My Age of Investment

Chapter 792: Enemy of life and death

  Chapter 792 The Enemy of Life and Death

   "Mr. Xia, congratulations!"

  Ouyang Changlin carrying a goblet full of red wine, laughing and walking towards Xia Jing.

   Close to the front and back, he first looked at Xia Jingxing with admiring eyes, and then he toasted in praise.

  "With the ingenuity and the ingenuity of the methods used, we are also dazzled by the old guys. When we react, we have to accept it. This is the era of your young people.

  Come on, Mr. Xia, I toast you a cup, and I wish to become the first echelon of the Internet as soon as possible. "

   "Haha, Mr. Ou Balcony, thank you for your kind words, this time thanks to your help with the super girls."

  Xia Jingxing smiled and clinked glasses with Ouyang Changlin. Tianyu has always cooperated with Tudou and Jupin Pictures.

  After a few days ago, after the craze for celebrities to enter the intranet, Tianyu was also the first entertainment company to cooperate with the intranet.

  So, he held a thank-you banquet today, and he invited Ouyang Changlin together, thinking about moving around with each other and deepening the relationship.

  Xia Jingxing and Ouyang Changlin chatted a few words, and by the way, they decided on the sponsorship of the Super Girl next year in advance.

  "Super Girl" is the most popular program covering young people. Although its influence is gradually declining, but other TV stations are not up to date. For the time being, there is no variety show that can compete with it.

  Now his domestic industry has gradually expanded its layout. Any industry needs to be advertised, and the influence of Mango Channel on young people is what he really wants to borrow.

   "Mr. Xia, congratulations!"

  Ouyang Changlin had just left, and soon other guests walked up to greet Xia Jingxing.

  Regardless of whether they are familiar or not, whether they have deep friendship or not, it does not prevent them from indulging in Mr. Xia and mixing their faces.

   Boss Xia has recently made a splash. First, he acquired Skyworth in a flash, and then launched the popular game "Happy Farm", which instantly reversed the pattern of China's SNS social network.

  Whether it is strength or skill, they have won their respect.

  So many things have happened, no one dares to look down upon the young richest man anymore.

  A group of entrepreneurs lamented that no one who can be the richest man is simple.

  Because Facebook was far overseas, many people still questioned Xia Jingxing’s strength, or attributed Facebook’s success to luck.

  Now, those who dare to look down on Xia Jingxing, although they are not three feet tall at their graves, Suona is ready and waiting to start.

  After dismissing a bunch of grass on the wall, Xia Jingxing glanced around.

  He noticed that Chen Hong, Zhu Min, Xu Xin and others were discussing something together, so he smiled and walked over.

  Compared to that bunch of clerks, this bunch of talents are his most loyal allies at the moment.

   "Jingxing, you just came here. We are discussing how will make money in the future!"

  Zhu Min pointed to Xu Xin, "Mr. Xu said that Facebook has provided a good reference for has copied the monetization model and just follows the advertising."

  Xia Jingxing knew some of Zhu Min’s concerns, and said with a smile: “Advertising must be done, but compared to advertising, games are the real gold mine.

  The situation in our country is different from that in the United States. Their currency is more valuable, and Facebook has completed its business layout in dozens of countries, which can attract large clients such as multinational companies to place advertisements. This is an advantage that Hainet does not have for the time being. "

  Zhu Min nodded, he was worried about this before, because the national conditions are different, so he must not just copy it mechanically.

  Xu Xin asked calmly: “Then advertising is not the main profit point, what methods do we rely on to make money?”

After hearing this, Chen Hong, Deng Feng, and Lin Xinhe also turned their attention to Xia Jingxing. As shareholders, they hope to get an exact answer from Xia Jingxing.

   "Think about it, what did the previous richest men in China do?"

  Xu Xin's eyes lit up, and she suddenly realized: "You said games?"

   "That's right."

  Xia Jingxing explained: “Although China’s online advertising market is smaller than that of the United States, our number of Internet users has grown rapidly. There are currently more than 100 million Internet users, second only to the United States in the world.

  Look, we have launched a "Happy Farm", which has attracted tens of millions of players.

  As time goes by, the number of Chinese Internet users will soon surpass that of the United States, ranking first in the world. "

  Everyone nodded, agreeing to Xia Jingxing’s view.

  Xia Jingxing smiled, “Domestic netizens like to play games and are willing to spend money for them.

  Many young people live frugally, but are willing to use the money saved to buy game props.

  Games are currently the clearest Internet business model in China.

  Relying on the current user base of, we only need to launch a few more advanced games in the industry, and we can take a share of this gold mining industry.

  At the same time, the user relationship chain precipitated by the real-name social network of can create more interactions between friends for game players and increase user stickiness. "

  Zhu Min nodded, and after hearing Xia Jingxing’s explanation, he finally let go of all his doubts.

  Xu Xin smiled and said, "Mr. Xia, did you have an idea in the morning?

  A few days ago, I learned that the game team is developing a new game, and you have also invested in Duoyi Network, founded by former NetEase employee Xu Bo. "

   "Yes, I established the direction of development early in the morning."

  Xia Jingxing glanced at a few shareholders, and prepared to give them the bottom line. After all, they were all passengers who bought tickets, and there was no need to hide from them.

  "If is like a tree, then the SNS social business is the backbone, and the game is the branch that stretches out.

  The self-developed web games are just the beginning. Next, we will introduce agent games. After we lay the foundation, we will develop online games by ourselves in the future.

  In addition, the open platform of our Hai intranet is not an empty shelf, and a multi-easy network alone is not enough to hold the scene.

  Next, we will open up the platform to more game entrepreneurs, and let the account become a registration pass for many games! "

  Several investors read the key information from these words in an instant.

  Ambition is not small!

  Aiming to build a platform-based company!


  Lin Xinhe suddenly patted his head, and then shook his finger at Xia Jingxing, “The virtual currency and payment tools that recently wanted to build are also for this strategy, right?”

  Xia Jingxing nodded slightly, "Yes, the games nowadays are not in the card era. They are all free to play, and profits are made through value-added services such as item sales.

  Online buying and selling of props involves online recharge and virtual currency. "

   "No problem, Jingxing, as long as you are optimistic, you will be done, I will support you." Zhu Min took the lead in expressing his position.

  Xu Xin looked at Xia Jingxing and smiled and said, “I have no problem. There is still a lot of the 120 million US dollars raised in the previous two rounds of, and now there is another 150 million US dollars injected, which is enough to support the implementation of your ideas.

  Even if you want to learn from Chen Yizhou as a wealthy boy, we all have this financial ability. "

  Xia Jingxing waved his hand quickly, “Just learn from Chen Yizhou. Burning money is also a craft. It’s not advisable to throw ads in one go.”

   "What is the situation in Thousand Oaks now, shouldn't it be able to hold it?"

  Seeing that the topic was dragged to Chen Yizhou, Chen Hong couldn't help but care about the life-and-death enemy of Hainet.

  Lin Xinhe did not choose to ridicule, but said in a very calm tone: “I burned so much money but didn’t get the market. His business credit has been overdrawn.

  As long as Zhang Fan and the others have no problem, they should all choose to stop loss and exit! "

  Everyone nodded, agreeing with this judgment.

  Deng Feng, who has rarely intervened just now, suddenly said: “Thousand Oaks is no longer a threat. We don’t need to pay more attention. The fat penguin that really should be paid attention to!”

  A touch of surprise was drawn across Xia Jingxing’s face, and she smiled and asked, "Why?"

  Deng Feng calmly explained: “Because according to your description just now, I found that Penguin is following the same path as us. has an open platform, and Penguin has a QQ game lobby; is developing virtual currency and payment tools. Penguin has Q coins and Tenpay;

  The backbone of the intranet is SNS, and the backbone of Penguin is instant messaging...

  Both platforms have a large number of users, and both are aggressively entering the game field.

  We and Penguin, either you die or I live! "

  This analysis is quite thorough. Xia Jingxing couldn't help but applaud lightly while holding the wine glass, “It’s a wonderful analysis! That’s right, we overlapped with Penguin, and one of the two companies must fall.”

  Xu Xin frowned. To be more honest, Penguin's strength obviously prevailed.

  Although has gained momentum recently, the number of users still lags behind QQ by a large margin.

  Moreover, Penguin is a listed company and has already made a profit, while is still losing money.

  Compared in all aspects, this war is very dangerous.

  When Xu Xin raised these questions, Xia Jingxing said lightly: “Where is there any battle that must be won?

  There is a gap between the current paper strength and Penguin, I admit this.

  But the factors that really determine the outcome of a war include courage, courage, vision, and so on.

  Ten thousand steps back, even if we can't beat Penguin, we can transform into an excellent game maker. "

  The last sentence is what Xia Jingxing said specifically to the shareholders. Investment will not be frustrated, and there is the most basic guarantee.

   "Since you can't escape, let's fight the Penguin. In my opinion, the level of the Penguin game is just like that, not much better than us."

  Different from others, Chen Hong's expression is not serious at all.

  After thinking for a while, the shareholders present finally nodded and agreed to make a big effort in the game business.

    My heart is tired, and both chapters 780 and 790 have been swallowed. Six chapters have been swallowed this month.

     Let’s take a leave today and adjust your mentality. It’s just this chapter. Don’t wait anymore. The state is not good, and there are problems with writing.



  (End of this chapter)