a good idea, and I have no objection."

  After finishing speaking, Xia Jingxing looked at the foreign girl and the little dog, and asked for the opinions of the two partners.

   "We have no objection!"

  Little Dog and Yang Niu glanced at each other, and Microsoft became a shareholder. Of course, there is no reason to reject such a powerful brand endorsement.

"it is good!"

  The old man Gates nodded, in a very good mood, and continued: "Microsoft, can inject 100 million US dollars into you at a valuation of 5 billion US dollars!"

  The little dog and the foreign girl felt that the offer was not low, and they were very sincere. They looked at Xia Jingxing one after another.

   "Wait two months, we will have a big move in the near future."

  Currently financing is not cost-effective, so Xia Jingxing declined the old man Gates.

   "Okay, then wait two months."

  Old Gates guessed what new products or new features Facebook has released. The two-month delay in financing is definitely to push up the valuation.

  He doesn't care much about this, no matter how high it is, where does it go?

  A dinner party, the host and the guests enjoyed themselves.

  Before parting, Little Dog proposed to take a photo with Gates. Gates readily agreed, and asked Xia Jingxing and Yang Niu to participate.

  So, Gates stood in the C position, Xia Jingxing and the three of them stood beside him, and the four of them were smiling and facing the camera.

   Gates’ assistant pressed the camera shutter, and a group photo was quickly taken.

  Finally, Assistant Gates asked the dog for a mailbox, and he planned to send the photo to the latter later.

  It was night after leaving Gates’ mansion, and it was pitch black outside.

   Gates sent the three to the door of the mansion and waved to the three of Xia Jingxing.

  Xia Jingxing's three people also waved back, and then got into the car arranged by Gates, went to Seattle Airport, and returned to San Francisco that night.

  (End of this chapter)