My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 382: Small book ranking

The 28th issue of "ComicFuture" is officially on sale. The second chapter of "Steel Refining" has more than 40 pages, which makes readers hooked. Some settings, such as "equivalent exchange", "sage stone", etc. The content is also discussed on the Internet by readers.

The first two episodes are a complete story, so to some extent, the popularity of the first episode has also been preserved.

When the small book came out, it was still the first place just like the first chapter, which made Shang Haozhi's pressure alleviated a lot.

At least so far, the results of "Steel Making" have met his expectations.

In addition, another data that proves the quality of "Steel Making" is the sales of magazines.

In the 27th issue, the magazine sold 5.6 million copies, and in the 28th issue, the magazine sold 5.68 million copies.

It is not easy to stop the decline of "ComicFuture" and increase the sales of magazines.

Wang Wenhong is in a good mood. According to the current situation, the performance of "Steel Refining" is estimated to be better than that of "Soul of Goss".

However, if the final result of "Steel Refining" really surpasses "Hire of Go", he will not be surprised at all.

It's not that "Soul of Go" is not good, but because the subject of "Go" is really too niche.

Just as he was thinking about it, the mailbox made a ding-dong sound.

Wang Wenhong looked at the display. It was an email from Yokoi.

"what's happenin?"

The opposite Hook looked up at Wang Wenhong.

"Yokoi really sent an e-mail, it should be a small book of "Young Leap"." Wang Wenhong smiled.

"I didn't get the first place in the first episode. I guess it would be nice to stay in the top five in the second episode."

"Haha... I think so too." Wang Wenhong opened the email with a smile, glanced over the contents, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

"What's the matter? The grades are not too bad, right?" Hook quickly asked when Wang Wenhong didn't say a word.

"It's not..." Wang Wenhong rubbed his face, stared at the monitor again, and waited for accuracy before saying to Hook, "First...The second episode of "Steel Refining" was also obtained on "Young Leap". First place."

Shang Haozhi, who was on the phone, suddenly stopped talking and looked at Wang Wenhong in surprise, but the voice of "Hey Hey" came through the phone.

"Sorry, the leader called me, two minutes later, I will call you back." Shang Haozhi quickly apologized, hung up, looked at Wang Wenhong in surprise, "What did you say?"

"Steel Refining" also got the first place in the little book of "Young Leap"." Wang Wenhong repeated it again.

Shang Haozhi furrowed his brows and knocked on the table twice, "Xiaoyan, please go online to see the reactions of readers in District 11."

"I'm already watching it." Yan Fei replied casually, looking at the comic forum in District 11. "To put it simply, this issue is still more than 40 pages, so the readers look very enjoyable. It is a story with the first chapter, which can be perfectly connected. At the end of the second chapter, mysterious people appear again, and readers are very curious about their identities. Also, the comics are very interesting. In terms of roles, the two male protagonists Sometimes the simple strokes also mediate the atmosphere of the comics. Readers like these two characters very much."

Yan Fei then read other comic forums, and there were also posts discussing "Steel Refining", but instead of discussing the plot, she questioned the ranking of "Steel Refining".

The second in the first episode, the first in the second, plus the comics that are not in the "Shoun Leap" magazine, it is indeed easy to be attacked by some readers.

These would be better not to read them.

Anyway, the rankings have already been obtained, and no matter how harsh others scolded, it would just be hilarious.

Wang Wenhong couldn't wait to pick up the phone and dialed Shen Xin's number.

"Hello, Teacher Shen?"

After answering the phone, Wang Wenhong heard the noise coming from the microphone.

It should not be in the studio.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Uh...Congratulations, the little book of "Young Leap" is number one."

"Huh? Really?"

Shen Xin was taken aback. The first thought was that Wang Wenhong was lying to him, but then it occurred to him that Wang Wenhong did not have to do so, and that the news seemed to be true.

However, the market is changing rapidly, not to mention that this place and the earth are still two worlds, and it is indeed possible that the rankings are not synchronized.

"Are you outside now?"

The voice from the microphone was a little quiet, and Wang Wenhong frowned and asked.

"Xiao Han is back, I will pick her up at the station."

"That won't delay you. Hey... come back and talk."

"Laughing is disgusting." Shen Xin vomited.


Wang Wenhong chirped, his heart filled with depression.

Shen Xin hung up the phone and recalled what happened just now.

Aunt Niu is very good, otherwise "Steel Refining" would not have such a high achievement, but the second episode can win the first place in both magazines, is there also a reason for the exquisite style of painting?

After all, everyone has spent a lot of energy in order to draw beautiful pictures.

Just as he was thinking about it, at the exit of the station, someone gradually walked out of the station, pulling the suitcase.

Shen Xin immediately turned his attention to the exit, staring at the people coming out of the station.

Because of the stressful work in the past, Shen Xin rarely came to pick up Xi Muhan, and he didn't know how Xi Muhan would come out.

However, when Xi Muhan appeared, he still saw her for the first time.

By coincidence, Xi Muhan also looked over, and the two looked at each other.

Xi Muhan hurriedly bid farewell to his companions, and ran all the way with his schoolbag on his back.

When she ran to Shen Xin, her face was slightly red, and she gasped for two breaths.

"What are you doing so fast?"

"miss you."

Xi Muhan said it casually, but his mind suddenly remembered This sentence seemed too direct. His cheeks blushed instantly, but his eyes never left Shen Xin's face.

These two words made Shen Xin a little embarrassed. He looked away and coughed slightly.

Xi Muhan couldn't help laughing when he saw Shen Xin's expression.

Shen Xin was even more embarrassed.

"Ahem... or go back first?" Shen Xin rubbed his nose.


Xi Muhan glanced at Shen Xin, who was walking in front, and was in a good mood.

"By the way, Brother Xin, why do you sometimes direct me?"

"Recently, there have been manuscripts saved, and everyone's work efficiency has improved a lot, and free time is available." Shen Xin came to the roadside and stopped a rental car.

"Speaking of saving the manuscript... Brother Xin, "Steel Refining" is very good. My roommate Liu Yan, do you know?"

Xi Muhan sat in the back row and said to Shen Xin beside him.

"Familiar with."

Xi Muhan often mentioned this name during holidays.

"She rarely reads comics, but you have read both of your comics and are now analyzing the settings of "Steel Refining"."

Shen Xin has a black line, and readers with such research settings are under pressure.

Seeing the embarrassment on Shen Xin's face, Xi Muhan smiled lightly and was about to speak, but Shen Xin spoke first.

"Senior year soon, right?"

"Huh?" Xi Muhan looked at Shen Xin, but saw that his expression was slightly normal, "Yes."

"Have you thought about what to do in the future?" Shen Xin asked.

"Of course." Xi Muhan narrowed his eyes and said confidently.


"Freelancer. Write something, including novels, but not limited to novels." Xi Muhan gently touched Shen Xin's cocooned fingers with his fingertips, and narrowed his eyes.


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