My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 490: Eraser and soap

The last time I heard this uniform horn sound was when I was in university military training.

It's just that the trumpet sounds in college were incomparable now.

Li Yao came to the balcony of the apartment and looked towards the training ground, and he saw many soldiers of the Phoenix Legion standing in a running exercise-these soldiers re-entered the army after signing the "Voluntary Reapplication" agreement after they were retired due to disability. veteran.

After entering the Phoenix Army camp, they will be organized by instructors for ideological education and confidential training.

After completing the training,

They will be allowed to install super prostheses!

Afterwards, it is recompiled according to the different prostheses and the attributes of the prostheses.

When the action is completely restored, they begin training-the super prosthetic limb itself contains "super serum", which is derived from the blood pool of the mother emperor's source of blood.

During the fusion of the prosthesis and the body,

The physical quality of these warriors will also be improved from person to person!

So even if it’s not a superpower prosthesis,

The soldiers in the camp are also physically strong.

The daily training can help the soldiers to integrate the "super serum" as soon as possible. This set of training methods is the best way for the Phoenix Legion's senior team and Maeve to make after many tests.

The entire camp is drilled according to different establishments,

The vitality was revealed early in the morning!

In this atmosphere, even salted fish such as Li Yao even felt a sense of excitement!

The collective power is really powerful!

Li Yao finished washing quickly, then went to the next door to call Chen Xi, but knocked on the door but nothing happened.

After thinking about it, he left the dormitory building and went to the training ground for aliens.

The soldiers throughout the camp have signed special confidentiality agreements, and they are also aware of the existence of strangers. However, the daily training of the Phoenix Legion soldiers and the training of aliens are not together.

On the one hand, although both sides are not ordinary people to a certain extent,

But the system is still different after all.

The training content of Phoenix Warriors should be more systematic and standardized. Different people have different training methods according to their abilities and genres.

on the other hand,

The two parties are also different in attribution.

Although the command of the Phoenix Legion is in the hands of the people on the wall, the large-scale dispatch orders require the approval of the special military committee.

That was a guard sent by the official family in the organization of the wall-faced people.

On the other hand, the management of the stranger is solely responsible for the face-to-face person.

So although the two sides are in a camp, the training content is still different.

However, the two sides will still have a lot of content to cooperate in combat training, so as to avoid accidental cooperation on the battlefield to cause accidental injuries or more serious cooperation errors.

Came to the training ground for strangers,

Li Yao really met Chen Xi there.

She is training a group of tall and burly men in the training ground-

These people wear black close-fitting combat uniforms. The fabrics of the combat uniforms are specially made. Although they are tight-fitting, they are breathable and soft, and they are very comfortable to wear. At the same time, it also outlines the strong and burly to excessive muscle lines of these strong men...These people are the group of thugs under Chen Xi!

of course,

They now have a formal establishment.

Chen Xi stood by the training ground. His clothes were the same as those of his men. The combat boots were equipped with loose combat pants, and the upper body was also a tight combat vest. The lines outlined were simply earth-shattering!

Li Yao unconsciously deflected his sight--


It's so exciting!

The nose is almost unbearable!

Just when Li Yao deflected his eyes, he saw two people squatting beside the training ground.

One of the bright and beautiful temperaments is the experience of the magical Koko; and next to Koko is Wang Chengcheng, whose hair is neat and shiny.

The two goods dragged their cheeks and squatted on the sidelines, staring at Wei Dadong carefully...

After taking Longli Potion, Wei Dadong's figure became more masculine and fitter, and with his strong and tough face, the vigorous masculinity almost burst out of his body!

It’s just that under Chen Xi’s gaze, he didn’t dare to mess with training,

Bring a group of comrades to do enough training to make the group of muscle tyrants in the gym ashamed!



The horns of dozens of people are almost over the horns of thousands of people training outside!

When their training is over,

Wang Zicheng, who is known as a half-cent fairy, and the bright and charming Koko, ran towards Wei Dadong, holding a towel and a bottle of mineral water... The air in the morning was filled with the smell of dog food.

Is the taste of this dog food,

Doesn't seem right?

Forget it,

It doesn't matter.

Chen Xi actually saw her boss long ago, but because she was training, she didn't come.

When the training is over, just skip it and say: "Early boss~"

Li Yao responded with a smile: "Early, Dadong, why are they here?"

Chen Xi replied: "Aren't you going to receive the delegation recently? The first special dispatch team was incorporated into the camp's defense system and was responsible for part of the camp's security defense."

Li Yao nodded,

Although this is the first exchange and learning activity since the establishment of the Bureau, it can be said that all parties do not trust each other too much.

of course,

Representatives came to the boundary of the face wall people Then they must be responsible for their safety!

This is for their sake!

This must be the case, but Li Yao still felt the smell of smoke in the air.

He took out his mobile phone and gave Lu Laohair a message and asked, "How long will the delegation arrive? I want the exact time."

Old man Lu returned the message: "Two weeks later."

Li Yao pursed her lips...

Time is a bit tight.

He and Chen Xi had breakfast in the cafeteria, and then summoned the scholars who arrived at the camp yesterday and opened the door in the meeting room: "The delegations of all parties have two weeks to arrive here, so we should try to find it within five days. The method to kill the filthy green pollution, and then implement the method into a viable plan within one week! Is everyone okay?"

Those who can be here are well-tested veterans, naturally there is no second word.

Li Yao asked again: "After thinking that night, everyone can come up with any way, let's discuss."

They seemed to have reached the idea of ​​temporary unification after last night's consultation

So after a few glances at each other, Fu Qinghua stood up and said: "After last night's consultation, we roughly discussed several ways."

"The first is to use the power of "containment". "

Fu Qinghua condensed his thoughts and said: "Containment No. S-0091 in shelter 41 of Yucheng is available. Containment No. S-0056 in shelter 3 of Imperial City is available. There are also some shelters in foreign powers shelters, but we only know The information is very vague and I only know its approximate function; the specific number, name, function details, negative effects, etc. are unknown."

Li Yao asked: "What are those two things in the country?"

Fu Qinghua: "One rubber, one soap."

Li Yao: "..."

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