My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 180: Fire Unicorn

Facing the teacher's question, Lin Xiaowei was very dignified and did not panic!

From the beginning of junior high school, she has been a god-like existence, and has never been afraid of any challenges from teachers!

and so,

She said in an orderly way: "This weapon is not mixed with magic power at all, but it comes from the same source as the magical architecture in alchemy, so I call it "mechanical architecture". Among them, there are research The discipline of the most general law of material movement and the basic structure of matter, there are also disciplines that study the composition, nature, structure and change law of matter. "

Lin Xiaowei: "The former I call it physics, the latter I call it chemistry."


KFC master Huo Ran raised his head, this is really a brilliant summary!

Seeing the teacher looking at himself like this,

Lin Xiaowei curiously said: "What's wrong?"

Master Kent said with relief: "You know, you just summed up two new disciplines. With this alone, your rewards in the association will not be less, and the corresponding authority will also be improved!"

Master is on!

How long is this?

Lin Xiaowei’s contribution and authority are almost ready to become a quasi-legendary master!

And the reason is to sum up,

It is because in alchemy, the master has long been researching and applying related disciplines. Although most of the world’s technology depends on psionic energy, the research in material science and material reaction science is actually not weak at all. The discipline of general laws of motion and the structure of matter are often associated with the study of psionic particle motion and the essential structure of psionic energy.

Masters' research on the latter is obviously stronger than the former!

after all,

Few people on Earth can perceive psionic energy, so they only study the structure and movement of matter, and develop nuclear weapons using atomic energy after continuous research.

And in the main world,

Masters can perceive and use psionic powers, and they will naturally run away on this road!

just now,

After Lin Xiaowei proposed this theory, it was equivalent to separating the study of material movement and structure in "Spiritualism" and named it "Physics", which was officially divided into two disciplines!

Among academic-oriented associations,

Only this step is enough to make Lin Xiaowei famous!

of course,

Lin Xiaowei still doesn't know what this means, or she doesn't care!

She is completely immersed in self YY: "The Master's research and application of psionic energy has reached an extremely high level, but few ordinary people can perceive and use psionic energy, and there are so many ordinary people on the main world continent, I think They can also radiate more power!"

Promote "Chemistry" and "Physics"!

Give mortals the power of knowledge!

of course,

The most important thing now is to do the things at hand.

Lin Xiaowei took the AK in the teacher's hand and said, "This gun is a pure ordinary item, but physics and psionics can be combined! We can enchant guns and bullets to produce more powerful weapons! Let the low-level battle The mage, or the adventurer, has the power of frontal hard steel and other plane threats!"

All Kent Kelow thought: "Yes."

He thought about it and asked, "It's okay to say that the weapon is enchanted. After all, for such a large object, engraving the magic pattern is not a problem, but what about bullets?"

Lin Xiaowei waved his hand: "Enchanted bullets belong to the special supply. You can work on the warhead and gunpowder, but it is a consumable, after all, it is not worth spending too much time, even if it is research and production, it can only be used as a special supply-used here Plant a gun."


She took out 98K.

Master KFC: "..."

What a surprise!

after that,

The mentors and disciples discussed how to enchant firearms!

KFC's idea was to engrave a magic pattern on the firearm, and attach a spiritual power to it when the child popped out. But there is a problem here-the effect of psionic energy on metal is actually not good, and the bullet's rate of fire is too fast, psionic energy is often lost by air friction during the flight of the bullet.

If the bullet material is improved, the cost will increase a lot!

Thinking for a long time,

Lin Xiaowei's aura emerged: "Teacher, you can use the whole gun as a small enchanting alchemy station."

Kentki's eyes lighted up, and he was overjoyed: "Gevinia, you're so **** a genius! Turn this long tube into an enchanting processing warehouse, and the wooden buttstock at the back can be transformed into the energy supply department, and the whole body of the gun can be engraved. Damping, locking, and other magic effects!"

After being broken by Lin Xiaowei,

KFC's inspiration is like a diarrhea, and it won't stop!

The two immediately began to study in this laboratory-

This is normal for the mage.

Most mages feel a little research mad.

Aura is very precious at first glance, and is regarded as a gift by the mage, they will not easily waste such an opportunity. Even masters such as KFC still retain this good habit.

When studying how to allocate the magic patterns more reasonably, and engraving the power of the magic patterns, the two discussed a lot!

KFC is a traditional school in terms of power!

I like to pursue stronger, bigger and more explosive power!

But Lin Xiaowei didn’t think so. The association mages were actually pursuing weapons with higher power. In addition, most of the lifespan of the mages were not low. Weapons and equipment of low-end personnel.

Among many hostile forces,

They often fear legendary-level wizards. The power of a legendary-level wizard is indeed terrible. Compared with the Earth, it is the nuclear weapon of the level of Great Ivan.

But the plane war is not entirely dependent on the legendary mages!

Fighting on the front line,

There are many low-level mages, and many adventurers!

Lin Xiaowei thought this way-the magic pattern engraved on the firearms should be simple enough, and establish a pipeline production line to involve low-level mages to mass-produce enchanted firearms!

Enchanted guns with more complicated magical craftsmanship can also be developed,

Involve intermediate and even advanced mages.

However, it is not the low-end combat power that uses this gun, but the higher-end force!

Lin Xiaowei said: "The low version of the enchanted gun can be used by ordinary adventurers in the way of the group army to win by quantity! The high version can be handed over to the combat mage, elite adventurers and other agents, race warriors, and form special assault troops. !"

Magic Task Force?


It's quite thoughtful to think so.

However, such a concept association has already existed, and the battle mage is the leader of this battle sequence.

What really makes Lin Xiaowei care is that he will create a series of new ranks in the main world:

Gun Master,

Roaming expert,

Blasting experts to find out?

Master Kent was persuaded by Lin Xiaowei, so he overturned the design that was so complicated that the mid-level mage was a little dizzy, and began to redesign the magic pattern.

This time he began to pursue a simple and clear, balanced and powerful design. Only then did he discover that reducing complexity to original was not an easy thing, especially in the case of simplifying the magic pattern and ensuring power. So he was also grateful to Lin Xiaowei for waking himself up.

After such a week,

Their magic pattern was finally designed.

Master KFC asked, holding a fire-enchanted firearm: "Haha~ Gwinia, what should this gun be called?"

Lin Xiaowei: "Fire Unicorn."