My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 478: New book sale

?On December 30th, Volume 9 of "Steel Making" was officially released in China.

As soon as the door of Jiman Bookstore was opened, the clerk saw that there was already a line outside the door.

"Customers who have booked Volume 9 of "Steel Making" in advance, please stand on the left, take your ticket stub, go to the front desk to pay the balance, and pick up the comics. Readers who have not booked, please go to the new comics area on the first floor and choose Buy comics."

It appears that hundreds of readers buy a comic at a time, and it has appeared before, especially when "The Legend of the Dragon King" was the hottest.

However, recently, especially after July, it is difficult to reappear this kind of scene.

In the store staff's impression, the only thing that is more lively than it is now, and probably only the last volume of "The Legend of the Dragon King" is on sale.

It's just that there was a sentimental factor that time.

After all, the comics that have been with you for more than ten years are over, and some people will deliberately buy them even if they don’t read them, just to commemorate their youth.

But now, the emergence of Duo has somewhat affected the operation of bookstores.

In particular, has added 50 new comics, and "ComicFuture" has also sold 50 old works online. These changes have also allowed readers to adapt to online reading.

The popular scenes that have often appeared in the past are rarely seen again, especially like today, when the door is still open, so many people line up to buy books.

After the clerk spoke, the customer consciously stood in two teams. One team stood on the left. Under the guidance of the clerk, they came to the front desk, handed in the ticket stub, paid the balance, and took away the ninth volume of "Steel Refining".

The other team went to the new book sales area to buy the new book "Steel Refining".

"This is your book." With a smile on his face, the store manager put a copy of "Steel Refining" in the hands of the customer.

The customer was about to leave when he suddenly saw a magazine standing on the front desk. The cover was a young man in a light-colored sweater with his hands in his trouser pockets and looking ahead.

He is very young, probably in his early twenties. He looks very delicate and gentle, but he has a sense of arrogance.

"Dialogue with Shen Zheng: a different character artist." The customer whispered the title of the cover of "Star Game", "Hey, the store manager, is Shen Zheng above the author of "Gang Lian"?"

"Yes. In December, "Star Game" deliberately interviewed Mr. Shen."

"Come here." The customer reached out.

The corner of the shop manager's mouth was slightly raised, and then he put a copy of "Star Game" into the customer's hand.

When the other customers heard the conversation between the two, they immediately pricked their ears.

Games also belong to the second dimension. Although it is divided into several factions, such as animation party, comic party or game party, there are also "double repairs" or "three repairs", but even those who only watch anime will be more concerned about some games. All heard.

Hearing that "Star Game" interviewed Shen Zheng, many people were also interested in this issue of "Star Game".

The store manager smiled triumphantly when he saw this scene.

The popularity of "Steel Refining" in bookstores quickly "spread" to the Internet. Some readers showed up on the Internet the photos they took when they bought it. Some comic bookstore customers were rushing to each other, as if they were buying discounted items in a supermarket.

At the same time, some people showed the cover of "Star Game" to let everyone "relieve hunger."

"At present, the most popular cartoonist in China should be Mr. Shen? "Star Game" conducted an exclusive interview with him and put it in the column of the most important "character", which is a full five pages."

"Huh? The photo is so young? Is it retouched?"

"How is it possible? He is now twenty-five or sixteen years old, younger than most cartoonists." ‘

"No... in my memory, probably most of the newcomers are older than Teacher Shen."

"Ms. Shen won the newcomer award when he was 18 or 19 years old. How do other people compare?"


"Damn it, it doesn't matter if you are young, you are still so handsome, and my heart suddenly gets stuck."

"Don't worry, if you work hard and earnestly for a few years, you will find that the gap between you and Teacher Shen is even greater."


"People who bought "Star Game", let me tell you a little bit. What did Mr. Shen say when he was drawn to this issue of the magazine?"

"I didn't say anything, I just briefly mentioned my journey into this industry, focusing on how to have contact with "Goddess", and then was invited to become the character designer of "Goddess"."

"Huh? Just mention it briefly? I thought I would say it in detail?"

"This is a game magazine, not a comic magazine. Of course, it is important to introduce the game. However, Mr. Shen has also worked hard to design the characters. More than 30 characters have used almost a thousand sketches."

"so much?"

"At the end of the interview, several sketches were published, each of which is classic. But most of them are not finished. To be honest, I looked forward to those sketches. By the way, the key point. Zhenyu Technology said, After the release of the "Goddess" game, these sketches may be made into albums and sold, including the original paintings submitted to the production team. I look forward to ing."

In just one day, the number of posts in the "ComicFuture" section exceeded 300. Rarely, was suppressed. More than half of the posts were related to "Gang Lian" and Shen Zheng, and a small part was related to the upcoming serial " "The Hunting Abyss" is related.

The editorial department of "ComicFuture" was caught in a tense atmosphere since the release of Volume 9 of "Steel Refining".

"Steel Making" is the hottest comic book of "ComicFuture" right now, so the sales volume of this volume is likely to be the ceiling of "ComicFuture"'s recent booklet.

Unless there is a comic that is better than "Steel Refining", otherwise, to break this number, we must rely on "Steel Refining".

Despite the tension in the editorial department, the sales volume of "Steel Refining" on the first day did not come out until noon on the 31st.

"The first day, 150,000 copies!"

When Shang Haozhi heard this number, his inner tension eased slightly.

150,000 copies in a single day, according to this trend, 700,000 copies should be reached in the first week.

In the current comics industry, this sales volume should be a leader.

"Fortunately..." Wang Wenhong gasped, UU read www. 150,000 is a relatively safe number, at least worthy of the popularity of a period of time ago.

The only fly in the ointment is that "Steel Refining" does not have an animation, otherwise, it may exceed one million in a single week.

"Although we are temporarily slowing down, we can't take it lightly." Shang Haozhi was calm in his heart, and said, "You guys have watched the countdown on the homepage of They must have other actions."

When it comes to this countdown, Shang Haozhi's heart is full of disgust.

"Oh, is it the countdown to the interview with the mysterious person? The mysterious person should be Teacher Wang?" Zhou Xiaoming suddenly realized.

Shang Haozhi gave Zhou Xiaoming angrily. He deliberately didn't say so thoroughly, but Zhou Xiaoming still stabbed through it.

At this moment, he forgot that he provoked this topic.

On January 1, the first issue of the New Year's magazine was released. At the same time, Duoman also interviewed Wang Yunze.