My Boss Husband, Please Let Me Go!

Chapter 791: Throw into the sea to feed sharks

Lu Liangcheng sat down on the sidelines, but several elders obviously didn't mean to cooperate. Before that, Lu Liangcheng had people come and asked them again, they didn't say anything, this person actually came by himself now. Free-fee-first-issue → [chasing] [book] [help]

Lu Liangcheng did n’t have much patience and was too lazy to play other tricks with these people, so when they saw that they did n’t speak, their corners of the mouth bent. Well, as to whether they can survive, it is their own business. "

This island is surrounded by sea water and is the only island within a hundred miles. The sea is full of sharks. Throwing these people down will definitely become food in the mouth of the shark.

Several elders were a little flustered, thinking that, based on their status in the five places, Lu Liangcheng would let them go, but this person showed no mercy, and even such a bad means, "Lu Liangcheng, you are not a person in five places. , Simply not qualified to determine our destiny! "

Several elders said lightly, but Lu Liangcheng just slowly squatted down and looked at these people disdainfully, "Now you have no right to choose, either tell me what I really want, or go to the sea to feed the sharks. , I do n’t have so much patience to listen to you talk about other things. "

Several elders now understand that this person is different from others. He can't listen to anything, and he is ruthlessly almost terrible.

"Your mother's identity is mysterious. When she was in the five places, she was the saint in everyone's heart. Actually, we don't know much about her identity, even Director Xia is not clear, because she is the first The women who came here, because all of the core figures in the five places are not ordinary, we initially guessed that she was a princess of the royal family, but no one went to her to prove that she was in the five places. A very special existence. "

The elder elder said slowly, for that woman, the impression is too little, most people stay at home most of the time, rarely contact with them, even if they take the initiative to approach, they will quickly leave.

"If I am not wrong, your mother should be a messenger of peace. You probably do n’t know what a messenger of peace is anyway. It is a very sacred profession. Unfair treatment and wars are happening in this world every moment. The Messenger of Peace is responsible for coordinating the war between the two countries and protecting this country from disaster. This status is lofty, but it is also very dangerous. However, the leaders of the world have all signed an agreement, and they must not do anything against any messenger of peace, your mother. When I first came to Wuwu, I was probably wondering if the existence of Wuwu would pose a threat to this country, so she was rated as a virgin by Wuwu and enjoyed the highest honor, but then I was pregnant with you outside, and I was really dead. Injustice. "

Lu Liangcheng ’s position in the army is not low. In fact, he has heard of peace messengers. This is an existence that is opposed to terrorist organizations. Some people maliciously drive war, some people yearn for peace, some people endure selfishness, and others have the world, and everywhere The organizations that make terrorist attacks are different. Peace messengers are responsible for mediating conflicts between countries, so that civilians will not be troubled by war.

The status of peace messengers is very high. To a large extent, it is even similar to the leader of a country. In some small countries, peace messengers are their belief.

Lu Liangcheng had talked about this issue with the people in the army at first, and wanted to know how to become a messenger of peace. Later they concluded that they must be mentally without any ambition, and belittle the world and the red dust before they would be willing to be the messenger. If you do n’t pay attention, you will be targeted by terrorist organizations. No one knows how long you can live. Every day you live on the tip of a knife.

This is the first time Lu Liangcheng heard of his mother's identity. In addition to his pride, he felt a little bit sad. That is a woman who doesn't care about the red world, and probably won't care about the child she gave birth to. What happened to the Lu family, in her opinion, was just an encounter and a disaster. She never thought about it so that she would stay in the Lu family forever.

Lu Liangcheng ’s unclear loss, but fortunately, he knew his mother ’s identity. He did n’t have to worry about guessing all day, and it was a wish of his own. He reached out and rubbed his temples, thinking about his mother since It's such a great person. As a son, he can't be too far behind.

Several elders saw that Lu Liangcheng didn't speak and didn't dare to speak casually. Lu Liangcheng was so elusive that he didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

"Let's go, but you can't accommodate you in five places."

The elders looked at each other and were somewhat unwilling. They lived in this place for so many years. Why were they pointed at by someone outside, but they were planning to speak, and they saw Xia Chuchu coming in, very respectful With a few elders saluting.

"In these years, the five places are all going to be so smooth with the help of you, but the research in the five places is meaningless. I think you should return to your life. You have also seen that the five places now are In fact, everyone wants to go back, but it ’s just because of the rules of the five places. I dare not speak without permission. My dad just passed away. The five places were taken over by me. I have recommended several of you to your superiors. If you encounter spiritual events in the future, you will be their most powerful helpers. As for the others, I will disband them one by one. "

Several elders looked at each other, they were really tired of this kind of life, but they were old, like a frog, if no one poked behind, they would not take the initiative to take a step, now hear Xia Chuchu If you know, there are no more five places in the future, you can only get up and nod.

Lu Liangcheng was still quite surprised. Although he suspected that Xia Chuchu's behavior was different from other people's behavior, he did not expect that the other party would lift the five places as soon as possible. This is estimated to be a big impact for everyone.

"Do you really think about it?"

After all, the five places were her father ’s place. Her father had just passed away. If he ruined his things like this, would he be too disrespectful to the dead?

"The last thing my dad regretted in his life was the creation of five places, because this organization has caused a lot of disasters to the society. If he can come back, he will definitely take his mother to live an ordinary life."

My mother would not die because of someone's assassination. My father would not be sad for so many years that his body became deficient and died so early.