My Age of Investment

Chapter 50: This little money makes it hard for me t

  Chapter 50 This little money makes it hard for me to do things

  At the beginning of December, Xia Jingxing ushered in his first holiday in university after completing various examinations.

  The vacation is not long, about a month or so.

  The second semester will be resumed at the beginning of January next year, and will not be closed until mid-March.

  Only a one-month holiday, most Chinese students will not return home because the round-trip air tickets are quite expensive, and they usually choose to return home during the summer vacation.

  Xia Jingxing is no exception. He chose to take a vacation at school, which is economical and environmentally friendly.

  Before the holiday, he had a meal with the babes and the little dog, which is called the "Company Annual Meeting"!

  The venue of the annual meeting was in a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco’s Chinatown. The Andrew Law Firm was upstairs, so Andrew also ran over to eat.

  The reason why Xia Jingxing chose to eat here, besides wanting to bring foreign girls and little dogs to try Chinese food, he also wanted to talk to Andrew about angel investment.

   "Facebook has officially exceeded 100,000 registered users in the past few days!"

  Xia Jingxing casually took a bite of shredded fish-flavored pork and talked about it to Andrew in a very flat tone, as if she was telling a trivial matter.

  Andrew sandwiched a piece of fragrant dried chicken, and was about to put it in his mouth. After hearing the important news, he hung his hand in the air for two seconds.

  He put the chicken in the bowl, put down the chopsticks, smiled and said, "This is really good news!"

   took a look around Xia Jingxing's three people, "My previous investment promise is still valid."

  After hearing Andrew’s words, the babe and the little dog both smiled.

  In the eyes of both of them, although Andrew's whole person is sometimes not serious, but it is undeniable that he has given them a lot of help and is a very ideal angel investor.

  Cooperating with such people, they are more at ease.

   "Our current registered users are one hundred and eight thousand, and almost all undergraduate students from Stanford and the eight Ivy League schools have become our users.

  In addition, we have also opened registration applications for colleges and universities throughout California. "

  Xia Jing paused, and then said: “At present, more than 3,000 registered users are naturally added every day. It is expected that the number of users will exceed 200,000 by the end of the month.

  If we get the investment, we can add servers and manpower, open it directly to universities in the United States, and the user growth rate will be even faster. "

   Andrew looked calm, did not speak, and listened very seriously.

  After Xia Jingxing finished speaking, he smiled and said: "So you are in great need of financing at this moment, because with a large amount of capital injection, you can develop rapidly."

   "Yes, I will not deny our current urgency for financing."

Xia Jingxing smiled and pointed to the table full of dishes and said: "Take this table of dishes as an analogy. Our team is like a chef with superb cooking skills, but unfortunately there is no money to buy raw materials, so no matter how good the cooking is, Nor can it really make a table of delicious dishes.

  But as long as the boss gives us very little money, we can buy raw materials, make delicious dishes and serve them on the table, and sell them to customers at ten times, one hundred times the price.

  Create greater value for the boss’s money. "

  "A good analogy, it shows the true meaning of investment, and gives money to people who will use it better."

  Speaking of this, Andrew paused and looked at Xia Jingxing with a smile: "But Darren, you are so frank, you are not afraid that I will use this as a threat and ask you to make concessions in the financing terms?"

  Kristina, who was practicing chopsticks to pick dishes, heard this, and the unstable chopsticks snapped off the table.

  The little dog also stopped eating and drinking, looking at Andrew and Xia Jingxing.

   "I believe Mr. Andrew would not be so short-sighted."

  Xia Jingxing said, “Because of a good project, there will never be a shortage of people who invest in it.

  Let me give another example, the story of Stanford and Silicon Valley's mutual accomplishment.

  If the old principal of Stanford raised the rent because of greed for money, the Silicon Valley today might not be in California, maybe in Texas, or somewhere else. "

  Andrew laughed, “Don’t worry, I won’t make any excessive conditions.

  Why is the investor called an "angel" because he is here to help entrepreneurs, not..."

  Andrew scratched his head, "How does that Chinese sentence say it?"

   Thinking of it, there was a stone thrown in the well. "

  "Falling down!" Xia Jingxing corrected.

   "Yes, yes, I won't get into trouble."

  Andrew said very kindly, "After all, we are friends! Haha~"

  "Daren, you can give me a quotation. If appropriate, we can sign the contract today."

  Xia Jingxing nodded, and said with a finger, "A post-investment valuation of 10 million, and a financing of 1 million U.S. dollars."

  Andrew was eating food. He almost choked to death when he heard this.

  "A website with 100,000 registered users, are you sure that the pre-investment valuation price is 9 million US dollars?"

   Andrew put down his chopsticks, his face sank suddenly.

  Do you look like a fool?

  Lao Tzu is a lawyer and an economic lawyer.

  The little dog was stunned secretly, he did not expect the old meeting to report such a high valuation.

On the way   , the three of them communicated with each other. He and Christina did not need to talk, but watched the boss perform alone.

  But the boss quoted such a high price, don’t scare Andrew away? This worries him very much.

  The foreign girl was also a little surprised. The price was several times higher than her estimate.

  In her thoughts, as long as she can raise 200,000 to 300,000 U.S. dollars at an estimated value of two or three million, it will be considered a success.

  It seems that I still lack imagination.

  She is not worried about the collapse of the talks. The valuation negotiation is in line with the psychological expectations of both parties, and the differences are eliminated little by little.

  Xia Jingxing was not worried at all about "scaring" Andrew away. Instead of answering the latter's question, he asked, "Mr. Andrew, what step do you think Facebook must reach to be worth nine million?"

   "At least one million users."

  Andrew said in a cold tone, "How many users do you have now? And there is not even a company or formal office space.

  I give a valuation of at most one million, which is my reserve price. "

   "Then, when we have 1 million users, you can invest again. It shouldn't be long before, just the last few months."

   After finishing speaking, Xia Jingxing kept silent and stopped mentioning financing, and greeted Andrew to eat food with foreign girls and little dogs.

  "Chinese cuisine is divided into eight major cuisines..."

  Xia Jingxing began to popularize foreign girls and small dogs, explaining the origin and division of Chinese cuisine.

  The foreign girl and the little dog are also very cooperative in asking questions, and Xia Jingxing is responsible for answering.

  Andrew was a little absent-minded. He just stopped talking in the middle of the fundraising talk, which made him feel uncomfortable.

  Does he like Facebook? Naturally it is optimistic.

  If the rating was still “wait and see” two months ago, it is now a “strong buy” rating.

  The popularity of Facebook among college students has been tested by Stanford and eight Ivy League schools. It is about to sweep California, and then the other forty-nine states in the United States.

  There are more than 10 million students in American colleges and universities, all of whom have become Facebook users. How much should the website be worth?

   Too much, tens of millions of dollars, there will definitely be Internet giants willing to acquire.

  If it can be extended to other countries and the water and soil can adapt, how much should it be estimated?

  But Facebook quoted a post-investment valuation of $10 million, which he certainly would not accept.

  And one million dollars is not a small sum.

  Even if he is a lawyer who has been in the business for ten years, he will almost empty his family.

  If he only invests one or two hundred thousand dollars, he can still participate.

  I can’t afford to lose too much.

  "Daren, how about adjusting your valuation offer? Two million valuations, I can invest 200,000 U.S. dollars."

  Andrew decided to save it again. After all, Facebook has some signs of success. It is a pity to miss it.

   "Oh, this little money makes it hard for me to do things!"

  Xia Jingxing sighed, looking very embarrassed.

  (End of this chapter)