My Age of Investment

Chapter 937: Winter is coming (the bear leader who ea

  Chapter 937 Winter is approaching (Bunny Bear Leader 210)

  Xia Jingxing returned to his senses and took a closer look. There was already standing in front of him a young man in his thirties who was grinning and showing his big white teeth.

   "Lao Zhang, are you here too?"

  Zhang Sanshi smiled, “If there is nothing on hand, just come over and take a look and study.”

  Xia Jingxing nodded slightly and introduced a few people beside him to meet Zhang Sanshi.

   When introducing bangs, Zhang Sanshi reacted very much.

  "Manager Liu Hai, disrespectful and disrespectful! I heard about the extraordinary performance of Lixia No.1 Fund in Hong Kong, and I am deeply impressed. I am glad to meet you. I am Zhang Sanshi from Gao Ling Capital."

  Zhang Sanshi took out his business card from his arms, handed it out with both hands, and then held Liu Hai’s hand again and shook it vigorously.

   Liu Hai is almost numb, and now he can run into a little fan wherever he goes, but he knows his family affairs, and he didn’t make any contribution, so he quickly put on a smiling face and started politely with Zhang Sanshi.

  Xia Jingxing smiled and watched this scene. What about the future capital bosses, now they can only stand as if they were.

  Gao Ling recently disclosed to LP the position and rate of return e-mail, he read, and evaluated in four words-so-so.

  This is the result achieved on the basis that Penguin's stock price has risen all the way.

  In this life, with the variable of domestic holdings, Penguin's prospects seem to be not good?

  At present, the influence of the domestic holding group on Penguin's stock price is not significant, because the gold-absorbing games such as CF and DNF have not been officially launched.

  However, after these two games are officially launched at home, it will be difficult for Penguin to continue its stock price trend after 08 years!

  Gao Ling Capital, who invested heavily in Penguin, I don’t know if he can become famous by investing in Penguin like his previous life, and then raise more funds and embark on the road of capital rise.

  If luck is deprived, can Zhang Sanshi become an investment boss? Xia Jingxing found it difficult to say.

  Because if a person wants to be successful, he must take into account both personal efforts and the progress of the times.

  Times make heroes!

  Otherwise, let your talents flourish, but if you don’t meet the right opportunity, it may take a half-life, and it will take a lot of detours before you can get on the right track of your career, and you may even never get on the right track again, and your life will completely deviate.

  However, Xia Jingxing does not need to have a headache for this problem. If Zhang Sanshi leaves the Penguin investment case and can still successfully rise, it means that the other party does have extraordinary talents and continues to increase investment. On the contrary, it will not cause much loss if it is abandoned.

  A group of people walked into the venue talking and laughing, and they separated because the seats were not arranged together.

  Xia Jingxing, Liu Hai and Jiang Ping walked to the first row of seats under the gaze of thousands of pairs of eyes at the venue.

  "Mr Xia~"



  In the first few rows, there were Wu Jianmin, CEO of East West Bank, Liu Jinhang, CEO of First Securities, Zheng Jiafa, Chairman of Cathay Pacific Bank, and Sun Qicheng, Chairman of Guobao Bank, among many Chinese bankers in the United States who greeted Xia Jinghang, a Wall Street upstart, with mixed faces.

  If you can pull enterprise customers of the level of Envision Capital into their bank to open an account, you can directly let them roll up the scale of their bank-related business.

   But then again, the strong have always only joined forces with the strong. If Envision Capital makes a request for a loan of several billion US dollars, it can directly take out their bank.

   Therefore, it is almost impossible for Envision Capital to open an account in their bank.

  But most people still want to give it a try. What if it's done? Even opening a branch account is infinitely useful.

  Xia Jingxing greeted the bankers one by one, and looked at Sun Qicheng, chairman of Guobao Bank.

  The name of this bank is quite special, it's called National Treasure.

The other party indeed grew up in the hometown of national treasures. During the Anti-Japanese War, he fled with his family from the capital to Yuzhou to escape the war. His father, as a big entrepreneur at the time, also established a large orphanage in Yuzhou and took in thousands of people. Tens of thousands of orphans who lost their parents and homeless because of the bombing are highly respected in Yuzhou.

  Before liberation, his family immigrated to Hong Kong and then to the United States. Sun Qicheng founded the National Treasure Bank in New York’s Chinatown. The bank was small, with only six branches, and mainly served the Chinese community.

I remember Xia Jing’s behavior so clearly, mainly because Sun Qicheng and his National Treasure Bank became famous after the subprime mortgage crisis, and the director filmed a documentary "National Treasure Bank: Small enough to go to prison" based on their family’s experience. The film also received an Oscar nomination.

  In the subprime mortgage crisis, loans were issued indiscriminately. Banks packaged subprime loans and sold them to Fannie Mae, which then processed them into CDOs and continued to sell them, one layer at a time.

  National Treasure Bank is not exempt, doing it like this along with the trend.

   Then, the paradox happened.

  In the loan packaged and sold by National Treasure Bank to Fannie Mae, a considerable part of the loan procedures and documents are suspected of forgery.

  The prosecutor interpreted this as disguising non-performing loans as high-quality assets, which indirectly caused losses to investors and constituted nearly 200 crimes including theft.

  Lehman and AIG, the big fishes that pierced hundreds of billions of dollars in holes were fine. However, Guobao Bank, a small bank with only 6 branches, was sued and became the only bank in the United States to be sued in the subprime mortgage crisis.

  To put it bluntly, it means picking up soft persimmons. Looking for a scapegoat for the financial crisis. It is a national treasure bank founded by a Chinese and a small bank. It is suitable for the canonical punishment!

  But Sun Qicheng refused to plead guilty. His four daughters resigned and accompanied their father to litigate for five years. Attorney fees of tens of millions of dollars were spent before he finally won the lawsuit and cleared all the charges.

  This incident can be regarded as a slap in the face of American democracy, and it also exposed the deep-rooted discrimination against the Chinese in American society.

  After a few words with a group of bankers, Xia Jingxing sat next to Jiang Ping and Liu Hai, quietly waiting for the meeting to begin.

  When it was nine o'clock, the host began to speak on stage, announcing that the theme of the annual meeting was: "Global Financial Markets: Challenges and Opportunities".

  Next, Tang Xiaodong, the rotating chairman of TCFA, gave an opening speech.

  Xia Jingxing sat down and listened carefully. He had some impressions of Tang Xiaodong. The other party returned to China and served as deputy director of the International Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, general manager of China Asset Management, deputy general manager of GF Securities, and head of BlackRock Group China.

It seems that the confusion is getting worse and the positions are getting lower and lower. In fact, BlackRock is the world's largest asset management organization, with its asset management scale almost reaching 10 trillion US dollars, and it has also become the first foreign businessman in China. Sole proprietorship public fund.

  Prior to this, the public offering funds with foreign participation were all joint venture funds, and their names were unpopular, such as China International Investment Morgan, Bank of Communications Schroder...

After Tang Xiaodong, it was the turn of Jeffrey Schaefer, former US Deputy Treasury Secretary and Citigroup Vice President, to speak.

He first highly praised the rapid development of China’s financial industry in recent years, and then expressed the hope that China’s financial industry can earnestly learn from the experience and lessons learned by the United States in the process of developing the financial industry, and strengthen the supervision and control of the financial industry to maximize To reduce financial risks.

  It was full of scenes, and Xia Jingxing was drowsy.

  However, he also understands that Citibank is showing good wishes to China’s major financial institutions and regulators for convenience. There are many heads of domestic banks, brokerage firms, funds, China Securities Regulatory Commission, and China Banking Regulatory Commission who came to the scene this year.

  Finally, Chinese senior executives from world-renowned financial companies such as Moody's Credit Rating Company, Deutsche Bank, Citibank, Credit Suisse Group, Morgan Stanley, etc. gave speeches in turn.

  Time is gradually running out, and after all these people have finished speaking, it is almost noon.

  Originally, the organizer arranged for Xia Jingxing to speak at the finale of the main venue in the morning, but Xia Jingxing declined, so he changed to Jiang Ping to speak on his behalf.

  "Next, let us invite Mr. Jiang Ping, executive director of Envision Capital, to deliver a special speech-Winter is coming."

  In the warm applause and farewell, Jiang Ping stepped onto the stage.

  He picked up the microphone, looked at the crowd under the crowd, and said loudly: "Wall Street has always been regarded as a holy place by investors all over the world, but I want to remind investors here today: Stay vigilant on Wall Street!"

  As soon as the voice fell, the 1,000-person meeting place that was a little noisy just now became quiet, and the needle drop was audible.

  Xia Jingxing looked at the stage with a smile, bangs next to him, and asked softly: "There will be no problems, right?"

  "What can be the problem?"

  Xia Jingxing said indifferently: “For the forum, just talk freely. As a large financial institution, it is still necessary for Envision Capital to give our voice in the market.

  Look at other organizations, you’re jumping so high every day, and you regard yourself as an opinion leader! However, they are doing the right thing. They still have to fight for the right to speak in the market as much as possible, and stir up the market with one force! "

   Liu Hai nodded, no more words, anyway, it was not the boss who left the game in person.

  (End of this chapter)