My Age of Investment

Chapter 331: Inviting hatred

   Chapter 331

   Facebook’s press conference was like a bomb dropped into the water, setting off a huge wave.

   US$250 million in Series B financing, with a post-investment valuation of US$102.5 billion.

  Why is Facebook?

  It is not only hotly discussed by Internet people, but also by ordinary Americans.

  Internet professionals feel that the bubble is too big, and Facebook is not worth so much money.

  In order to prove their point of view, these professionals also came up with various arguments, comparing Google and Yahoo in the same period, comparing the number of users, and inferring the revenue and growth potential of Facebook.

  Ordinary people don’t care about these things, they only care about wealth.

  In order to cater to the curiosity of ordinary people, the media has started in-depth exploration.

   Soon, the fact that Xia Jingxing still holds 41.64% of Facebook’s shares was dug out by reporters.

  Rough calculation, the value of these equity is about 4.27 billion US dollars!

   Twenty-one years old, he became the youngest super-rich in the world.

  The media reportedly gave Xia Jingxing various titles: the next Jerry Yang, one of the six most successful Chinese in Silicon Valley, the richest man in China...

  Xia Jingxing only obtained permanent residency in the United States, and the fact that he did not obtain American citizenship was also exposed by the media.

  This surprised many people, especially Facebook users.

  Most of them always thought that Xia Jingxing was of Chinese American descent, or had never cared about this issue.

  Now that we know this result, some people say that it doesn’t matter, and even think that the United States should absorb such outstanding talents as Xia Jingxing.

  But some young people are very dissatisfied and fan the flames on the Internet.

  "The Chinese have taken away the wealth of the Internet that belongs to the Americans!"

  This view has won the support of many white supremacists.

  They cursed on the Internet, feeling that the government was too open, allowing a Chinese to earn a huge amount of wealth on white land in less than three years.

  Although the United States is an immigrant country, the gap between rich and poor is huge, and class, race, political stance, etc. are all divided.

  Xia Jingxing came to the United States to study, and then dropped out of school to start a business in the United States.

  In the eyes of these people, it was the United States that gave Xia Jingxing the opportunity.

  In China, Xia Jingxing may never earn so much wealth.

  Xia Jingxing’s start-up capital came from lawyer Andrew and Stanford University President John Hennessy, which was also provided by Americans.

  It is equivalent to saying that the Chinese did not invest a penny in the United States and obtained a tens of billions of dollars in valuation.

  If a white person achieves such an achievement, they will only envy it.

   But if it is a Chinese, it becomes jealous.

  I don’t know if anyone has contributed to the situation. This kind of public opinion on the Internet is intensifying.

  Some people even shouted the slogan "abandon Facebook, abandon oil pipes, and use American social networks and video sites"!

   Even more exaggerated is that some people chanted the slogan of "playing local tyrants to divide wealth", thinking that Xia Jingxing's equity in Facebook should be distributed to the American people.

  Because there is no support from Americans, Facebook will not be able to go today.

  Seeing such a big public opinion, the shareholders of Gates, John, Andrew, Peter Thiel, Breyer and so on all came out to speak for Xia Jingxing.

  "In my eyes, the United States is an inclusive and open country, and because of this, it attracts talents and funds from the world to flow here, and the United States is great because of this...

  I have met Darren for a while, but I know this is a very good guy, hardworking, smart, and creative.

  His appearance has injected fresh blood into Silicon Valley. Social networks and online videos have enriched the lives and entertainment of the American people.

  I hope everyone treats this wisely!

  The United States has investments in China and all over the world.

  Private property is sacred and inviolable. This is what was written in the Declaration of Independence.

  Hope people respect the law and the rights and interests of foreign investors in the United States..."

  Bill Gates’ voice was reprinted by major media.

  Some sane Americans think this is a very correct point of view. It is indeed excessive to talk about the division of other people’s property.

  But extreme racists don’t take this set, and they call Bill Gates a "traitor" because they have invested in Facebook and defend the interests of the Chinese everywhere.

  Deng Feng, Zhu Min and other Huayuan Science and Technology Association entrepreneurs in the United States have also supported Xia Jingxing in the media.

  Yang Zhiyuan is no exception. When interviewed by reporters, he also said a few words of justice for Xia Jingxing.

  In addition, Yang Zhiyuan also called Xia Jingxing.

   "Jingxing, let me declare first that Yahoo definitely did not contribute to public opinion."

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said, "I believe you, thank you for what you said to the media."

  Seeing that Facebook has grown to this point, Yang Zhiyuan said that he has no regrets in his heart. That is false.

  I regret that I did not open a higher offer to buy Facebook, and I regret that Yahoo entered the social network too late...

  But as a Chinese, he tried to slander Xia Jingxing and use public opinion to attack Facebook. This kind of thing was something he resisted in his heart.

  "This matter, think about how to deal with the aftermath..."

  Yang Zhiyuan paused, then continued: "If you are naturalized quickly, Mr. Gates should be able to help you."

  Xia Jingxing did not expect that Yang Zhiyuan would give his competitor a trick, and it was not random or malicious.

  This surprised him and felt that the other person was not bad.

"okay, thank you!"

  Xia Jingxing hung up the phone, leaned on the chair, and pondered the public opinion.

  He speculated that competitors such as Google and may have been secretly messed up.

  Unable to defeat Facebook on the frontal battlefield, use these little tricks.

  As long as you can win and profit, who cares about the process?

  Of course, the most important thing is that the Americans are ultimately xenophobic.

  People like Deng Feng and Zhu Min make hundreds of millions of dollars, and most Americans just pinch their noses to recognize it, not to mention many Americans don’t know this at all.

  His situation is different. Facebook is doing consumer-grade Internet, and the C-side is naturally more influential than Deng Feng and others who do corporate products.

  In addition, he earns more than Deng Feng and the others, and he is younger, making it easier to succeed.

  How can all this not attract people's hatred?

  Fortunately, he also registered several offshore funds in the Cayman Islands, and concealed 20% of the equity through the complex ownership structure.

  The names of the funds are also connected with "Facebook". In the eyes of outsiders, most of them will mistake them for the employee option pool.

  If he does not conceal the 20% equity, the outside world is afraid that public opinion will be louder.

  61.64% of the shares, which is equivalent to most of Facebook is his.

  At present, in the eyes of Americans, he holds 41.64% of the shares, which means that he, a Chinese, only holds less than half of the equity, and the other half belong to Americans.

  In addition, there are 2% of Russians, but in the final analysis, Facebook is still dominated by Americans.

  It’s not that he doesn’t want to hide more, but that Facebook’s three rounds of financing scale and valuation are transparent, and the outside world can easily figure out the equity structure.

  He concealed the 20% equity, which is basically the limit.

  Hid more, but some want to cover it up.

   Get rid of the thoughts in his mind, Xia Jingxing called the little dog.

   "Boss, are you looking for me?"

  After the little dog entered the office, he was talking while carefully observing Xia Jingxing's expression.

  As the chief information officer, he naturally saw the public opinions on the Internet, and he also knew the various slanders and pressures Xia Jingxing was under at this moment.

   "What do those on the Internet say? Tell me!"

  (End of this chapter)