My Age of Investment

Chapter 459: The meaning of financial capital

  Chapter 459 The meaning of financial capital

  Compared with the past, Xia Jingxing can vaguely feel that the attitudes of Yang Zhiyuan and Sun Zhengyi towards themselves seem to have changed a little.

  This kind of change is not particularly obvious, it is very subtle, and you can't find it even if you don't pay attention.

  Perhaps in their eyes, the previous self was just a lucky one who had taken great luck.

  Empty guards a golden mountain, but investment has no rules, a few foolish investment.

  Invested in Ari nearly 700 million U.S. dollars, almost drained all the working capital, and even required equity pledge loans.

  And now, they still invest in Ahri in the same way, but in their minds, it may be rational, thinking twice before acting.

   After exchanging a few words with the two, Xia Jingxing sat down on the side.

  Jack Ma sat in the first place with a grin, and said, "Now everyone is here, and it's time to come up and talk about some things."

  Xia Jingxing glanced at Jack Ma. The latter smiled at him and said slowly: "Just a few days ago, was officially launched!

  Dylan, you were in Luxembourg at the time. You may not know that this website is an e-commerce website launched by Penguin.

  I think Penguin sees the hot domestic e-commerce market and wants to get a share of the pie.

  Think about it in Bonima, QQ has the largest number of users and sits on a gold mine of traffic. By introducing these traffic into the e-commerce market, you can make a lot of money. "

  Speaking of this, Jack Ma sneered again and again, "I just want to say that he was wrong, and he was wrong."

  Sun Zhengyi glanced at Xia Jingxing, smiled and said: "Dalun, do you understand the deep meaning of eaby's acquisition of Scape?"

  Xia Jingxing and Sun Zhengyi looked at each other, not knowing what the other party wanted to express.

  Sun Zhengyi smiled and waved his hand, “Dalun, don’t get me wrong, Scape has been sold, and Envision Capital is about to become a shareholder of Ari.

  Let's discuss the matter and analyze the deep-seated intentions. Because I found that eaby's acquisition of Scape and Penguin's launch of Paipai have a lot of similarities. "

  Yang Zhiyuan nodded, “Yes, one enters instant messaging from e-commerce, and one enters e-commerce from instant messaging. It is estimated that the core idea is to channel the traffic of instant messaging to e-commerce business."

  Xia Jingxing smiled and said: "I should be the same as you guys, but I think that Ari has been operating in the e-commerce industry for so many years and has laid a solid foundation in terms of brand, technology, human resources and other aspects.

  The penguin is here to provoke, it should be nothing to ask for.

  Why doesn’t Facebook do e-commerce? Apart from being afraid of being too greedy and not chewing badly, affecting the main business, there is also no confidence in this area.

  For example, users buy things from Penguin or Facebook brands, but the quality of the products they buy back is uneven. They will definitely choose Ari or Amazon next time. "

Jack Ma was very satisfied with Xia Jingxing’s words and smiled, "Dalun, in fact, what you are talking about is the core competitiveness of an e-commerce company. Ari has been investing manpower and money in this to improve our products. and service."

   "In fact, a patnet is not to be feared at all."

  Jack Ma glanced at the three of them, “I don’t have any other requirements, I just hope that the three of them will be quicker when the equity investment is settled.

  With sufficient ammunition, brothers and sisters fighting on the front line will have higher morale and stronger combat power. "

  Xia Jingxing pursed his mouth and smiled, Jack Madou was in such a big circle, and he was here for a long time to collect money.

   "Lao Ma, don't worry, our Vision Capital will transfer the money to Ari's account as quickly as possible."

  Xia Jingxing was the first to take the lead, and Yang Zhiyuan and Sun Zhengyi also expressed their views that they will never lag in the delivery.

  Jack Ma smiled but didn't speak, and didn't throw out a powerful imaginary enemy, would you be so quick to pay for it?



  The next day.

  In a luxury hotel in Lin'an, Ari held a grand D-round financing conference.

  There are no empty seats in the audience. The first row is Lin'an leading cadres at all levels; the second row is the invited Ali partner and Zheshang boss; and then there are Ali employees and reporters from all walks of life.

  The cameraman under the stage set up long guns and short cannons, aiming at the four figures on the stage.

  Jack horse stands in the middle, wearing a black suit, tie, and a small red flower on his chest, looking very festive.

  Xia Jingxing stands on the far left next to Jack Ma, who is shorter than him. He also looks heroic in suit and leather shoes. He has taken away a lot of limelight from Jack Ma and looks more like the protagonist than Jack Ma standing in the middle.

  Yang Zhiyuan and Sun Zhengyi stood on the right side of Jack Ma and looked at the audience with a smile.

  Behind the four people, the huge electronic display screen also reads this line of words: Ari's D-round financing of 1.86 billion US dollars press conference.

  After the ceremony, Xia Jingxing, Jack Ma and others sat on the four chairs placed on the stage, began to accept questions from the reporters and interacted friendly.

  As the founder and CEO of the company, Jack Ma has been asked the most questions. The witty words and golden sentences frequently appeared, which caused the audience to laugh.

  Xia Jingxing just reaped the huge returns brought by the withdrawal of Scape, and now he has invested heavily in Ahri again, which has also attracted many questions from reporters.

   "President Xia, I heard that in this round of financing of Ari, Envision Capital will invest a total of US$700 million in Ari. With such a high amount of investment, do you and your investment institutions feel any pressure?"

  After the reporter finished the question, many people in the audience looked at Xia Jingxing. His young face was in sharp contrast with the group of old men next to him.

  Because of this, he has always been the most popular in the media and has a topical degree.

  Xia Jingxing took the microphone and smiled and replied, “If there is no pressure at all, it must be a lie.

   But speaking of pressure, it is actually not very big. The investment of US$700 million is only the beginning of a large domestic investment by Vision Capital. "

  700 million US dollars is just the beginning?

  The reporters in the audience were dumbfounded. These words are pretending to be suspicion, but it depends on who said it.

  For a person who has just made more than 300 million US dollars on the front foot and still has several billion US dollars in his pocket, 700 million US dollars is definitely not a big number.

  The reporter asked again: "Mr. Xia, when you talk about Shigekura, do you mean that Vision Capital will focus on investing in the country in the future? Which areas and areas does investment refer to?"

  Xia Jingxing smiled, the young man's road widened, he was waiting for these words.

  "The domestic economic development is thriving. As a Chinese and an international student who has returned from studying, I also hope to join the economic construction of the motherland.

  Vision Capital, as a full investment chain platform, covers all stages of projects from angels to VCs to PE and secondary markets.

  So, my personal definition of Envision Capital is a helper, helping various domestic industries to take off.

  A creative idea, there are entrepreneurs who want to turn it into a product or service to improve social efficiency, and Envision Capital’s angel fund can invest in them;

    Companies that are already small and well-founded, eager to obtain funds, to expand the company, Vision Capital’s VC funds can invest in them;

  For companies with fully mature businesses, or listed companies, their goal is to be at the forefront of the country, or even the world, and PE funds of Envision Capital can invest in them.

  There is no absolute limit to the field of investment. At present, we invest a lot in technology and the Internet, but we do not exclude industries such as biology, industry, and education.

  In short, we all invest in industries that can create value for society and bring returns to shareholders! "

  Xia Jingxing’s words are still relatively general. Many people just remember that Vision Capital seems to have many funds, large companies also invest, and small companies do not dislike it.

  The next reporter asked: "Mr. Xia, would you be convenient to disclose the scale of asset management of Envision Capital?"

  Many people are very concerned about this answer, and even the three of Jack Ma on the stage can't help but look at Xia Jingxing.

   "Four billion dollars!"

  Xia Jingxing didn't hesitate, just blurted out and debuted.

  Someone in the audience exclaimed, and the big man in the first row who was in charge of attracting investment had his eyes brightened.

  "Are these all your own money?" the reporter asked again.

  Although most of it was his own money, Xia Jingxing did not dare to admit that it was too popular.

  His purpose is to show the strength of Vision Capital without being remembered by others.

  Answer, Xia Jingxing had thought about it a long time ago, and replied with a smile: "How is that possible? Let me introduce the operation mode of the fund. The Stanford University Foundation, Mr. Bill Gates's waterfall investment, etc. are all our investors..."

  After listening to Xia Jingxing’s introduction, many people in the audience understood that these funds did not belong to Xia Jingxing himself, he was just a manager.

  However, the funding agencies are quite big.

  The big guy in charge of attracting investment frowned. Most of them are American money, which is not easy!

  All funds are registered in the Cayman Islands, and a nested equity structure is also used.

  Xia Jingxing dare to say that, as long as it is not for the state apparatus to make great efforts to investigate, ordinary people and ordinary units will not be able to understand the internal information of Vision Capital.

  He now wants to invest in the domestic industry. It is necessary to show off his muscles reasonably, but it cannot attract a bite from the wolf.

  Vision Capital is still very mysterious to most people. The impression is that they are rich and rich.

  Following questions from reporters one after another, Xia Jingxing explained in a variety of easy-to-understand languages, and the mysterious veil of Envision Capital was unveiled layer by layer.

  A reporter smiled and asked, “Mr. Xia, Envision Capital invests in so many domestic industries, and will most of the money it earns in the future be made by foreigners?”

  This question is a little bit sharp. If you don’t answer it well, you will easily collapse and be regarded as comprador.

  Xia Jingxing pondered for a moment, and replied: "But in this process, our industry has made real progress.

  At the expense of short-term profits, we can still sell things abroad after we develop into a world-class enterprise and master world-class technology!

  In addition, these companies have also provided jobs and provided the country with a reserve of high-level talents.

  In the long run, this is also to enhance the country’s soft power.

  After all, fish and bear's paws cannot have both, and only one of them can be caught in the short term.

  But I believe that in the future, China’s financial capital can be reversed and invested in overseas markets. "

    I still owe me four more elders!



  (End of this chapter)