My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 395: Come and eat!

It’s impossible to be brazen,

It is impossible in this life.

So after returning from Sierra Leone, he began to help Old Man Lu promoted, helped to resurrect the soul of the army, followed by the establishment of Meve Production, and issued a series of orders against the US Federation and Hudela. Even because of this, Meifu's production has become a target. The incident of the stigmatization and theft of Meifu's manufacturing a few days ago is a reflection of this.

Many things happened during this time, very complicated.

But the context is clear.

Until now,

The revenge on the US Federation and Hudela centered on Maeve Manufacturing has begun to have a large impact on a global scale.

Especially Hudela.

This alien criminal organization named after the Greek mythology Hydra has committed numerous crimes worldwide. Before, for various reasons, strangers all over the world were not very active in dealing with them.

Until Maeve Manufacturing jumped out to fight against them!


The mercenary in the alien world, the bounty hunter ushered in a spring.

Various high-value commissioned snowflakes are generally floating, letting those hounds bloom, although many of them have also accepted Xu Della's employment.


Money is his ancestor!

When money is in place, it’s not easy for **** to come!

After all, **** couldn't give them cash.

As the strongholds affiliated with Xudela were suffocated around the world, a success report was passed to Li Yao through the hands of strangers around the world, letting him know that Xudela has now recovered the tentacles distributed around the world. Shrinking in the nest, I dare not act rashly in the short term.

As for the US Federation...

First of all, the trauma given by Maeve, and the counterattack of smearing time, the hawks led by Morgan are being troubled by other factions of the US Federal Department of Homeland Defense and Counterattack Security!

I just don't know how to deal with the people on the wall.

Li Yao always feels that under the current situation, Ms. Qian seems to be holding back some big moves.

Forget it,

This has nothing to do with myself.

He is just a weak and helpless mage~

During this period of time, the purpose of a series of operations has also been achieved, and Li Yao's thoughts have also been reached. Occasionally, it is even more laughable to look at his account balance! The series of dazzling figures led Li Yao to wonder whether to build a tower for the practice of a skyscraper, or did he start to prepare for the construction of the Master College?

Or don’t worry about anything,

Give yourself a vacation first?

Just think about it and feel beautiful~


Prior to this, the eggs of the military soul hatched by Maeve in the subspace should also be mature soon, and you can prepare related matters for resurrection.

Those are the heroes and army souls that died in the war years!

It will take some time for them to truly recover and integrate into modern society.

It is also time for them to see the world today.

There are of course many, many bad things in China, but it is much better than before!

After counting these,

Li Yao Meimei took a long breath, took a thermos and gently took a sip. As the electric current rushed through the body, he began to hum.


Still exploring Qingshuihe!

At this time, Chen Xi came out of the back kitchen. She was preparing the materials she needed today. When she saw Li Yao there, she couldn't help but laughed: "The boss is very happy~"

Li Yao laughed: "Yes."

He glanced outside. Spring really arrived. There were some new and tender goose yellow buds on the osmanthus tree in front of the door. The old bald ginkgo was green again.

I don't know when the second uncle came back to lie down in front of the door.

In the weather where grass is growing and flying, everything is refreshing!

and so,

Li Yao turned to Chen Xi and said, "Chen Xi, we are closed today! Go out and go green!"

The climate in the provincial city is good in spring and autumn, and the good weather in each season is spring and summer. It is better to switch between autumn and winter! Not cold or hot, quite suitable! For the rest of the time, it will be hot or cold!

So let's not disappoint this hard-won good weather!

It took more than three hundred days for the good weather to add up to a month!

Chen Xi froze for a while, but soon she was all bright and said: "Well!"

She quickly went upstairs and changed her clothes. Just a little make-up looks bright and moving, and Li Yao is much simpler... carrying a thermos and going out.

There are actually many places to travel in the provincial capital.

The two first went to the nearby Jiming Temple, and then looked at the interesting Chaotian Temple.

But there are many people in these places...

In the ancient capitals of the Six Dynasties, men, women, and children seem to be reluctant to give up such a good season and go out for a trip... but at a glance it is all old and old ladies, and there are few young people.

Li Yao took out his phone and glanced at it, not the weekend.

No wonder.

Then the two of them took a taxi to Niushou Mountain. After the Qingming holiday, there was a lot of quiet here. This is a famous Buddhist mountain with a profound cultural heritage. It is the opening place and birthplace of the Buddhist Niutou Zen. There are induction springs, tiger running springs, white turtle pools and other scenic spots around the mountain.

Li Yao and Chen Xi have actually been here.

I don't really care much about the attractions here.

It is just walking casually in the mountains and forests, walking around, chatting, talking and talking, and the time came to night.

Li Yao took Chen Xi out and called the car: "Go! Take you to eat delicious!"

Chen Xi: "Well!"

Li Yao took Chen Xi all the way to a small restaurant on Jianye Road. It might look better and more formal than the Fly Restaurant.

Chen Xi was a little dazed...


Is it delicious?

Li Yao laughed: "Don't look at this place, but the taste is still great! I will show you how to try it."

Chen Xi made up her mind: "Well!"

That huh, yeah, I feel a little bit righteous!

She was born in the Chen family. Since she was a child, she has been rich and expensive. She has never eaten this kind of restaurant... Li Yao was very familiar with it, and took the menu and ordered the little brother to order:

"Two cases of chicken soup with three silk soups, don't make too thick, remember to skim the oil foam; two servings of yolk skewers, one serving of soy sauce chicken, two servings of beef ribs, these seasonings should not be too heavy... first serve chicken sauce three Silk soup!"

Brother Xiao Ran suddenly smiled: "Old customer?"

Li Yao smiled: "I used to come often."

And buddies.

Brother Paotang: "That line, two of you wait."

Waited for a while,

The three-thick soup of chicken juice requested by Li Yao was brought up. This three-thick soup was prepared with a long-cooked chicken broth. The soup was golden in color, bright in luster and smooth in texture. Silk... are very delicious ingredients!

Smell the familiar smell, Li Yao was a little drunk.

Chen Xi also felt that there was a spring under his tongue, and he smiled and said: "It seems very good!"

Li Yao: "Drink while hot."

Chen Xi took a sip of his spoon: "Well!"

It's hot!


So fresh!

Chen Xi widened at once! The umami taste exploded on his taste buds like bombs, letting her unconsciously produce a lot of water, swallowed with chicken juice and accidentally swallowed it, and when she recovered, her lips and teeth were full All are delicious.

Waiting for being burnt again, I realized that the second bite has been put into the mouth...

Chen Xi said happily: "It's really great!"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Slow is still very hot."

Smiling and laughing,

Li Yao can't learn something like lip flavor? It may not be here until the buddies come back in the future.

He was a little depressed.

But that's okay!

Be human,

Look forward!

Always thinking about how to do that before?

Just as the second dish came up, Li Yao picked up the chopsticks: "Come, eat!"

Chen Xi: "Well!"