My Age of Investment

Chapter 687: Disaster

   Chapter 687

   "Mr. Redstone, I have another plan."

  Xia Jingxing’s opening attracted the eyes of Gates and Redstone.

  "Tubing is an original content platform. Although some video content is not user original and comes from film and television drama editing, in general, the tone of our platform is still toward user originality and sharing their lives."

  Redstone did not speak. He admitted that the oil pipes infringed their copyrights were not too serious, but he just wanted to touch porcelain. The United States has its own national conditions. Everyone is playing like this, and he can’t avoid it.

  Xia Jingxing put aside his personal emotions and likes and dislikes, and seriously introduced the oil pipe to Lei Shidong.

   "Well, Darren, you don't need to say, although I am over 80 years old, I still know a little bit about the Internet."

   Lei Shidong smiled, "Actually, I am also very curious. The video content on the tubing is so messy and the quality of the video is also poor. Not to mention the shooting technology, why are so many people like it."

  Xia Jingxing did not answer this question, and smiled and said: “Tubing, in fact, only represents one of the development directions of video. I have always had a new entrepreneurial direction.

  I want to move all news, interviews, serials, music, concerts, movies and other video programs to the Internet to help users find and appreciate professional media content at any time, any place, and in any way. "

   A short introduction, revealing a lot of content.

Before Redstone could react, Gates couldn't help but ask first: "Daren, you mean that the new video platform abandons the content uploaded by Internet users and puts all the content in TV and movies on one website. "


   Speaking of this new entrepreneurial project, Xia Jingxing's entire popularity changed in an instant, and his tone became very contagious.

  "This is a video platform that is completely different from tubing, and tubing represents two extremes.

  At the same time, this is also a virgin land that has not been noticed, waiting for people to open up the market. "

  Lei Shidong finally reacted at this time, "It is equivalent to creating an "Internet Hollywood", right?"

  Xia Jingxing snapped his fingers, “That’s right! First of all, this new platform does not need to pay video bloggers a cent in advertising share. The advertising income and subscription income are all attributed to the company, and the profit model is very clear.

  Secondly, all users of the platform are audiences, and ordinary users are not allowed to upload videos, which is different from YouTube.

  Finally, this is definitely the best video platform that integrates with traditional media, and can give full play to the strengths of traditional media to produce professional content.

  The current video market is chaotic. This new video platform has its own characteristics-"the easiest way to see the highest quality videos with the best experience".

   Relying on this feature, it will definitely be able to break a **** path in the video melee, and fight against the oil pipeline, and it is even possible to make a profit earlier than the oil pipeline. "

  " Earlier profit than tubing?" Lei Shidong was skeptical.

  Xia Jingxing briefly explained the terrifying bandwidth of the oil pipeline. The new platform does not allow ordinary users to upload videos, which can save a lot of bandwidth expenditure.

  Redstone nodded, "This requires a lot of professional content production companies to authorize cooperation with your new project, right?"

   "Yes, the content is the key!" Xia Jingxing admitted frankly, because he couldn't keep it secret.

  Lei Shidong laughed loudly, "Dalun, you tell me this today, and I am not afraid that I will copy your entrepreneurial project."

  Xia Jingxing deliberately expressed disdain, "Since I dare to speak out, I am not afraid of being plagiarized by others. I know what the idea is and whether it can be achieved in the end depends on the specific implementation.

  It is no exaggeration to say that looking at the United States, looking at the world, no one knows video sites better than me. "

  Lei Shidong chuckled, not only for Xia Jingxing’s youth and frivolousness, but also for the big pie falling from the sky.

  He has his own judgment. The new platform that the young people face to face seems to be tailor-made for them, and it can give full play to their content advantages.

  They may not be able to engage in Internet technology and play functional innovation, but Viacom is definitely a good hand when it comes to content production.

  "Daren, the new plan you mentioned is to invite Viacom to cooperate with you on a new entrepreneurial project?"

  Xia Jingxing nodded towards Lei Shidong, "Of course."

  Noting that Gates’s face was not very good, Xia Jingxing added, “Not only our two families, but also waterfall investment.”

  Gates looked up, just in time to collide with Xia Jingxing’s eyes. The latter said: “Mr. Gates, you have been trying to diversify investment. You might as well bet on our new project. Its commercial potential may still be above the tubing.”

  Looking at Xia Jingxing's sincere gaze, Gates felt miserable in his heart, smiled and nodded, he didn't want to speak.

  Redstone asked: “If Viacom becomes a shareholder of this company, will the other five companies not authorize the content to us?”

   "So, it's better to pull them in."

  Xia Jingxing stared at Lei Shidong, “Otherwise, we can’t monopolize most of the high-quality content in the market, we can’t form our own moat, and it’s easy to be followed by others.

  Of course, we can only cooperate with Viacom, but Mr. Redstone, you can think about it, if you were a user, what choice would you make? Several other giants will certainly launch their own video platforms. "

   Lei Shidong pondered for a moment. Based on his understanding of several old opponents, it was not impossible to follow suit, and then several companies fought wildly and messed up the market.

   "Darren, this is not because you want to use this platform to promote a reconciliation between everyone and YouTube, right?"

  Although the old man is getting older, but his mind is very clear, he can see through Xia Jingxing's true purpose at once.

  Xia Jingxing smiled, "Yes, this is the result I want. Since everyone can work together to make money, there is no need to fight for life.

  The oil pipe is broken by you, no one can make a profit, except Murdoch.

  He has MySpaceVideo under his banner. Killing the tubing will make him the most profitable, and you won’t get anything. "

  Xia Jingxing analyzed the situation thoroughly. If this is the case, Lei Shidong will still be a gunman for someone else, and he can't do it anymore, so let's continue.

  But if they can differentiate the Big Six in Hollywood, they will face much less pressure and potential dangers.

  Lei Shidong smiled and looked at Xia Jingxing, "Then you invite News Corporation to join your new entrepreneurial project?"

  Xia Jingxing said lightly: “Naturally, he will not invite him. He has his own video website. There is no need to invite him. There will be fewer profit-sharing partners if there are fewer people.”

  "You are also a shareholder of Youtube, how can I trust you?"

  Xia Jingxing knew that the old man asked about the coordination of the relationship between the two video platforms, and explained: “Although the two companies are both video platforms, their business cores are completely different and they can coexist in harmony.

  If you have any doubts, Mr. Redstone, I suggest that YouTube also become a shareholder of the new video platform and, together with Facebook, divert the new platform. "

  Gates was taken aback, looking at Xia Jingxing in disbelief, not afraid of raising a tiger?

  Xia Jingxing knows in his heart that he is reluctant to let the child be unable to hold the wolf, and can only use this method to temporarily tie everyone's interests together and dissolve Hollywood's hostility to him.

  As for the others, leave it to the time.

"it is good!"

  Xia Jingxing thought Lei Shidong had agreed, but the old man immediately took another sentence: "Let me think about it for a few days."

  The matter is so big that it is impossible to make a decision immediately. Xia Jingxing feels that it is normal, and nodded, "Okay, then you can consider it first."

  (End of this chapter)