My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 369: Negotiate

Shang Haozhi got a reply immediately and got busy.

He temporarily put other things aside, concentrated on sorting out the materials for "Steel Refining".

The first four episodes, the character setting and the setting of "Steel Refining" are all prepared.

In addition, Wang Wenhong also lived in Shen Xin's studio again to understand the outline of the story of "Steel Refining" in the shortest possible time.

"Soul of the Game" was serialized simultaneously on "Young Leap" and had already created many records at that time. If "Steel Refined" can be serialized simultaneously in District 11, it would be a boost for the sluggish "ComicFuture".

Shen Xin also knows the pros and cons. The comics have not been serialized yet. The only thing Shen Xin can handle is the setting and the subsequent plot, but he certainly can't tell the story and the story behind, and can only mention the plot to Elric. The period when the brother and the master met was equivalent to passing the early part of the story.

After that, he listed the main settings and comic backgrounds one by one. It took Wang Wenhong a whole day to smooth the settings and backgrounds.

After watching it, Wang Wenhong was even more amazed at the setting of "Steel Refining".

It is very difficult for a comic to justify itself, but the setting of "Steel Refined" is not only self-justified, but also self-contained, which means that there will be a certain market for the derivatives of "Steel Refined".

It took Wang Wenhong another day to sort out all the materials that could be used. Then, together with Shang Haozhi and the translator, he flew to District 11.

Before leaving, Shen Xin warned again: "Don't forget the two conditions I mentioned to President Shang. First, the length of this comic is determined by me; second, if I make an animation, I have the conditions. Choose a production team or production company. This is the prerequisite for my signing with you."

Wang Wenhong was taking a cold breath behind him. Recently, he was so busy that he even forgot that Shen Xin had not signed a contract with the magazine.

"Ah...I see."

Wang Wenhong took a deep breath.

"But what if "Senior Leap" rejects this condition?"

" monk always has two choices. 1. Change another magazine; 2. Give up the market in District 11." Shen Xin said seriously.

Not to mention whether he can create an original plot based on the original, even if he can do it, he doesn't want to do it.

The length of a work is closely related to its setting and background. If it exceeds the limit, no matter what the work is, it will definitely collapse.

Shen Xin didn't want a hallmark comic like "Gang Lian" to collapse because of these messy reasons, so he must stick to his own opinions.

As for animation, it is even more impossible to find a company to do it.

On the earth, "Steel Refining FA" is a zero-negative work. In this world, he must do his best possible.

Wang Wenhong nodded, "I will tell it to Editor-in-Chief Shang."

Shang Haozhi scratched his head after hearing Wang Wenhong's message, "Okay, listen to him."

It's best if it can be negotiated. If it doesn't work, it's a tourist.

When Wang Wenhong saw Shang Haozhi's expression, his heart felt cold. It seemed that the editor-in-chief had already thought of the bad situation.

After arriving in District 11, the three people (including translators) first stayed in Tokyo, found a hotel, put their luggage, and contacted Murakami.

It was finally determined that at 10 o'clock in the morning of the next day, I would go to the headquarters of "Young Leap" for negotiation.

The three went to bed early, and the next day, after breakfast, they took their briefcases and took a taxi to the editorial office of "Young Leap".

The magazine of "Shoun Leap" has five floors. Among them, "Shoun Leap" is on the 20th floor, and the next four floors are its brother and sister magazines.

Registered at the front desk on the 20th floor. The front desk staff called the editorial department and then said to three people: "Wait a minute, someone will come out and pick you up."

Three people stood at the front desk, looking around boredly.

Fortunately, the waiting time was not too long, only about a minute, and Murakami took the lead to walk out, followed by two middle-aged people, who should be staff members of the magazine.

Seeing Shang Haozhi, Murakami shook hands cordially.

Last time Murakami came to China, Shang Haozhi, on behalf of "ComicFuture" and Yishu Culture, gave Murakami a good reception. Aside from official business, the two still have some personal relationships.

Subsequently, Murakami introduced the two people behind him to Shang Haozhi and Wang Wenhong, one named Chinna Otani and the other named Chi Yasuda.

"The deputy editor-in-chief and the other team leader are still outside. I guess they will be back in ten minutes-or should we go to the conference room first?"

After listening to the translation, Shang Haozhi and Wang Wenhong nodded one after another.

Whatever the guest.

Now that you have arrived at someone else's site, then listen to the master's arrangement.

The conference room of "Young Leap" is relatively ordinary, not too big, and probably can seat more than 20 people.

The wenge oval table with black leather chairs is a very common meeting room. Although it is not very luxurious, it does not make people feel too nervous.

"The president is in a meeting, I can only apologize to everyone here. UU reading" Murakami apologized.

"It doesn't matter. These are not important. We are here to discuss cooperation, not the meeting room." Shang Haozhi didn't care too much either.

After hearing the translation, Murakami nodded slightly, guessing that Shang Haozhi wanted to get straight to the subject.

"First of all, I, the deputy editor-in-chief and the team leader, after reading the first episode, there were some differences. Not by itself. Although the sales volume of "Soul of the Game" in the 11th district is very good, Mr. Shen also has extremely high strength. However, It is difficult for us to distinguish the future of the comics just by looking at it. Our differences are mainly in the development of the plot. Then we discussed according to the possible plot. Therefore, we are now very curious about how Teacher Shen will choose."

Murakami rubbed his hands, his eyes fell on Shang Haozhi's briefcase.

"Well, I am very glad that you all like it. For this cooperation, Mr. Shen deliberately sorted out the settings so that everyone can understand the entire comic. At the same time, we also provide the first four episodes and the follow-up outline."

When Otani heard the translator mention "setting", his eyes immediately brightened.

He is most optimistic about the setting of "Steel Refining". After all, the comics he saw before are completely different from this setting.

Murakami cares most about the plot of "Steel Refining", no matter how brilliant the setting is, it needs to be reflected in the plot.

So, after Shang Haozhi took out the files from the briefcase, Murakami and Kotani received the outline and the settings by one person. Only Yasuda knew that his hands were empty. In the end, he had to come from Murakami's hands. The character of "Steel Refining".

The three people lowered their heads, and everyone's eyes changed from being serious at the beginning to focused. They didn't even know the door was pushed open by the door of the conference room.


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