My Age of Investment

Chapter 997: Flatter

   Chapter 997

  In the morning, John Paulson, as usual, jogged along the lakeside path in New York’s Central Park.

  Running is the exercise habit he has developed over the past year, or a way to relieve stress.

In 2006, when it first shorted subprime mortgages, Paulson Funds underwent a lot of market pressure and suffered a lot of losses. Numerous LPs clamored to withdraw their capital. The positive news about the real estate market from the outside world was overwhelming. Optimistic real estate market experts and lending institutions , Constantly advocating that housing prices will continue to rise, or that the federal government will lower interest rates to maintain the market...

  These nights before dawn, he survived.

  The current Paulson Fund has been honored, and it has jumped from a small and medium-sized hedge fund to the top large hedge fund in the market. No LP dared to send an email to curse him, or clamored for withdrawal.

  Although there is no need to bear the pressure anymore, Paulson's running habit has been well maintained by Paulson.

  After running a few miles, the 53-year-old Paulson stopped panting tiredly.

  He took the towel handed by the bodyguard who had been behind him, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

When    was about to go home for breakfast, suddenly there was a ringing of the phone, and the bodyguard handed the phone to Paulson.

  After listening to a few phone calls, Paulson's face gradually became gloomy.

   "Fak! All these **** should have their licenses revoked, wander the streets in remorse, and go to **** amidst curses!"

   Seeing that the usual calm and rational boss suddenly turned into an angry lion, his eyes were red, and he looked like he wanted to eat, and the bodyguard was also surprised. What caused the boss to react so much.

After cursing for a while, Paulson took a few deep breaths and calmed down a lot. He shook the phone and said: "Okay, I see, I will rush over immediately, maybe I will be at the company later."

  Hung up the phone in a hurry, Paulson didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he wore a thin morning jogger and rushed to the place of the incident with his bodyguards.

  In front of a villa, an old lady with silver hair was surrounded by the third and third floors of the reporter's room.

  Looking at the microphone pointed at her like a firearm in front of her, the old lady hesitated, her face full of anxiety and embarrassment.

  "Mrs. Paulson, your son John made $3.7 billion in the past year, overwhelming Soros and Simmons to become the highest-paid fund manager on Wall Street. Do you know this?"

"If you calculate by working 40 hours a week, your son earns more than 1.4 million U.S. dollars per hour. The current average hourly salary of the American people is 17.86 U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to the income of 80,756 Americans. Are you proud of him?"

  “Many social organizations now accuse your son of making money from this crisis very dirty and profiting from people who have lost their homes. This is not a good way to make money! What do you think of this?”


  The old lady is about to collapse when asked. Although she is older, she also knows that she can’t comment on her son casually, which will cause a lot of trouble to her son.

  "My son John is an important person, but I really have nothing to say. I am getting older, don’t understand finance, and don’t know what happened."

  After speaking, the old lady turned around and wanted to enter the house, but she couldn't get out of the reporter's circle.

  This group of reporters tried their best to dig out the address of the old lady. How could they let her off so easily, and their questions became more and more acute.

   "Many people say that your son is the chief culprit in causing thousands of people to live on the streets. He is a malignant tumor attached to the American economy. As a mother, would you give John some advice?"

  "Your husband is from Ecuador, and you are from Latvia. As an immigrant family, your family has lived a prosperous life in the United States.

  Your son even won a scholarship provided by an American company and had the opportunity to enter Harvard University, the highest institution in the United States. After graduation, he got an offer from Wall Street that countless people envied.

  Now your son is shorting the United States. Don’t your family feel ashamed of this? "

  “Many people living on the streets are low-income immigrants. The family spends the winter in the park or squeezes into slums.

  When your family first came to the United States decades ago, did the United States treat you like this?

  As immigrant families, now that you have money, will you still sympathize with the same families as you used to be? "

  Faced with so many questions, the old lady was crying, "I don't know, I really don't know anything, please don't ask anymore."

  Seeing that an 80-something old lady was forced into such a situation by herself and others, many reporters couldn't bear it.

   But when I thought that my house was taken away by the bank, even if it was confiscated, it was greatly depreciated. Many reporters felt grievances, and that sympathy disappeared.

  They go to sympathize with the billionaire's old lady, then who will sympathize with them who have failed speculative speculators?

  This time the subprime mortgage crisis, the worst is the low-income families living on the streets, followed by their middle class.

  In the United States, their middle-class families have a tight life, it is difficult to save money, and finally find a way to become rich by real estate speculation.

  As a result, it was destroyed by Paulson!

  Of course, they also know that this matter is not particularly related to Paulson, but who made Paulson so much money, jealousy and jealousy are human nature.

  As the reporters continued to make things difficult for the old lady, there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

  Several bodyguards in suits with big waists, like peeling onions, pushed a famous reporter away from the outside to the inside.

  A reporter took out his press card and threatened to make these rude and strong men look good.

  But when they looked at Paulson, who walked into the crowd with a dark face, they suddenly felt a little bit of trouble in their hearts!

Paulson and his mother gave a hug, comforted the old lady a few words, then turned his gaze to the reporter in front of him, and said coldly: "This is the style of the uncrowned king? Block an 80-year-old lady at the door of the house and force it. Forcing her to provide you with news materials?"

  Some of the reporters were not ashamed of Paulson, responding: “Freedom of the press is a symbol of a democratic system and a sacred political right. Even if you are a rich man, you cannot prevent us from interviewing and reporting news.”

Paulson sneered, “The press is free. That’s right, but did you get my mother’s consent for the interview? I tell you, no matter which media group or newspaper you are from, I will sue you and keep suing you. Until you people who don’t deserve to be reporters get out of the world of reporters."

  Watching Paulson gritted his teeth with hatred for himself and others, the reporters really panicked.

  The people with eyesight on the side have begun to sneak away.

  In the United States, you don’t need to believe in sashimi, but you must believe in the power of money.

  Except for the individual heads, most people are really unwilling to bear the anger of a billionaire, because the lawsuit can be fought to the point of no one can afford it.

  Paulson was very calm and did not take any retaliatory measures against these reporters on the spot. He frightened off the matter and then settled the accounts slowly.

  After pacifying the old lady for a while, it was almost noon before Paulson arrived at the company.

   "John, things are very bad!"

  In the office, an executive of the Paulson Fund gave Paulson a stack of newspapers.

  "The First Man in Hedge Fund",

   "Wall Street Sky God",

   "Wall Street's Most Spirited Cheetah",


  The titles were exaggerated one by one, and the corners of Paulson's mouth twitched.

The specific content of the article does not hesitate to praise words, and tells in detail the history of the Paulson Fund. It only took two years to complete the leap from US$1 billion to US$28 billion in asset management. The nameless man became an industry leader.

  Since the end of last year, there have been rumors in the market about how much Paulson’s Fund has earned and how much Clay Capital has earned, but there has been no authoritative data and reports.

  It’s here today, and the biblical "Alpha" magazine of the hedge fund industry lists extremely detailed data.

  07 Fund Manager Income Ranking: Paulson ranked first with $3.7 billion, and Soros ranked second with $2.9 billion...

  07 Hedge Fund Income Ranking: Paulson Funds ranked first with 15.5 billion U.S. dollars, and Claire Capital ranked second with 14.9 billion U.S. dollars...

   "Damn it!"

  Paulson slammed a fist on the table, his face was full of indignation and helplessness.

  Although he doesn't understand the meaning of "Pengkill" in Chinese, he has a similar feeling in his heart at the moment.

  He has always been low-key and never wanted to attract too much attention from the media.

  In the past, LP had leaked the yield of Paulson Fund, which made him furious.

  It’s all right now. Even industry professional magazines have come to report. The matter is completely deterministic, and it is impossible to cover it.

  (End of this chapter)