My Age of Investment

Chapter 38: Harbin Buddhist University

  Chapter 38 Harbin Buddhist Institute

  On the campus of Harvard University.

  A coffee shop.

  A tall and sturdy blond boy walked over to another sitting boy with a newspaper and smiled and asked, “Taylor, do you see today’s Harvard School Newspaper?”

  The sitting boy looked up, and his face was almost exactly the same as the white boy who came by.

  Looking at the outside, you know that this is a pair of twin brothers.

   "Cameron, is there anything interesting?" asked the sitting boy named Taylor.

  Cameron passed the newspaper and said, "Read it for yourself."

  Taylor took a look at the newspaper and found a conspicuous headline: “The Facebook”, the originator of the campus social networking site, was copied from a copycat. Entrepreneurs need to learn to use the intellectual property law to protect their rights and interests from infringement.

  Taylor glanced at the words "social networking sites", "entrepreneurship", "plagiarism" and other words, suddenly became interested, and continued to look down.

  The newspaper is printed in color, and there are a few photos on it, all of which are the interface of the Facebook website and the receipt of the patent application.

  At the same time, there is a bunch of texts that introduce the development history and functions of Facebook in detail.

  The copycat website "ThisFacebook" was also dragged out to whip the corpse, and was labeled as "thief", "plagiarism", "no innovative spirit" and other hats.

  The author of the article also stood on the legal and moral levels and attacked the fake website.

  The wording is harsh, but each article is well-founded and fully demonstrates the author’s familiarity with American law.

  The last article also mentioned that the registered users of Facebook have exceeded the 10,000 mark, and more than 75% of Stanford students are registered users of the website, and registration has been opened to eight Ivy League schools...

  Call on Harvard students to respect intellectual property rights, respect originality, and resist plagiarism...

   Putting down the newspaper, Taylor said with a smile, “I looked at it, this Facebook site seems to be very interesting, it’s very popular at Stanford, and even plagiarisms have appeared.”

  Cameron nodded, "Didn’t you say that you wanted to make a campus dating site? This site fits your vision."

  Taylor chuckled, "Yes, I wanted to make a website a long time ago to facilitate dating between Harvard students.

  It's a pity that neither you nor I know how to be technical. Now we are preempted by others to launch the website.

  To be honest, this website has more features and more interesting than I thought. "

   "Then what do you plan? Do we still want to build a campus website?"

  Taylor shook his head, “Look at this, this website called Facebook is going to occupy the entire Harvard campus. It’s meaningless for us to launch another website at this time.”

   "Then give up?"

  Taylor hesitated for a moment, "Let’s wait until you find a suitable programmer."

   "Also, go, go rowing."

  The Winklevoss brothers are such temperaments, slow, and extremely poor in execution.

  The movie "Social Network" clearly tells the grievances between the two characters and Xiao Mazi.

  In 2002, the two brothers had the idea of ​​launching the "Harvard Fellowship" website. It was not until a year later that they officially took action and found a senior programmer.

After the senior programmers were poached by Google, they found Xiao Mazi and wanted them to help him complete the construction of the website.

   Then Xiao Mazi stole the ideas of the two brothers and created his own social empire.

  Naturally, the two of them will not give up. They first filed a lawsuit with the principal, and then fought a dozen lawsuits with Facebook in four years.

  Until 2008, the two brothers reached a settlement. The two brothers received 65 million US dollars in compensation, and then bought 11 million US dollars in Bitcoin. After more than a decade, they also became billionaires worth billions of dollars.



   "Mark, come and see, I found an interesting website with many hot girls waiting for you to make appointments."

  In the dormitory, Moskowitz found something extraordinary and couldn’t wait to start sharing it with his roommate.

  At this time, Mark Zuckerberg was only 18 years old, with a green face, curiously leaning over to look at his roommate’s computer.

   "You mean Facebook. Recently, many people around are discussing this website."

  Moscowitz smiled and said, “I heard that it was founded by Stanford students. I really don’t know how their brains grow. How can they have such a good idea?”

  Zuckerberg is not happy when he hears this. He, who has been a self-proclaimed technical expert since he was a child, disdains: "It's nothing great. Give me a week and I can make a better website than this."

  This little Mazi is not the boss yet, and Moskowitz will not be used to him, so he joked: "Then you can make one, let me see the strength of your little technical expert."

  Zuckerberg felt that he was underestimated, and he was about to speak harshly. The phone rang and his girlfriend called.

   Picking up the phone, Zuckerberg became shy and introverted like another person immediately...

  Hang up the phone and went on a date happily.

  Moscowitz is not stupid. He just joked, and he didn't stimulate Zuckerberg anymore. Both of them left the "site building" thing aside.



   "Ryan, I can't help you promote your website."

  In a dormitory in Stanford, Ryan received a call from a friend from Harvard.

   "Why? Isn't it a good idea?"

  Ryan was a little excited. They just decided to enter the Harvard University market, and their partners were all found. Why suddenly the other party regretted it.

  "Your website is stinking bad at Harvard. The Harvard School Newspaper and campus forums are discussing your plagiarism on Facebook.

  Especially the **** from the law school, they also organized a "Intellectual Property Week" activity and launched a questionnaire at the school.

  Now the whole school knows that you are a spam website, you are done!

  I help you promote a plagiarism website, and it is almost becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of others.

  I don’t want the shares either, you should find someone else!

  That’s it, goodbye! "

  Ryan just wanted to speak, the other party hung up, only to hear a busy tone of the phone on the other end.


  Ryan kicked on the desk, his fat body trembled with anger.

   "Ryan, what happened?"

   Phyllis noticed the movement, and wondered why Ryan suddenly became angry, so he quickly asked the reason.

   "The **** at Harvard said that our website is stinking at their school and he doesn't cooperate with us..."

   "This son of a bitch..."

  After understanding the situation clearly, Phyllis also scolded.

  After venting, Phyllis asked: "What should we do now?"

  Thinking that the situation is a bit bad, and now is not the time to lose his temper, Ryan quickly calms himself down.

   "It must be Darren and the others, they want to completely stun us." Phyllis said suddenly.

  "I still have to think about it. Who else is there besides them?"

  Ryan scratched his head vigorously, and dandruff fell to the ground, but he did not think of a good way to deal with it.

  More than half a month after they launched the website, almost all Stanford students can testify, so the "plagiarism name" really didn't wrong them.

  The reputation at Harvard is already stinking, what about other universities?

  Ryan told his partner of his worries, and Phyllis was also silent.

   Plagiarism itself is a dishonorable behavior, and now they are lagging behind each other step by step, which makes them a little hesitant whether or not to persist.

  Although the two are in their senior year, there are still many courses to take, so it is impossible to fly from Stanford on the West Coast to Harvard on the East Coast to promote the website.

  There are only two ways for them to promote their websites. One is to post on the websites of major universities, and the other is to find friends offline to help them.

  Both of them are Americans, and they are also in their senior year. There are still quite a few prestigious students in various activities.

  Harvard was their first goal, but now that the line is broken, they can only turn their hopes and eyes on the other seven universities.

  After some discussions, the two of them started contacting friends from other schools again, and they planned to try another place.

  (End of this chapter)