My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 157: Heavenly beam of light

Sauron is still very familiar with this subplane,

When asked by Li Yao, Sauron said after induction, "This is probably the direction of this space to the southeast."

Li Yao: "Is it closer to the center?"

Sauron: "It's okay, the shadow level here is relatively rich, which is convenient for me to jump."


That's right!

Although the energy conversion device draws negative energy to condense and convert, can it be converted at the place where the negative energy is most concentrated, or at the place where the negative energy is rarer?

Lin Xiaowei once said,

The conversion process cannot be completed overnight. It needs to last for many years. So long enough for Sauron to recover his strength?

and so,

Li Yao asked: "Do you know where the negative energy and shadow levels are weaker here? Take me there."

Sauron said nothing,

The shadow jumped and turned back, and Li Yao was already in a barren land like a Gobi. Although it was still full of this negative energy, the sights in front of him were normal, at least the gray and black clouds in the sky. Not so rich, and the gusty wind raging in the air is not so violent.

Not bad,

Then here.

Sauron said: "This is the southwest side. The negative energy and shadow areas I found are relatively weak. Master, what do you want to do?"

Here is full of negative energy,

Any secular object here will be quickly corroded and become a pair of scrap copper.

Even the power of magic will be consumed at a faster rate than usual.

and so,

What can the mage do here?

Li Yao probed the spiritual power into the space ring, and then gathered the spirit, with a "boom" sound, the energy conversion device was released.

Sauron was a little ignorant!

What a huge thing like an hourglass!

The objects obviously belonging to the mage creation style gave Sauron a rather unknown hunch.

It’s not just this stuff,

For most of the creatures in the main world, the mage's creations often mean strange, strange and dangerous. They create floating cities, floating battleships, pale towers...all of them. I don’t know how the strange and dangerous ideas came from the ordinary mind of the mage.


Sauron couldn't understand it.

Li Yao put his palm on the hourglass type energy conversion device and said, "Now this bit is useless to me, so I plan to do something."

Sauron: "???


Master, don't mess around!

It's too late.

After Li Yao's spirit penetrated into the energy conversion device, he quickly came into contact with the control hub made of the soul stone. With the spiritual access, simple commands began to be issued!


The hourglass-shaped tower with a height of more than 20 meters suddenly roared for a lifetime, and transparent ripples spread out from the middle of the hourglass device!

Li Yao and Sauron suddenly felt a whirlwind!

With the feeling of space distortion,

They were teleported directly beyond kilometers!

Li Yao looked dazed,

What's going on!

Sauron was better, but he was in a bad mood!

What the mage made was really strange, even sending the soul away at the same time.

With the help of strengthened vision after strengthening body.

Li Yao could vaguely see that the huge 20-meter hourglass-shaped device began to deform quickly. Numerous flashing parts of the aura flew out of the hourglass in a certain sequence, and the magical runes outlined by the aura of light glinted.

Those parts and runes are entangled with each other, spreading outward while growing upward.

A giant tower of light and runes rose up from the ground,

Pierce the clouds!

A huge roar came from the device, and the conversion device gradually grew and began to swallow the negative energy around it.

Like a whale sucking water,

Rivers and seas are surging!

The boundless negative energy is swallowed by the energy conversion device between the column of light and the rune, converted into the energy of the beam of light, and continues to penetrate toward the sky.

Not long,

There is a huge pillar of light connected to heaven and earth!

Li Yao looked up at the gadget,

Was shocked to be speechless.

In the biblical records, mankind wanted to build a tower in Babylon. God was afraid that man would know the secrets of heaven. He gave humans different languages, and the tower could never be built.

That is a myth after all,

It's a religious person who sticks gold to his face.

But now,

A pillar of light in the sky is in front of you, this is probably the real tower of Babel!

What God fears,

Made in the hands of the mage.

this moment,

Li Yao just wanted to say:

Master is awesome!

The beam of light begins to swallow the negative energy that sweeps around, the heavenly aura becomes brighter, the negative energy is swallowed in from the lower end of the beam, and is converted into positive energy through the conversion of the intermediate conversion core, which is stored in the upper beam. When the energy in the void reaches a controllable threshold, the positive energy stored at the top will be released and react with the negative energy to create everything!

At the beginning,

Li Yao thought it would be very magnificent, like a singular explosion, the universe was born with a magnificent scene!

But when the energy gathered at the top started to spray thin within the controllable range, that area was only lightly drizzled... The drizzle gave the area a hazy beauty.

Li Yao caught some rainwater at the edge of the light column and used the hands of a master. It looked like ordinary rainwater.

Not as mysterious as described in many.

At the beginning of creation, there were a lot of heaven and earth treasures——

Li Yao thought that this is the magical Taishen water, or what holy water in early Yuan!


All are deceptive!

Unwilling, Li Yao took a little water and took a test tube from the space ring to fill the water.

Take the time to test!

Li Yao is ready to go back after doing this. After all, there is no spectacle at the beginning of the conversion. There should be no mysterious things in the future?

Even if there is,

It doesn't matter anymore.

Anyway, this sub-plane now belongs to him alone.

The face-walled people can only seal this place where the sub-plane is adjacent to the earth and dare not go too deep.

Wait until the face wall people find something wrong in the future...

I'm sorry!

This is already his personal plane of Li Yao!

Who will occupy first,

Who owns it first!

He called and found that Sauron stared at the beam of light with stunned eyes, and his face was full of confusion: Σ(?д?)! ! !

Sauron: "Master, what did your special lady do?"

Li Yao wondered: "Reform this negative energy plane."

The negative energy plane will naturally erode the vitality of the soul. Even if there is a psionic body protector, the psionic energy will be deprived by rapid consumption, thus converted into negative energy, and even the secular matter will be eroded by the negative energy and eventually rot.

It's useless for him to come in such a plane.

and so,

Isn't transformation a matter of course?

Why are you so surprised?

Sauron said sadly: "Your special mother smashed the king's rice bowl! Do you say no!!!"

Li Yao: "..."
