My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 385: "Poison" and "Grass"

"Mountain God" is a fairy tale cartoon.

A child who grew up in a city followed his parents and came to the country for the first time.

I'm not used to hygiene and accommodation, and my children have no good feelings about the country.

"Go to bed early, otherwise the mountain **** will catch you." The grandmother from the country said to the child.

The child didn't believe it.

It was sultry in the middle of the night, and the child came out of the house, but unexpectedly saw a fox running by. The child trot all the way, followed the fox, ran out of the door and into the mountains.

As a result, he entered another world, everywhere is full of fantasy.

Talking foxes, snakes, squirrels, and moving plants make children feel like they are in a dream.

He was playing with these animals, but there was a heavy rain in the sky. He could only hide under the huge leaves and rain, and gradually fell asleep.

When he woke up, he sat in the courtyard with a sore back and no talking animals and no fantasy world around him.


The story is very simple, and the plot is also very plain.

What Shen Xin likes more is the cartoonist's style, which looks very simple and makes him feel very comfortable.

This is why Shen Xin said that he likes this comic, but he does not represent the market, and he can clearly feel that this comic is difficult to be recognized by the market.

"The problem with "Mountain God" is that it can neither be popular nor attract a large number of readers. It is said that it is not a commercial comic, but it has compromised with commercial comics, but the compromise is not thorough enough, and the story is too plain. There are no waves. That’s why it creates the current situation. But for readers who like slow-paced, reading such comics is actually not bad. You don’t need to bring too much, you just need to consider the story itself.

Shen Xin expressed his understanding.

For the same subject, cartoonists have different perspectives.

This has also resulted in a lot of comics that seem to be similar, but are actually different.

If Shen Xin were to draw this cartoon, he would definitely not draw it like this.

Before creating, he must go through market research and know what type of comics readers like before he can write.

This approach is very utilitarian, but for most cartoonists, survival is the first priority.

Some people may enter this circle with a dream, but after entering, they will find that they have to face a problem called survival.

Therefore, only cartoonists are gamblers.

Unless you can live on the work for a lifetime, even if there is a big-selling work, the author still has to worry about whether the next work will be ruined.

Wang Wenhong sighed, "It seems that he is getting old."

"Why do you say that?" Shen Xin asked curiously.

"Because, I prefer this kind of comics now, um... the mind can relax." Wang Wenhong was a little depressed.

"But you should also know that such works can't sell well." Shen Xin stretched out, "Besides, reading is a very personal thing. Have you never heard of,'He's poison, my fairy grass'? ?"

"No." Wang Wenhong frowned slightly, and slowly recalled the words "poison" and "immortal grass", which were indeed very similar to reading.

At this time, Xi Muhan came out of the kitchen, ran to the open space on the first floor, and said to the upper floor: "Brother Xin, Brother Wang, come down to eat."

"So fast?" Shen Xin was a little surprised. He wanted to draw this manuscript first, but it seemed that he could only talk about it after dinner.

Wang Wenhong touched his nose and smiled, "Successfully rubbed rice."

Shen Xin gave Wang Wenhong a sullen look, and you just dreamed of it.

However, Xiaohan's cooking skills are indeed very high.

At least, Shen Xin believes that he will never be able to reach Xiaohan's level in his entire life.

After the meal, Wang Wenhong left, and his assistant continued to work. Shen Xin also picked up the pressure-sensitive pen and drew the words "Alchemist's distress".

Xi Muhan sat opposite Shen Xin, looked at Shen Xin who was drawing the manuscript for a while, and wrote a few words on the office software, and found that these words were not what she wanted.

"It was her editor who came with Lu Ning today?"

"Yeah." Xi Muhan nodded.

"How about "National Tour"...?"

"Still discussing." Xi Muhan took a deep breath, "Girls' Century is the most likely. It's just that the size of this magazine is not as big as "Mangafly", even if it ranks first in "Girls' Century", it is in the market. The reputation is still limited. The situation in "The Lightest Language" is similar. However, it can only be so for the time being."

"Just write what you want. The magazine is just a link between you and your readers. In the future, you may not need this link."

Shen Xin lowered his head, pressure-sensitive strokes on the pen display, and Nina and Alexander appeared under the pen.

It depends on how much the Internet can have on light novels.

Xi Muhan was confused, and he stopped talking. Seeing Shen Xin lowering his head to paint, the doubts in his heart came back to his heart.


"City of Carbon Mines" is not a big plot, so "Steel fa" omitted this sentence, but this story has a certain place in the early and late stages.

In this sentence, the reader clearly sees a message. Although the "national alchemist" can have a lot of resources, some people are very disgusted with the "national alchemist" and call it the "army's running dog".

"The alchemist serves everyone and sells his soul to the army in exchange for various privileges. Such an alchemist will never be forgiven."

In particular, people who live on carbon mines are also oppressed by the army. These people have a deeper aversion to "national alchemists".

The publication of the third chapter also made readers wonder whether Edward would really mess with the army.

However, there is another message in this remark that makes readers suddenly interested, that is, Edward and Alyou master.

When two people mentioned the master, they were sweating and frightened. Readers had an intuitive impression of the master—their teacher was definitely a very scary person.

According to the current plot, this "horror" master should not appear in a short time.

To some extent, this is also the way of comics. Since it is a teacher, it should be the protagonist's killer, and it is impossible to come out until the critical moment.

The end of "The City of Carbon Mines" is in the fourth chapter.

Edward did not rely on violence or the privilege of an alchemist to solve the domineering and insatiable Lieutenant Yuki like other comics, but instead used his intelligence to defeat his opponent. The two brothers did not even take action to solve the whole incident.

Hot-blooded comics can still be played like this?

The readers' eyes were stunned, but they have to admit that the arrangement of "Steel Refining" has new ideas.

This pair of brothers is not the same as the protagonist they often see.


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