My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 496: Xiao Skull Bow

There are more than 20 players on the wooden sailboat, mainly human players. In addition, there are two **** and demon players.

One of the two gods and demons players, wearing a green shirt with a long beard and a red face, is one of Zhou Nan's brothers, his sixth brother, [Ma Chaoqian]!

[Ma Chaoqian] At this time, he was talking to another **** and demon player in the cabin.

The appearance of the **** and demon player is very strange. The overall appearance is like an upright ant, with four thin arms and two thin legs. A hard shell with petal patterns is supported on the back, and translucent wings are stacked under the hard shell. Like a small cape.

This guy is very particular about what he wears. He wears gold-rimmed glasses, a peaked cap, a small vest, a white shirt, a tie, leather shoes, a belt around his waist, and a gold watch on a gold chain on his right chest. It's like a plush glove, with a lot of tiny fluff on it, barely a thumb.

He is the owner of this wooden sailboat. He was originally the main **** of civilization of the ants civilization, and his name is "Emperor of the ants". Now he has built a number in the chaotic void, whose name is [Xiao Kugong].

"Human players are just too noisy, what's going on outside? What are you talking about?"

[Xiao Kugong] Hearing the shouting outside, he was a little unhappy and muttered. His voice was very soft and magnetic, but his Mandarin was very standard.

[Ma Chaoqian] said: "I heard someone shout that they encountered pirates? Are there pirates on this road?"

"No way!"

[Xiao Kugong] hurriedly said: "Don't worry, my friend, I am familiar with this road, let alone pirates, and there are no beasts in the starry sky. This is the safest route. Keep these goods safely delivered to Dangerous Moon City!"


"Of course! My master is the Great Sage of the Dragon Slayer Empire, don't you know this? My master also taught me a magical skill, don't you know? Yes, don't worry!"

[Ma Chaoqian] nodded his head in disbelief.

After parting with Zhou Nan and others, he used the divine sword to stack the waves on the cliffs of the river, and walked in the void. As a result, like Zhou Nan, he also got lost and came to a void island called Beetle Island.

Fortunately, he met [Xiao Kugong] on that Void Island.

[Xiao Kugong] is very knowledgeable and knows many hidden void islands. He seems to have come into contact with the Golden Armored Great Sage of the Dragon Slaying Empire. He is very familiar with the beetle island. , and more importantly, they have harvested a batch of goods that are said to be very expensive. As long as they are transported to Dangerous Moon City, they can earn a lot of Void Coins.

Void coins are still somewhat useful in the chaotic void. In short, as long as you can reach Weiyue City smoothly, according to [Xiao Kugong], you will be rich.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if I really encounter pirates, or even star beasts. I got a few cards, and my combat power has greatly increased. I really can't beat it. I still have sworn brothers, and I can ask them to support me."


[Xiao Kugong] said: "Forget about the outside affairs, let's eat."

While speaking, the former ant emperor took out a knife and fork, and brought out a basin the size of a washbasin from under the square table in front of him.

On the plate was a lump of golden balls, and that was his food.

Behind it, in the cabin, there are more golden things like this, which are neatly stacked, almost filling the cabin, and it looks small and spectacular.

Those golden things are the only "goods" in this sailboat, half of [Xiao Kuangong] and half of [Ma Chaoqian], they will be sent to Weiyue City in exchange for rewards.

The wooden sailboats this trip is for them.

If Zhou Nan was here, he would probably feel that the golden thing was familiar, because it was very similar to the cow dung produced by his own cow Jasmine, but in the form of a golden dung ball.

Zhou Nan still has some **** cards on his body, all of which are tributes from [I'm Invincible].

[Invincible with Me] I used to be a full-time collector of cow dung in the family camp. I was keen on collecting cow dung cards for a while, and I was also very interested in cow dung traps. I wanted to use cow dung traps to trick people all day long.

The last time Zhou Nan went back to the family camp, he listened to [Invincible with Me]. He often played the battlefield dungeons, and also played the Sifang Temple and other arena dungeons. Every time he entered the dungeon, he set up cow **** traps wholeheartedly, and then tried to lure others into the traps. Every time someone fell into the **** trap, he would laugh beside him and never get tired of it.

"Please!" Gu Qi

[Xiao Kugong] made a gesture to [Ma Chaoqian], wanting him to taste the "food" in the basin!

[Ma Chaoqian] Subconsciously pinched his nose and shook his head again and again.

"This is the dung ball that the dung beetle rolled out!"

He touched it.

[Xiao Kugong] smiled and said, "Would you like to... change the basin for you?"

"No need, no need!"

[Ma Chaoqian] waved his hands again and again.

"Look at you, do you still dislike digging it yourself? Let me tell you, this Void Dung Ball Rice is a good thing, it can only be dug in Beetle Island, you haven't tasted it..."

After saying that, he used a knife and fork himself and ate it up.

After eating about half a pot, it became even more noisy outside. A human player ran in and hurriedly said: "There is an iron-clad pirate ship catching up, two big guys, what happened?"

"Are there really pirates?"

[Ma Chaoqian] said, "I'll go out and have a look!"

He picked up his mace weapon and went out.

But this time, he didn't come back for more than half an hour.

[Xiao Kugong] After eating a pot of food, it can be said to be full of food and drink. I took out a copy of "Journey to the West" and read two chapters. I didn't see my friend coming back, so I was a little curious.

"What happened? Has it been settled yet?"

He stood up, tidied up his clothes slowly, and then leisurely paced outside the cabin.

Outside the cabin, [Xiao Kuangong] saw a huge "Burning Steel Cruiser" glued to the rear not far away. Above the cruiser was the five characters of [Flaming Pirate Ship], with a pirate flag, and the fire was steaming. The flames are terrifying.

"Yeah! Are there really pirates? When did this appear?"

[Xiao Kugong] Xiaoyou was surprised and subconsciously shrank his neck.

A player next to him said, "Ship owner, what should I do? The big boss Ma Chao went to the boat, and he never returned. There was no movement at all. I don't know if he was killed. Do you want to rescue him?"

"This... I don't know where the other party is coming from, so I'm afraid I won't be able to fight?"

[Xiao Kugong] He was a little hesitant. According to his temperament, he should run away at this time. If a boat of dung **** were robbed, the loss would be too great.

But looking at the boat on the opposite side, it is estimated that it will not be able to run.

Another player said: "I think the ship is just an empty There is no armed, or it will come over sooner, let's go up and make an attack? Said that we can't **** the ship over!"

"Don't be bold and not productive, come on!"

"Last fart, this is the chaotic void, dead and resurrected on the spot, no magic cards, waiting to be turned into cosmic dust?"

"I don't know if the other side will accept surrender or not. I want to surrender, just to change a big boat..."

The players chatted unscrupulously, and the more [Xiao Kugong] listened, the more guilty they became, and after a while, there was movement on the opposite pirate ship.

[Xiao Kugong] I saw a bald human player riding a small white horse coming over.


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