My Age of Investment

Chapter 43: Principal please

  Chapter 43 The principal invites you

  Rao Lei is still very impressive. After the conversation with Xia Jingxing, he immediately notified the key members of the Chinese Student Organization and held a meeting.

  At the meeting, he emphasized: “Chinese students studying abroad are a group. Now classmate Xia Jingxing is facing racial discrimination, we must unite and speak for him.

  What happened to him may happen to you and me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

  If each one of us cleans up the snow, then you have an accident, who will help you? Who will safeguard the rights of our group..."

  Rao Lei spoke very well, and his impassioned remarks immediately aroused the students' fighting spirit.

  In their daily lives, people like them are more or less squeezed out and even discriminated against by whites and blacks.

   However, domestic education and parental education made them feel that "it is better to do less than one thing", so they chose to calm down, which instead contributed to the arrogance of racists.

  Xia Jingxing was different. He directly published in the "Stanford Daily" and named him by name to indicate that he had been racially discriminated against by two students.

  They also read the newspaper, and to be honest, they admire Xia Jingxing's courage to "fight".

  Now Rao Lei is taking the lead in the charge, and these students have also beaten up one by one, and have expressed their support for this action.

  Rao Lei sighed that “military spirit is available,” and he sent down the prepared “joint letter” and asked these key elements to mobilize all Chinese students to sign on it.

  The parade is not enough, after all, Xia Jingxing did not hurt much.

  Rao Lei is going to write a joint letter to the principal first, and see the response of the other party.



  Basically all Chinese students have signed the joint letter, the only exception is Lu Wenlong and his friends.

  After getting a kick that day, he hated Xia Jingxing.

  Now I heard that Facebook was founded by Xia Jingxing and a few classmates, which made him even more jealous.

Although Facebook hasn’t raised funds or made any money, for ordinary students, it’s amazing to be able to create such a website, and it has also been promoted to eight Ivy League schools, and there may be a chance to become a celebrity in the future. Venture Project.

  Because of these, how could Lu Wenlong help Xia Jingxing?

  Not only did he not sign the joint letter, but he also forbade a few friends to sign.

  Lu Wenlong's small belly and chicken intestines also angered the backbone members of the international student organization. He took a small book and reported it to Rao Lei.

  Rao Lei didn't care too much, as long as most of the students signed it, it was not bad one or two.

   Then he took this letter signed by hundreds of Chinese students and found Stanford University President John Hennessy.

  A few days later, Xia Jingxing received a call from the principal’s office, and the principal asked for it.

  Led by the staff, Xia Jingxing came to the principal’s office.

  John Hennessy's hair is a little bald. At the age of forty-nine, he is in the prime of life, but whites are generally older and look like they are in their 50s or 60s.

  As soon as he saw Xia Jingxing, he greeted as if he had met an old friend: "Hi, Darren, your Facebook site is doing very well!"

  European and American school principals generally do this, creating a people-friendly design that is convenient for teachers and students to love.

  Xia Jingxing did not have stage fright at all, and also praised the other party: "Principal John, your Atheros company's chip technology is also top-notch, should it be listed soon? I will buy some stocks at that time."

  In addition to being a principal, John Hennessy is also a scientist, entrepreneur and serial entrepreneur.

  MIPS was founded in 1984, and it took only three years to successfully go public. In 1992, it sold the company to the tech giant Silicon Valley Graphics for $333 million.

  Currently, this company is founded by him and Chinese female professor Meng Huaiying in 1998, focusing on the field of communication chips.

  Xia Jingxing also knows that this company will go public in 2004, and then it was acquired by Qualcomm for US$3.7 billion in 2011.

  The principal John in front of him, while working as a principal while running a business, has done a great job in everything.

  In 2018, he will also win the Turing Award and become the chairman of Google’s parent company.

  Influence spans business, academia, and education, and is hailed as the "Godfather of Silicon Valley" by countless people.

  At some level, this is really a winner in life!

  Everyone likes to praise, and John Hennessy is no exception.

  The old foreign man laughed, “Dalun, you are really different from the Chinese student in my mind.

  Other Chinese students are always very cautious when they see me, and chatting with me is also a blunt glance, what I ask and what they answer.

  Perhaps only someone with a lively nature like you can think of doing a campus social networking site! "

   "In fact, I originally just wanted to make friends and find people for Stanford students, but I didn't expect that students from Harvard and Yale also liked this website.

  Some people even imitate us! "

  Xia Jingxing stalled his hands, looking helpless.

  Even when the principal is in front of him, he will never soften when he should be forced.

  Principal John laughed and said: “A good idea is actually born so inadvertently.

  If it is too good, it will naturally attract others to chase and imitate. "

  The old man was talking while paying attention to Xia Jingxing's expression.

  Xia Jingxing took it lightly. Naturally, he would not let racial discrimination just because of the old man’s light praise.

  Although the old man has not mentioned this, Xia Jingxing knows that the other party is laying the groundwork.

  First praise you to make you feel better, and then talk about business.

  Racial discrimination is not uncommon in American society.

  Speaking of big and big, small and small.

  Stanford has a high proportion of international students, so naturally you have to cherish feathers.

  Otherwise, the principal won’t make an appointment with him.

  If you don’t make good use of it, are you worthy of helping brothers and sisters?

   "How is the Facebook patent application completed?" John asked with a smile.

  "In the review, all are original technologies, so there should be no big problem."

  John smiled, “The school is actually very experienced in applying for patents. Many students and professors develop technologies in the laboratory, and the school is helping to apply.

  Do you need help? Schools can help speed up the approval process. "

Nothing is free in this world.

  The school is not false to help the application, but the patent ownership is shared by the applicant and the school.

  Why is Stanford so rich?

  The patent fee is full of greasy food.

  According to Xia Jingxing's understanding, the previous Stanford licensed more than 8,000 school patents to enterprises and received US$1.3 billion in patent fees.

  Where did the patent come from?

  Encouraged by the school, students and professors are entrepreneurial and innovative.

  Nor can we say that the school is a profiteer, after all, the school still provided some help in the whole process.

  But Xia Jingxing doesn’t need it. The technology has already come out, and there is no need for the school to get a piece of the pie.

  Faced with the "bad faith" principal, Xia Jingxing declined and said: "In fact, there is no need to bother the school. Patent applications are already cumbersome. We hired lawyers, and we only need to go through the process slowly."

Seeing that Xia Jingxing can't be fooled, Old Man John gave up the idea of ​​adding reserves to the school's patent library.

   Facebook is also very weak at present, even if a patent is applied for, it may not have high commercial value.

  "Have you considered how the website will develop next?"

  Old man John can't do anything but make a living. He doesn't believe that he can't handle this kid today.

  At this moment, he is like a kind elder, looking at Xia Jingxing with a smile, his eyes full of encouragement and care.

    Thank you book friend "20200417204913778" for your reward!



  (End of this chapter)