My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 139: Not easy to handle

In fact, the Magic Association also has research and development in food production.

Before the main world colonized the plane, through cooperation with the Druid, it developed a non-pollution, no obvious side effects of wheat crops-barley.

This crop has the advantages of vigorous growth, well-developed root system, large ears, large stress resistance, high yield, and not easy to deteriorate. The only shortcoming is that the taste and taste are not very good. Even the bread baked with rye flour is relatively soft at the moment of the oven. After cooling, the texture of the rye bread will become very hard.

There have even been rumors of killing people with long rye long bread.

As for true and false...

Anyway, Lin Xiaowei was just a hearsay, not verified.

As for why only such a crop was developed...Why did the association not develop a few high-yielding crops...that was because some things later caused the cooperation between the Magic Association and the Druid to break down.

Research on plants,

The research direction of the mage is often how to enchant plants and turn them into tools of war.

Moving towards ordinary crops, the Master's attainment in this area is much weaker than that of the Druid.


Psionic rich environments also limit their research in this direction.


If you are not careful, you may find out what is more distorting monster.

For example, the elves created a strange creature named "Tiamat Mother Tree"... This is a kind of ancient warfare tree cultivated by elves. It has the characteristics of fast growth and high war efficiency. The defect is... it 'S rapid growth is at the expense of blood, and his temperament is extremely wild,

So much.

Not to mention the lack of food in the main world.

The soil in most parts of the main world is very fertile and the yield is sufficient.

Studying the product of barley is just for planting in the Gobi Plateau and other places to solve the food famine in the bitter cold.

Because the Master’s research found that

The barbarians in the marginal and bitterly cold places continue to wage wars of aggression because they are not full-those barbarians can still gather fruit by hunting in spring, summer, and autumn, and they are a bit ignorant in winter.

Therefore, they will start wars and plunder supplies.

So they improved the big rye, to a certain extent, to solve the problem of grain cultivation in the plateau and mountainous areas.

In modern times,

Under the mediation of the Magic Association, large-scale wars in the main world have been rare, and most of the barbarians who fought for food in those years have become soldiers hired by the Magic Association.

Except for individual regions in the main world,

Basically achieved food and clothing.

However, it is impossible for the Magic Association to spread its energy to many planes, so many of the planes recorded on the association’s file are still at a point where many people cannot eat enough.

If Lin Xiaowei can develop something in agriculture at this level...

This means she can earn another wave of points!

and many more……

Lin Xiaowei suddenly thought of a point of knowledge. She sent a message to Li Yao and asked, "What kind of hybrid rice can't be kept?"

Li Yao: "???

is it?

He poked open the phone to start searching, and soon, the information was found.

Oh shit……

Actually there is such a saying.

However, hybrid rice is not unable to retain seeds, but the genetic characteristics of the second generation hybrid rice are unstable due to the hybrid ratio, which will lead to the reduction of the excellent characters of the first generation rice.

If you use hybrid rice paddy to plant,

It will not reflect the characteristics of heterosis, and even uneven plant growth in the field, poor growth, poor resistance, high deflation rate and a significant decrease in yield...

The problem is,

The yield per mu of the outside world is already very low!

According to Lin Xiaowei, the small and medium-sized but high-yield crop is more than three hundred kilograms per mu.

The first generation of hybrid rice can sit at more than two thousand catties per mu, which is already a terrible yield for the small and medium-sized plane. Even if the second-generation production capacity is weakened by half, it is a thousand kilograms per mu... still terrible output!


How could the output of rice seeds fall so fast?

After several generations of optimized breeding, it may be stable in a relatively pleasant yield.

and so,

No problem at all!

Li Yao told Lin Xiaowei all of this.

Lin Xiaowei finished listening...

Not a bit tasteful.

There is nothing special about the Internet. You can’t crush Li Yao’s grandson like this!

A moment of sadness,

Lin Xiaowei said: "Don't all hope that hybrid rice, potatoes, soybeans, sweet potatoes and corn seem to be high-yielding crops."

Li Yao added: "Cultivation technology is also a good thing."

This piece of Li Yao didn't understand very well, so he convected in the "Alien Cabinet Group" Aite River and asked about relevant knowledge.

I don’t know everything about convection in the river,

But she knows how to search and organize knowledge and integrate it into a feasible solution.

and so,

Almost an hour later, Jiang Zhong convection issued a document to Li Yao.

This document mainly lists some more feasible fertilization control schemes in agriculture-such as how to make more effective agricultural fertilizer, how to plant more reasonable seasons, how to scientifically maintain and prevent damage, and can set up special The agricultural administrator is responsible for this content.

As for the manufacture of agricultural manure...

The issue of accommodation after the influx of refugees has already been mentioned.

The rest are public health, public security management, labor distribution, etc...

Unconsciously, an approximate agricultural system was created for Lin Xiaowei.

As for insect control and fertilization, Lin Xiaowei's main world also has corresponding solutions, which can be applied depending on the situation.

When things were almost resolved, Lin Xiaowei immediately proceeded to implement.

And Li Yao also began to contact to buy agricultural seeds...

This is another expense!

But compared to the previous krypton gold to buy stones, this time it will be more grounded.

Gems are calculated in grams, and the price per gram is also expensive!

But the seeds are different...

Large quantities are also cheap!

Li Yao searched the Internet, and the price of hybrid rice seeds on a certain Baba ranged from 40 to 100 per kilogram, and it was only tens of thousands of yuan to buy a ton... If it is not the magic stone consumed by the summoning altar, it is not cheap, Li Yao can supply Lin Xiaowei with food by relying on the space ring!

The earth is not short of food!

At least the provincial capital is not lacking!

In fact, the planting area of ​​hybrid rice is not large. Although the yield is high, the taste is poor, and it cannot be sold as commercial grain.

You see Everyone is rich enough to pursue sensory enjoyment instead of thinking about whether they can eat enough.

As for seeds such as potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, and corn, Li Yao decided to give his buddy a ton each time he patted his legs!

The space in Li Yao’s space ring is still rich,

Fit it!

Li Yao was intensively preparing for the corresponding materials.

The bar next door was not idle late.

At night,

Sister Fengli sent a message to Li Yao: "We found out what the Wang family is, huh, the foundation is black, but they are scratching the side ball, and the situation of the face wall person is special, so it is not easy to handle."

Li Yao: "...Speak human."

You are bargaining with me!