My Age of Investment

Chapter 775: Gamble

  Chapter 775 Gamble

   "All the current signs indicate that the school intranet is really out of money. Otherwise, with Xia Jingxing's temper, where would we let us race and enclose the land?"

On the board of directors of Thousand Oaks Group, Chen Yizhou made a sincere judgment.

  His purpose of convening this meeting is to persuade shareholders from all walks of life to take this opportunity to give the school's intranet a heavy blow and regain the status of the Chinese SNS brother that originally belonged to Thousand Oaks.

  Since the school intranet was acquired by Xia Jingxing, they have suffered more than once, and the company has been distracted by the people, and his hair has lost a lot of toss.

  In the past half a month, they finally exhale.

  The content on the 5Q campus network platform is all kinds of campus events, campus stars, such as football school grass, music school flowers...

  These artificial topics and hotspots have attracted the attention of a large number of students with excess hormones, and they have also taken away a large number of active users on the domestic network.

  The situation is great!

  Don't take the opportunity to overtake in a curve, he is afraid that he will have long nights and dreams.

  Originally, he was also worried that after a summer vacation, Thousand Oaks campus events might be cold and could not catch up with the Shanghai intranet.

  So, he devoted 400 million yuan to activities, and his budget was twice as high as that of the domestic network.

  These are all pushed by him under tremendous pressure.

  Unexpectedly, the effect of the event was so good, which led to a rapid increase in the number of registered users of the 5Q campus network.

  This gave him a glimmer of victory.

  So, he turned over the previously mentioned plan again, ready to increase investment and surpass the domestic network in one fell swoop.

  But such a large handwriting must be supported by shareholders.

  Xiong Xiaoge kept tapping his fingers on the desktop, his eyes full of doubts, "Is the information on the Internet accurate? I still don't believe that Xia Jingxing's funds will be tight."

   "There are no false words about anything that is true."

   Glancing at the shareholders present, Chen Yizhou mysteriously said: “I have asked my friends in Silicon Valley and Wall Street to inquire about it. Facebook’s operation is still normal, but the situation of Envision Capital’s hedge fund is very unoptimistic.”

"How to say?"

  Zhang Fan sat up straight, and instantly became interested.

  The reaction of other shareholders was similar to that of Zhang Fan, and they all cast interested eyes.

  In the past year or so, Envision Capital is like a mountain on their heads, making them breathless.

  Furthermore, Envision Capital’s fierce gameplay and ugly look is like a powerful foreign dragon that has disrupted the Chinese VC market.

  In other words, the world is suffering for a long time!

  Unlucky Xia Jingxing is something that each of them is happy to see.

Chen Yizhou deliberately sold it, and seeing that the appetite of the shareholders was puffed up, he said: "I have a friend who works on Wall Street. He said that the newly established fund of funds of Vision Capital only hit the market for a month and lost money. At least this number." Chen Yizhou shook his three fingers.

   "300 million?" Some shareholders exclaimed.

  Chen Yizhou nodded, “Yes, the unit is still US dollars. I heard that many American LPs do not trust Vision Capital because of this, and they have completely defeated the reputation they have built in the past few years.”

  "Hedge funds are inherently risky, and losing money for a while does not mean anything. Even if the loss is really big in the end, the liquidation of the fund will not hurt Xia Jingxing's roots."

  Xiong Xiaopi suffered several losses, and he no longer dared to look down upon Xia Jingxing. He always felt that the whole thing revealed a kind of weirdness.

  Moreover, he judged that as long as there is no major problem with Facebook, Xia Jingxing’s roots will not be hurt.

  "Hedge funds can be regarded as the first dominoes. It is hard to say that there is no capital from Xia Jinghang. When it falls, it will definitely cause a subsequent chain reaction."

  Chen Yizhou said indifferently: "Moreover, what are the virtues of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs? I believe that many of you who have crossed Wall Street have a steelyard in your heart. It is hard to say that the two investment banks will not fall into trouble because of this.

  The matter of borrowing, I guess it is not groundless, just asking for additional collateral or repayment of part of the loan is enough to squeeze out the liquidity of Vision Capital and Xia Jinghang’s personal assets.

  He has no money, and he doesn’t care about the Shanghai intranet. The big deal of Vision Capital and Facebook is enough for him to have a headache. "

  All shareholders nodded, feeling that Chen Yizhou’s judgment is reasonable.

  "Whether it is the news on the market or your inference, it is based on a small part of the news and a large part of the guesswork. It is difficult to say that it must be correct."

After all, Xiong Xiaoge shook his head, "Envision Capital is registered in Cayman and Facebook is an unlisted company. It is difficult for us to grasp the exact personal financial information of Xia Jingxing.

  My suggestion is to be safer and stop throwing money blindly.

  Has been smashed 400 million, which is enough and should be slowed down. "

  Part of the shareholders nodded, Xiong Xiaoge’s views are old-fashioned.


  Zhang Fan sighed, “No matter whether Xia Jingxing has a financial crisis or not, Thousand Oaks is a great opportunity of a lifetime. Could it be that you just watched it go away?”

   glanced at everyone, Zhang Fan continued: “If this opportunity is missed, there may be no chance to chase the Shanghai intranet again.

  Everyone can evaluate for yourself that users other than students have already accounted for half of the users of, and they are still growing at a rate of several million per month.

  If we don’t catch up, there is really only a dead end.

  Ten Thousand Steps back and said, Xia Jingxing personally has a serious financial crisis and cannot support the development of, but Facebook can!

  Don’t forget the big guy, Facebook is a shareholder of

  Xia Jingxing personally has no money, but Facebook has money. This giant has only raised 1.5 billion US dollars in equity and debt financing. It is not too difficult to acquire "

  Hearing this, everyone trembled and almost forgot this relationship.

  Even if Xia Jingxing goes bankrupt, it will not be implicated on Facebook. At most, Facebook’s shareholding structure will be changed, and then Facebook can acquire as a springboard and formally enter China.

  Thinking that such a behemoth might become a direct opponent of Thousand Oaks, which makes people shudder.

  Zhang Fan sneered, "Now everyone knows how dangerous Thousand Oaks' situation is? We are racing against time. If we still look forward and backward, we should not fight at all and divide the money on Thousand Oaks account."

  Hearing this, the small shareholders present all bowed their heads and thought in their hearts.

  Xiong Xiaoge also has a thoughtful look. Although Zhang Fan has a relatively strong personality and his words are also very aggressive, his analysis is not unreasonable.

   Chen Yizhou and Zhang Fan met, and the corners of their mouths showed a smile.

  "After spending 400 million, we still have 600 million in reserve cash in our account. I think it is reasonable to use another 400 million from it for promotion, and it will not cause great financial pressure on the daily operation of the company.

  After we kill in one go, swallow their market and users, and start another round of financing, which is enough to make up for all the previous expenses. "

  Chen Yizhou looked at a group of shareholders with a hint of bewilderment in his voice, “The market’s valuation of some time ago has reached 1 billion U.S. dollars! If we can replace it, no matter how much money we spend, we can earn it back.

   Facebook’s valuation is as high as 25 billion US dollars. Even so, it has not touched the ceiling of SNS.

  I can’t think of a reason not to Shigekura’s SNS!

  If Thousand Oaks loses this battle, not only me, but everyone here will regret it forever. "

   Chen Yizhou's words are really touching.

  Suggested that the stable Xiong Xiaoge is torturing his heart: if he loses the chance of betting a tens of billions of dollars in a company because of his conservativeness, will he regret it in the future?

  At the same time, as one goes down and the other goes up, IDG will be squeezed from the throne of No. 1 VC in China by Envision Capital.

  Zhang Fan smiled and said: "There is nothing to hesitate. This is the victory of the brave when we meet on a narrow road. I support Yizhou's decision."

   "Okay, let's do it!" After weighing it, Xiong Xiaoge decided to take a gamble.

   "Yes, it's done!"



  All the shareholders were finally persuaded, and one by one followed suit.

  Tong Shijie, the minority shareholder representative, did not say a word during the whole process, mainly because there were not enough coffee positions, and it was inconvenient to come forward to fan the flames.

  At this time, he also followed behind to show his support, shouting slogans loudly.

  (End of this chapter)