My Bro Transmigrated

Chapter 536: Brutal brother Lu Xingshen

With the help of the space gate of the Chief of Staff of the General Staff, Li Yao and they successfully returned from Gangjinguo to the provincial capital.

This way of travel comparable to teleportation is really convenient!


This method is not replicable.

Although the world's top-level forces seem to have similar power, this power is based on the system of abilities or containment, and it is not replicable and generalizable. The major organizations basically use it as strategic armament.

Li Yao and they returned to the Phoenix Corps camp in the provincial capital,

Old man Lu was ready to wait there long ago.

After receiving them, Li Yao sent the wounded to treatment, and those who died in battle first put the remains and relics in place.

At present, they need to understand the origin of the enemy as soon as possible and introduce corresponding policies, and temporarily ignore the funeral.

When things are almost arranged properly,

Old man Lu invited Ye Yu: "How are the casualties?"

Ye Yu: "Four soldiers died at the scene, and the remaining 12 were disabled."

Old Man Lu nodded,

After expressing his condolences for two seconds of silence, he said: "Send the disabled to the military area hospital and notify Meifu and Xiaosang to come over."

The construction scale of the Phoenix Corps camp is entirely based on the urban living area, and the construction system is also different from that of the general military area.

It's bigger!

In this military area, there are all kinds of life, entertainment and training facilities.

There are naturally also hospitals that are an important part of the logistics guarantee; the medical staff among them are also the top domestic level who have signed confidentiality agreements.

After the wounded were sent away,

Old Man Lu came to Li Yao and said, "I have listened to Ye Yu's performance, which is very good."

Li Yao: "They all came to me! This must be done strictly!"

Otherwise, I'm a boss when I'm so bullied!

Old man Lu: "I know, you participate in the next meeting with us."

This meeting is an online meeting,

Ms. Qian, the staff and the special military commission were connected online.

Moreover, the communication method is also the latest communication technology of Ju Factory, and there is no risk of information leakage.

Wait until all parties are in place,

The General Staff of the General Staff reported on this incident, because the incident occurred suddenly and they could only trace that the assassination involved Xu Dela.

But in the end it was the action against which several snake heads co-sponsored,

The actions of individual snakeheads are unknown.

As for the assassination operation, there are aliens, fusion parties and other members participating together... From the current point of view, it seems that it can also be understood as the characteristics of Xudela.

After all, Xudela's internal composition is complex.

The factions and interests of different snake heads are also different.

This makes subsequent tracking difficult.

After the General Staff of Intelligence, the Strategic General Staff of the Staff also gave concentrated speculation on the purpose of the attack. However, all these speculations lack strong corroboration, and can only be used as an idea for the face-to-face people to investigate.

At the end of the meeting,

Ms. Qian’s holographic virtual image looked at Lu Xingshen: "What do you think?"

Lu Xing thought about it for a moment and said: "In any case, this is a provocation; it is not only an assassination against Li Yao, but also a provocation against us and the BA. I recommend that the BA establish an ad hoc group immediately, from all parties. The mobilization staff conducted a comprehensive investigation of the personnel involved in the case, and fully recruited the personnel involved in the inspection process.

Among them, investigating why the attack team targeted Li Yao was on the one hand; the beating against the evil forces was on the other hand; and finally, the detailed work of part of the hostile forces was cleared to clear the obstacles for the "expedition". "

To their level,

Anything that involves a relatively large move will definitely not serve only one purpose.

What is true is what is false, what is false is what is true, look ahead and suddenly fall behind!

This is the method commonly used in their hierarchical layout.

If the level is too low,

Without enough information, it is impossible to peep into their true purpose.

After Old Man Lu finished,

The general staff made some supplements to the strategy proposed by Lu Xingshen, the deterrent, and then ended the meeting.

After the announcement of the adjournment,

The holographic virtual image suddenly went out, leaving the meeting room with old acquaintances such as Old Man Lu, Ye Yu, Feng Li, Li Yao and Chen Xi.

Old Man Lu said: "The impact of this incident is very bad. After Ms. Qian took the approval of the task force of the Dao Administration Bureau, Ye Yu, you are responsible for selecting action officers. Include me."

Ye Yu: "(???) Eh???"

Old man Lu: "Well, what is it!"

He caught fire at once: "This is what the swordsman does! People dare to kill us! Are you still the swordsman! You have followed them and they dare to kill? Your two uncles I When no one was the swordsman, how dare you dare to come and kick the court? Ah! Do you want the swordsman's face?"

Old man Lu is really angry!

Before it was to appease the crowd, and later to meet immediately to analyze the situation and deploy the next action.

When everything is done and the dust settles, it is time for Qiuhou to settle the accounts.

Ye Yu couldn't even lift his head up at this moment.

But understandable.

Old Man Lu has always been very short-sighted, and although he has not listed Ye Yu as a heritage, he has always regarded Ye Yu as a half-apprentice, and is also the successor to the position within the face.

Otherwise, he would not pass the seat of the swordman under him to Ye Yu.

In his opinion,

Since Ye Yu has taken his place, he must do his job well!

Old man Lu was so angry that his neck was red: "What did you say when you took over? Holding the sword and defending the Chinese soil, even if the strong enemy commits a crime, it will be a long way to go. ?"

His questioning voice was loud and angry,

Everyone just felt that the room was shaking.

Li Yao couldn't stand it anymore. He just wanted to open his mouth and saw Ye Yu suddenly stood up!

The sullen breath on his body was swept away at this moment, and the eyes that had been listless for a long time became bright and vivid, and the red eyes seemed to have a fire burning inside!

Ye Yu's waist board was quite straight, and his voice shouted loudly: "I have failed to do my duty! I am a loser in the name of the swordman! Please organize the punishment! In addition, I request to join the project to form an action officer!"

Old man Lu calmly said: "Precise."

After finishing he looked at Li Yao again: "Don't go around and go back to your tavern while I'm not in the provincial capital. Fengli you will also follow, and I will say to Wang Dalong, Let him temporarily transfer Zhou Li and Qi Qi. Xiaoshu and Xiaoyu have also been promoted to Tier 5, and Wang Dalong’s ramming cargo should be no problem."

This configuration can be assured in China.

After all, high-ranking darings who do not yet have much influence dare to make orders within the territory.

Especially when there are so many high-level offenders like Gang Jin Guo!

Whereever dare to come,

That is to die!

When the command was finished, Old Man Lu walked out of the conference room without saying a word. When he walked to the door, he said lightly: "You are responsible for the four soldiers who died in this battle, Ye Yu."

Meeting room,

Ye Yu, still standing straight, suddenly clenched her fists!