My Age of Investment

Chapter 547: Strong Women on Wall Street (see monthly

  Chapter 547 Strong Women on Wall Street (seeking monthly pass)

  Xia Jingxing, Yu Yu and Zhang Chenguang took a taxi to a small well-known Chinese restaurant nearby.

  In an elegant and quiet box.

Yu Yu simply ordered a few dishes and handed the menu to the waiter. After watching the other party out of the box and bringing the door to her door, she retracted her gaze, smiled at Xia Jingxing, and asked, "Mr. Xia, I heard that you graduated from Stanford. of?"

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand and chuckled, “I didn’t graduate, I was a dropout, and I dropped out of school after only a year.”


  Yu Yu laughed heartily, “The secret to successful entrepreneurship is to drop out of school first? The same goes for Mr. Bill Gates.”

  Xia Jingxing shrugged, "Perhaps, it is also possible that the business failed, the degree was not obtained, and in the end, he couldn't even find a job."

  Yu Yu smiled, “When the opportunity comes, if you don’t be decisive, there may not be the “Dalun Xia” that is well-known in China and the United States today.

  To be honest, I really admire Mr. Xia.

  This is by no means a polite remark, but a sincere admiration. "

  Xia Jingxing smiled without talking.

  Yu Yu had a look of nostalgia, and said slowly: "I have also studied in the United States and started a business abroad, and I have tasted the bitterness of it.

  It was 1987. After graduating from Beijing University of Foreign Languages ​​majoring in English, I followed a delegation organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the United States. The purpose was to preach our opening-up policy..."

  Xia Jingxing did not interrupt Yu Yu, listening quietly to the other person’s life experience next to her.

  Zhang Chenguang is still an old habit, quietly serving as the background board, and not speaking at all.

  "After staying in the United States, it took me five years to get an MBA in Finance and International Business from the New York University School of Business Administration.

  But when I was so proud and ready to go to Wall Street to find a job, reality hit me hard. "

  Yu Yu sighed, looked at Xia Jingxing, smiled and said: "At that time, I wrote three hundred application letters, and they all fell to the ground.

  Since I didn’t find a job, I simply opened a financial consulting company by myself and started from scratch on Wall Street. "

  For the other party’s experience, Xia Jingxing was quite moved, “Vision Capital's hedge fund department has a branch on Wall Street. We are very aware of the xenophobia there, especially if you are still a Chinese and a woman!

  At that time, China's large state-owned enterprises had not yet been listed overseas on a large scale, and the bosses of Wall Street did not know the "correct usage of Chinese students". "

  Yu Yu smiled, "Haha, the correct usage of Chinese students, this word is very spiritual.

  The financial consulting company I opened has been tepid in the past two years. Even if I work 14 or 15 hours a day, this kind of work rhythm lasts for two years, but it can’t drive the company.

  It wasn't until 1995 when I helped China Nonferrous and Sanhuan Group to acquire Magnet, a subsidiary of General Motors, that my financial consulting company gradually established a foothold on Wall Street. "

  Xia Jingxing picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

   "I heard that this merger is very interesting!

  At that time, China Nonferrous Metals and Sanhuan, as the acquirer, did not have a penny on the account, and even the travel expenses were borrowed from Sinopec for them.

  You helped the Chinese party to build up eight layers of debt. By issuing bonds and borrowing money, you bought the Magnet company under General Motors without paying a penny.

  The most important thing is that this merger was very successful. The Chinese side earned 130 million U.S. dollars from Americans. "

  Xia Jingxing smiled and looked at Yu Yu, and made no secret of her appreciation for this strong woman.

  This is a standard “empty glove white wolf” M&A case, and it also made Yu Yu's reputation on Wall Street thoroughly.

  Yu Yu smiled humbly, “In fact, it’s not as legendary as everyone guessed. I just identified the needs of the two companies and let them get what they need.”

  Even though Yu Yu’s tone was very calm and calm, Xia Jingxing knew that the success of the matter was not as easy as she said.

  Dark skin, high cheekbones, big nose, it must be admitted that Yu Yu does not look good.

  But it cannot be denied that this woman really has something.

  Walking Cup celebration is the top prize of Peking University, but to marry Yu Yu, it is definitely the ancestor’s grave that smokes and wins in life.

  Dangdang's development and financing are inseparable from the shrewd Yu Yu and the personal resources she has accumulated over the years of hard work on Wall Street.

  So, you can draw a conclusion, find the right wife, your life is doing multiplication.

   briefly talked about his Wall Street experience, Yu Yu talked about Xia Jingxing again.

  "It is not easy for Chinese people to make a career in the United States!

  At that time, we were mainly working on Wall Street, and the work we did was nothing but a little trouble.

  Like Chen Hong, Deng Feng, Zhu Min, and Mr. Xia, you can only do a vigorous career.

  You amazing people have built companies with a market value of several billion and ten billion U.S. dollars in Silicon Valley on the West Coast.

  Nowadays, American society is discussing what kind of magic powers your group of overseas students from mainland China have, and why you can always turn stones into gold! "

Yu Yu smiled and looked at Xia Jingxing, "I saw the news at the time that a Chinese student in his early twenties had built a company in the United States with a valuation of 10 billion U.S. dollars and also received an investment from Microsoft. All stunned!

  The first reaction is to affirm fake news! "

  Xia Jingxing let out a series of slight laughter. I have to say that Yu Yu is really good at talking, and the flattery he shoots is easy to make people drift off.

  Yu Yu asked some questions about the development process of Facebook, and Xia Jingxing answered them one by one.

  The two chatted for a while, and they gradually became familiar with each other, and the dishes were ready.

  After eating a few bites of food, Xia Jingxing began to inquire about Dangdang's situation.

   "Sister Yu, Dangdang Series B financing, how much do you plan to raise?"

  Yu Yu raised his head, stared at Xia Jingxing, smiled slowly and said, “Dangdang’s last round of financing was two years ago. The Tiger Fund invested US$11 million in us. The valuation at the time was US$70 million.

   Later, Amazon contacted us again, they wanted to acquire Dangdang, and put forward a specific plan of US$150 million to acquire 70%-90% of Dangdang.

  But we rejected it because we wanted to seek independent development and go public, rather than being a vassal of an international giant. "

  Xia Jingxing totaled it in his mind, and calculated according to Amazon's purchase price, Dangdang's valuation is quite high, reaching about 200 million US dollars.

  Yu Yu added: “We don’t have high valuation requirements for Series B financing. We plan to raise US$25 to US$30 million at a pre-investment valuation of US$200 million.”

  Xia Jingxing nodded. In terms of volume, Dangdang is currently the largest B2C website in China, because at this time Tmall has not yet been born, and JD has not yet risen.

  Dangdang started selling books, audio and video products, and was once regarded as the “Amazon of China” by everyone.

  But Amazon’s category has expanded rapidly, and its volume has grown rapidly. It is no longer the Amazon that only sold books back then, but a huge e-commerce empire.

  After many years, when you mention Dangdang, everyone only knows that you can buy books on it.

Although Dangdang started early, it was established in 1999. It is of the same generation as eBay and Ari, but it was defeated in the B2C battle. It was confined to niche businesses such as books, and it perfectly missed the mobile Internet and social e-commerce. , Live e-commerce and many other outlets.

   Although the seniority is large, the situation is similar to that of Sohu. He belongs to the forgotten big brother and never appeared in the mainstream sight of the Internet in China, except for a series of farce caused by the celebration of falling cups.

  Xia Jingxing did not let Yu Yu wait for too long, and responded quickly after a little consideration, "Apart from us, are there other capitals involved?"

  Yu Yu smiled, “IDG is an old shareholder who has supported us since the angel round, and they are also interested in participating in Dangdang’s B round of financing.

  In addition to IDG, DCM and Walden International have also approached us, and they all showed a certain investment interest in Dangdang. "

  Xia Jingxing raised her head, "Oh", and then asked: "Then Sister Yu, what are your thoughts? Do you want multiple capitals to participate? Or, which institution is the most sincere, and which single investment share?"

  Yu Yu shook his head, "We are not greedy. We just hope to introduce more diversified shareholders, and everyone will work together to support Dangdang's development."

  "Envision Capital has already invested in Ahri, will this affect you?"

  Yu Yu waved his hand, “Mr. Xia, you don’t have to worry about this.

  I have worked on Wall Street, and I know a little bit about venture capital. It’s normal to be on the track.

  As long as you haven't signed any agreement with Ari, don't worry about Dangdang here. We welcome Envision Capital to invest. "

  Xia Jingxing smiled and looked at Yu Yu, "Okay, let's make it so!

  After waiting a few days, I will send people from the Jingzhe Fund to come in contact with Dangdang. You will also call IDG, DCM, and Walden International. Let's sit down and talk in detail. what do you think? "

  Yu Yu nodded happily.

  (End of this chapter)