My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 597: little black cat

This is a huge palace, at the center of the third universe in the first layer of deep space.

The entire palace seems to be made of light, with a haze of light swirling around it.

This is the most mysterious place in the third universe. The creatures in the third universe, even the master of the star field and the high priest of the empire, do not know that it exists here.

Because it is the dwelling place of the third will.

In this hall, which seems to be made of light, there is a giant python. The whole body of this giant python is silver and white. Every scale is polished like pure silver. It is flat, smooth and translucent. The dragon, in addition to the eyes on its head, also has one eye on its neck, on the left and right sides, before its four eyes were closed and motionless, as if it was hibernating.

Suddenly, its body vibrated violently, its eyes opened suddenly, and a large amount of silver blood spurted out from the gaps in its scales in an instant.


The giant python let out a shrill roar, which shook the entire hall.

"What kind of means is this, not only destroying my clone, but even hurting my body?"

The python made a low voice.

It is the third will.

One of the nine wills of the first layer of deep space.

In the first layer of deep space, the nine wills do not interfere with each other, and they are in charge of a universe. They are very ancient and mysterious, and they rarely appear, but they are undoubtedly very powerful.

Just like this third universe, its body is actually the king of a starry beast, and it has been a long time since it became the will of deep space.

Speaking of this palace, he has not left for 30,000 years.

Because he doesn't need to leave, he can know everything in the third universe by staying in this palace.

The entire Palace of Light is the largest deep space probe in the third universe. It can be called the host and has existed forever. Whoever can enter this palace and gain its core control can become the will of deep space.

In the entire first layer of deep space, there are a total of nine such palaces, so the number of deep space wills is nine.

"What the **** is that colorful river that appeared for no reason? Why can't I figure it out as the will of the deep space? And that Emperor Heika, where did he go?"

The third will's huge four eyes flashed the scene of him being washed and submerged by the colorful river. As the will of deep space, he is in charge of the super deep space probe handed down from ancient times. He can check the deep space database at any time. There are very few things he doesn't know. Things, but the colorful river is really unpredictable, even this hall of light cannot analyze it, not even record it.

The third will is also clearly understood. It must be a power beyond his realm. A character who can use that power must be at the level of stepping on the sky, no way, and incredible. It is definitely not the power of Emperor Heika himself. He must have borrowed it.

"In front of that power, let alone my little black cat avatar, even if it is my real body, it will definitely not be able to bear it head-on, and even if the avatar bears it, after it is destroyed, it still involves me. Teach me Seriously injured, Heika Emperor, what a Heika Emperor! But you are also dead!"

The Third Will smiled grimly.

He took the initiative to kill Emperor Heika without giving him time to grow up. That was because Emperor Heika really had something extraordinary and grew up too fast, which taught him to be afraid.

The Hall of Light has detected, analyzed, and calculated it, and has determined that he is a growing supreme divine creature, capable of integrating deep space data and becoming stronger. From the perspective of the Third Will, he must be eradicated as soon as possible. It should also be started.

Although it seems that he escaped with the help of the colorful river, the third will determined that it would not live long because he had already planted a virus on Emperor Heika.

This virus will invade Emperor Heika's database and continuously perform meaningless calculations from it, thereby generating a large amount of garbage data. These data will eventually burst the Emperor Heika's memory and teach him to die.

And this virus cannot be killed or cured. It is created by the combination of the third will's own venom and the will of deep space. It is specially designed to kill the **** of the black card emperor that can steal data from deep space. biology.

The third will is very confident in this virus. It is expected that no matter where the Emperor Heika escapes, he will eventually die and die!

At this moment, Zhou Nan, who has come to the first universe, has already sensed the existence of the virus.

"I got a virus and it wants to destroy my database!"

Zhou Nan only felt that the data in his database was increasing rapidly.

He could sense that the data in his database was increasing rapidly, and the added data were all meaningless junk data or duplicate data. Their appearance made Zhou Nan feel a little headache.

"It can't go on like this, my memory will be overwhelmed by these garbage data, and the newly added garbage data will also affect the divinity of my cards..."

Zhou Nan frowned. He didn't have a good way to deal with the virus for the time being. He could only keep picking out the newly added junk data and deleting it.

However, the useless calculation cannot stop, the garbage data continues to increase, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and the deletion is not as fast as the new addition.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Nan had no choice but to place Chiyang Mountain in the first layer of deep space, and let Zhou Xiaonan and the others move on their own.

And to save oneself, you must first find the virus, understand the virus, and understand its operating mechanism before you can kill it.

Two days later, Zhou Nan looked haggard, his strange eyes flushed red, and he entered a state of bewilderment.

In a trance, he seemed to see his own inner world.

In the chaos, there are six huge towers.

The six towers are exactly the same in shape, shining in different colors, which are white, green, blue, purple, orange, and black!

They are Zhou Nan's six card library!

The white tower holds the information of the white cards, the green tower holds the information of the green cards, and so on.

The tower is divided into nine layers. The first layer stores the information of the one-star cards, and the ninth layer stores the information of the nine-star cards, which are classified and organized.

These six towers occupy part of Zhou Nan's memory, but only a very small part.

Above the nine towers, there is a huge ball of light, and that ball of light is Zhou Nan's database. Data], are all among them, occupying a lot of memory of Zhou Nan.

This database is the basis for Zhou Nan to develop the divinity of cards. The data stored in it is like "principles", "formulas", etc. With its support, Zhou Nan can carry out calculations and create real cards with a single thought.

This database is protected. It is like a secret room with a lock outside. The only key that can open it is the holy sword.

The Holy Sword was previously called, but now it is called Emperor Sword. In other words, it is Zhou Nan's divine power.

There is a little black cat that looks exactly like the third universe before, and is trying to enter the database. It is meowing and looking fierce, and it is pulling and biting at the data ball of light, but it can't get in. .

Although he couldn't enter this database, the little black cat could enter the six towers. Zhou Nan seemed to see it slip into the six towers, steal cards one by one, and keep copying those cards. And the random littering caused the number of cards in the six towers to continue to increase, thus generating garbage data and duplicate data, making Zhou Nan's card library occupy more and more memory.

Zhou Nan also seemed to see himself, very weakly following behind the little black cat, to clean up the cards it copied, then throw and destroy it, but couldn't catch the little black cat.

"The little black cat is a virus. It still has an independent consciousness. Didn't I kill the virus's immune system?"

Zhou Nan thought hard, and one day later, he tried to communicate with the little black cat in his inner world, but the little black cat ignored it at all, just slipped into the towers and copied the cards on the face to his heart's content.

Afterwards, Zhou Nan tried to surround and intercept the little black cat, trying to catch it, but it was not easy, the little black cat was very nimble and alert.

Time passed slowly, and Zhou Nan was immersed in his inner world. It was a month in the blink of an eye. During this month, the little black cat turned Zhou Nan's card library upside down. It copied the cards very fast, and Zhou Nan passed by. After more than a month of hard work, although he still couldn't catch the little black cat, he deleted the duplicate cards much faster and could basically match the speed of the little black cat duplicating cards.

Therefore, as long as Zhou Nan devotes himself to deleting cards, he can barely keep his database unchanged, so that his memory will not be occupied by more.

However, as a result, Zhou Nan is devoted to deleting duplicate data, and other things can't be done, and as long as he relaxes a little and loses the little black cat, it will be very troublesome.

The little black cat was also a little unhappy. It seemed to know that the cards it copied would be quickly identified and thrown away, so it began to look for other ways to increase data.

I have to say that this little black cat is very smart, equivalent to an evolving virus. Two months later, he actually learned how to synthesize cards.

This little black cat randomly draws cards from the card library, and can actually synthesize them into new cards, and the synthesis follows certain principles, which is very similar to Zhou Nan's previous professional talent [Black Card Synthesis] in the Imagination Void , is also a combination of words, but it is not very particular, the prefix name of the new card is not necessarily the same as the number of suffix names, the number of stars of the new card is the average of all material cards, the color must be black, and its attributes are also the same as Material cards have a certain connection.

"How can this little black cat synthesize black cards? Learn without a teacher? Is it the Emperor Heika or am I the Emperor Heika?"

Zhou Nan felt very depressed, the little black cat played card synthesis, the amount of data generated and the memory occupied by the synthesized black cards were very exaggerated, much more than copying cards.

Moreover, the synthesized black cards are difficult to distinguish between true and false, so the efficiency of Zhou Nan's selection and deletion is greatly reduced.

Zhou Nan thinks that there is no reinforcement material in the void of consciousness, otherwise, maybe the little black cat will be strengthened with cards.

"I don't know if the black cards synthesized by the little black cat will work. All the black cards synthesized by it are black cards. I can't imagine the effect..."

On this day, Zhou Nan suddenly became curious, his mind moved, and the attribute information of a card appeared in his mind.

The name of that card is [Indulge in Women's Sex, I Will].


Card Name: Indulge in Women's Sex · I Will

Card color: black

Number of Card Stars: Nine Stars

Use level: none

Use mana cost: none

Note 1: This card has been synthesized 42 times.

Explanation 2: Use cards to summon a group of banshees, making the target hopelessly infatuated with banshees and willing to degenerate. Anyone who persuades them will be regarded as enemies.

Note 3: The Banshee can last for an hour, but the special effect of this card cannot be dispelled, it will affect it for life, but it can be rescued. Please explore the details by yourself.

Note 4: If this card is used on a target with firm mind, the effect will be greatly reduced.


"This card is amazing. It was synthesized after 42 times of synthesis. If I save enough qi and imagine it, can the effect of the card be real?"

Zhou Nan was very surprised.

If the cards synthesized by the little black cat can be used and created, then it will not be considered garbage data. Although it will quickly occupy its own memory, it will also enrich its card library.

Arguably, this should be fine.

Because of Zhou Nan's card divine power, as long as the color, star number, prefix name, and suffix name are given, it will be automatically calculated and generated according to the master in the card library, and it will be realized, no matter how strange the master's attributes are. , how strange the skills, supported by data, is the real card.

I'm afraid that the data support is not Just like the halo cards, the cards can be imagined, but they have no effect.

It's a pity that the "qi" needed to create a black card is too much, and Zhou Nan can't verify it.

Zhou Nan's mind suddenly moved, he was thinking, can this little black cat be safe.

Looking at his methods, it is obvious that he also has certain computing power. Since he can't catch him and drive him away, is there any way to reconcile with him, or "adopt" him so that it can serve him?

With this idea in his mind, Zhou Nan then tried various ways to communicate with the little black cat, but the data that should be deleted should still be deleted. After all, after the little black cat learned [Black Card Synthesis], the speed of swiping data was extremely fast. If you let it go on like this, no matter what, in a few days, Zhou Nan's memory will be full.

At that time, for Zhou Nan, it will usher in the collapse of the data. It will be a catastrophe, and it may shake his entire divine power. It is not as simple as being injured.

On the other hand, Zhou Xiaonan, Xiao Taichong and Xiao Taiyong were hunting in the deep space on the first floor, and occasionally they brought some treasures that could expand Zhou Nan's memory. Zhou Nan couldn't be distracted too much. After receiving those treasures, they used them immediately, but they didn't have time to issue cards to them.

Time flies, and it will be three years later.

For the past three years, Zhou Nan has been struggling to support him, like silence, but on this day, he finally ushered in a turning point.


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