My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 498: 6th Panda Fairy

"A wanted criminal was called out!"

Zhou Nan felt that the wanted criminal NPC was very miserable, and was actually swallowed by the behemoth in the starry sky. At this time, he was covered in mucus and had only a little more than 2,000 health points. He was very weak, and his skin had been corroded and digested. He was lucky to be beaten out, otherwise he would be digested and no one would know how he died.

Three million Void Coins is a huge sum of money, Zhou Nan could not refuse it, but now he will not make a special trip to **** the wanted criminal to Kangtian City.

Fortunately, the Flaming Pirate Ship is extraordinary. There are cells in the cabin, and those cells are similar to the cells in the true black dungeon. Once locked in, the ability will be sealed, and it is almost impossible to escape alone.

Zhou Nan locked the wanted criminal Luo Ji in a cell, thinking about when he would return to Kangtian City, and then escorted him out to exchange money.

During this detention, Zhou Nan learned that when the Flaming Pirate Ship card is withdrawn, the players, monsters, npc units, stored items, etc. on the ship will be automatically released, which is different from the big prop flatbed car, which can store materials. , cards, etc. Even if it is changed back to a card, those materials will still be in the card, which is equivalent to having a convenient storage function. If the Fire Pirate Ship needs storage, it cannot be changed back to a card.

After working for a while, Zhou Nan returned to the previous room and continued to play card synthesis.

After a while, a system prompt sounded in his ear: "Ding, this card synthesis requires 30 magic points. Lufu] and the four-star blue card [Shaved Cactus · Yakui] will be synthesized into a mutated black card, and the calculation is in progress..."

"Ding, congratulations on getting the Samsung Black Card [Panda Immortal Pan Shankui]..."

"Hey, has a panda fairy come out?"

Zhou Nan was pleasantly surprised. In this synthesis, he used a blue card with ordinary knowledge, that is, a combination of ordinary knowledge, and he did not use the wise and divine martial arts. He did not expect to synthesize the Panda Immortal card.

Looking at the card attributes, [Panda Immortal Pan Shankui] is stronger than the ordinary blue card, but it is not up to the level of the purple card. It has two skills. The name is [Cutting Meat].

Its [Cutting Meat] skill is more interesting. It is an active skill. The effect is to allow panda Xian Pan Shankui to directly cut flesh on the target, thereby affecting the target's body size, mobility, and life status.

"[Cutting meat] is a special skill. This card is a bit interesting, why don't you stay? Use the Wuji elixir to strengthen it?"

Zhou Nan had this idea for a lifetime, and he lingered. He quickly took out the only remaining Wuji elixir, and summoned the panda Xian Pan Shankui to make him swallow the elixir and become an immortal.

"Ding, panda immortal Pan Shankui takes Wuji elixir, his physique has been enhanced, his abilities have been enhanced, his skills have changed, and the calculation is in progress..."

"Ding, Panda Immortal Pan Shankui has evolved into Panda Meat Immortal, and the career setting has been changed to Wuji Meat Immortal!"

Zhou Nan was taken aback.

God special panda meat fairy!

What the **** is a meat fairy? meat shield? MT?

He quickly checked the card attributes.


Card Name: Panda Meat Fairy Pan Shankui (bound)

Card Color: Black

Card Stars: Three Stars

Use level: 50 Valley Orange

Use mana cost: 3000

Instruction 1: Use this card to summon Panda Meat Immortal Pan Shankui to fight for you. Panda meat fairy Pan Shankui has 3 million HP, 30,000 basic attack power, 90 armor, 90 magic resistance, variable attack speed, melee unit, good at deboning, cutting meat, and head-to-head duels.

Note 2: Panda meat fairy Pan Shankui has the skill [Promise Deboning], passive skills and special skills. Panda meat fairy Pan Shankui is equipped with an extremely sharp deboning knife, and can change the deboning knife in his hand into various shapes to suit different styles. In this case, shaving bones and cutting meat, please explore the details by yourself.

Note 2: Panda meat fairy Pan Shankui has the skill [Deboning and Cutting Meat], passive skills, special skills. Panda meat fairy Pan Shankui uses the infinite boning knife. When launching an attack, he can easily cut the flesh from the target, change the target's body, and cause bleeding. , broken defense, broken armor and other special states.

Panda meat fairy Pan Shankui activates this skill, and it is possible to obtain materials such as [meat chunks], [flesh and flesh], and the attack type becomes a meat cutting attack, which is not affected by armor and magic resistance, and some units are immune to [deboning and cutting meat]. Players explore on their own.


Panda meat fairy Pan Shankui's attribute information is very short, only two skills, Zhou Nan can't help but complain: "Just because he can debones and cuts meat, he is a meat fairy? Why not cut a fairy?"

Zhou Nan summoned the Panda Meat Fairy again, and was stunned again after seeing its appearance.

This guy has a human shape, looks lean and lean, about 1.5 meters in height, and weighs 50 kilograms visually. Take a kitchen knife.

The kitchen knife has the engraving on it: "Promise Deboning Knife"!

"Good guy, this guy looks like I abused him, isn't he too thin? Can he fight?"

Zhou Nan was afraid that the panda meat fairy in front of him would fall to the ground, but in order to understand the actual combat effectiveness of the panda meat fairy Pan Shankui, Zhou Nan returned to the cell where the wanted NPC was held.

Making the best use of everything, Zhou Nan regarded the wanted NPC as a training target.

After leaving the cell, the panda meat fairy Pan Shankui immediately started, and his temperament changed dramatically. When he pulled out the Wuji boning knife around his waist, with a clanging sound, the boning knife immediately turned into a sharp knife with the length of an adult forearm. .

Pan Shankui, the panda meat fairy, doesn't care about 3721, he just stabs him when he steps forward.

"-30000! Cut the flesh two taels! Bleeding!"

"-30000! Cut a pound of meat!"

"-30000! Cut two pounds of meat! Smash armor..."

The wanted criminal NPC was stabbed and screamed, Zhou Nan couldn't bear to hear it, and the panda meat fairy Pan Shankui was so skilled, he really cut the meat from the wanted criminal NPC, but each time there was more or less, it didn't matter. Exactly.

At the beginning, Zhou Nan didn't realize how strong the panda meat fairy Pan Shankui's [Shaving Bone and Cutting Meat] was, but after just a few breaths, seeing that the wanted NPC's right leg was shaved into bones, Zhou Nan felt that this skill was invincible. .

"The flesh of a This is cut? It's directly disabled! Don't cut it again, it won't be able to stand anymore!"

Zhou Nan stopped the panda meat fairy Pan Shankui from continuing to eviscerate and cut the meat. The wanted NPC immediately stopped crying, his health did not recover, and the flesh that was cut off did not grow back. The way of walking has changed. Jump forward, and you are still like nothing.

"If only panda immortal Pan Shankui could cut meat remotely, it would be great. Melee cutting meat is a little bit worse! In short, this sixth panda immortal, make do with it!"

Zhou Nan put away [Panda Meat Fairy Pan Shankui] and returned to the room just now to continue the card synthesis.

The cards he prepared this time were very sufficient, and it would not be a problem to synthesize two panda immortal cards, but the Wuji elixir had been used up, and the seventh and eighth panda immortals could not become Wuji immortals for the time being.


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