My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 812: Set off

Because it is a public report.


For this visit, the world heated up.

"Finally, we can see what an alien planet looks like."

"It must be very advanced."

"Spaceships flying all over the sky, space cities, space battleships..."


Countless people have great expectations. This is an alien. Although they know that there are aliens, they have never seen what their civilization looks like.

In previous sci-fi movies, most of the aliens were created by the people on earth.


You can really look around and look forward to it naturally.

"It would be great if you could immigrate."


"Earth is really too backward."


After seeing the alien high-tech, many people even look forward to whether they can emigrate. Even if they can't, it's good to go on a trip, and this life is worthwhile.

I used to think the earth was vast.

Looking at it now, it is too small.

At this time, for aliens, their cognition is the powerful civilization that "does business" with them, and countries have not explained this "misunderstanding".

How to explain?

Say it's not this neighbor, but another alien force?

This force is still a bank, so it doesn't do anything!

. . .



The mainstream public opinion of the entire planet is discussing this matter.

Logically speaking, there are all kinds of people, and there are always some people who are worried about this and that. After all, the previous film and television works really portrayed aliens too "evil".


"Don't be fooled by the petty profits of aliens, and you must not take it lightly."



A series of warnings were issued on social media.



"Fake, seal my account again."


"Can I have some new ones?"


Large-scale silence, once again appeared.

After cursing, there was a burst of helplessness. In fact, such an operation is not unusual. It has happened many times before, but this time it just happened as expected.

Now, the relationship with aliens is friendly and cannot be damaged.

Therefore, the mainstream media in various countries did not see negative reports at all.


The future is promising.

Countries around the world have reached a tacit agreement.

Even the U.S. emperor, which claims to be free of speech, strictly controls public opinion in this regard, and social media also enters the market. If one is found, it will be banned for a period of time.

It made a lot of people who advocated conspiracy theories angry.




But this red line cannot be shaken in the slightest.

. . .

March passed quietly, and the countries held countless secret meetings to select the personnel who were going to visit, and at the same time communicate with the neighbors on the opposite side.





Random interview?



After communication again and again, the basic principles and procedures were determined. Generally speaking, the countries are quite satisfied, because there are indeed not many restrictions, and you can take pictures and videos.

Although you can't interview at will, you can go to most places at will.

. . .

Also in this April.


The employees of Vanguard Group were excited again.

The third batch of more than 60,000 houses began to be delivered, and they moved in one after another. Looking at the newly renovated houses and my name on the house book, I almost want to cry!

A dream a few years ago has come true so quickly.

Fund-raising housing, plus company subsidies, is very cheap.


School District.

The group has arranged everything clearly.


What everyone has to do now is to work hard and repay this treatment.

Allotted, happy to move.

Those who haven't had their turn yet are also happy to see the move, because the next batch of houses has already started construction, and they can move in after waiting for another year at most. The more they think about it, the more excited they become.

Post a Weibo.

Countless sourness!

. . .


Go on wolf!


One day, you will cry.

How many people complained like this in their hearts, and then, when they saw the balance of the welfare fund pool announced by the Vanguard Group, they immediately burst out the words "big dog".

Hundreds of billions.


When will it be spent.

. . .

It's hot and bustling, and April is over.

May 1st.

During the Golden Week, Huaxia's tourism industry made a fortune again. A considerable part of the inflated consumption came from the beneficiaries of alien orders, and the company made a lot of money.

Naturally, the income of the employees below has also risen.

After all, the unit price is really a little high.

Star currency is linked to gold. If converted into local currency, the bulk price of many commodities sold to aliens is even more than double the retail price in the domestic market.

The most exaggerated ones are nearly ten times, but they are only a very small number.

Simply put, how many business owners can wake up laughing every day from their dreams.

made money.

Most of them have raised money for employees.

not up?


Those who can be identified as suppliers are naturally screened. Although it is impossible to be 100% conscientious, the proportion is very high.

This is enough.

. . .

May 16th.


Capital, Xinggang.


"Guaranteed to complete the task."


After some encouragement.

Twelve carefully selected personnel boarded the aircraft, each of whom was highly specialized in a certain field, and among them, there were two with relatively high status.

Very experienced in diplomacy.


The aircraft starts.


After a while, I got into the blue sky.

Under the artificial gravity, the people inside don't even feel much, only a slight sense of pushing back, and the scenery outside the window is constantly changing, too fast.

Most of the people present are actually sitting for the first time.

In the cabin, everyone's heart was surging.


Things that once existed only in fantasy have now broken into reality.

As the first cross-civilization exchange of earth civilization, it is of great historical significance. As for the people from the island country and the younger brother, they also went to the neighbors first.


What is that communication.

The island country was detained as soon as it went there, and no useful information was obtained.

The United States Emperor, just contacted, was about to take a step forward, and was taught to be a human being.

Now I am as honest as a cat, and I no longer have the pride of the past. Of course, mainly externally, internally, I still walk with my head held high, quite dragging.

Bullying the weak and fearing the hard, smooth switching.

If it wasn't for the fact that they didn't accept it, they probably wished they could go up and recognize a master.

think about it.

It is not difficult to understand.

Facing an existence that is so powerful that it can destroy itself with a wave of hands, and there is no law that can sanction the other party, anyone will feel guilty.

Especially if there was a not-so-good history of first contact before.

. . .

Half an hour later above the sea.

"so big!"

"It will be built in one day, if we have such construction capabilities..."


Looking at the huge artificial island outside the window, although some have seen videos and pictures, they still feel so incredible when they actually see it.

one day!

In just one day, such a huge artificial island was built.

Not only the filling, but also the buildings above.

As if conjured out of thin air, it is full of mystery.

Numerous scientists in the country have analyzed it, but there is no conclusion. They only know that the construction ability of aliens can no longer be described as a madman.

This is a level that is temporarily incomprehensible.