My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 553: Zuohara's choice


Zuo Yuan rubbed his eyes and looked at the text on the screen.

In just over a hundred words of the announcement, he read it no less than 10 times, and every word on the announcement seemed to be engraved in his mind.

Tears overflowed from the corner of his eyes and dripped down his cheeks.

"That's great... Great... I can draw comics again... Thank you... Thank you, Teacher Shen..."

Although he did not wash away the stigma of "swiping votes", this announcement revealed another brother's meaning-the previous punishment by Duo was wrong, and there were loopholes in the rules of the "Golden Paintbrush" award!

In another announcement, Duo denied their mistakes, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that these are just rhetoric, and other magazines can still determine that Zuo Yuan's character is not a problem.

For him, this makes him feel more happy than the author's unblocking. At the same time, there is one more thing in his heart. The kindness that Shen Zheng gave him is really too great.


" has issued an announcement..." Wang Wenhong looked at the app of while eating, and said to Yan Fei who was opposite.

"What did they say?" Yan Fei asked quickly.

"It's almost the same as Mr. Shen guessed. I didn't admit my mistakes, and didn't mention compensation. I just unblocked the backstage of and released "Minecraft". This comic should continue to be serialized, but, He should have no extra money." Wang Wenhong said.

"I don't know how he will choose, whether to return to or find another magazine..."

"If I can, I want to be his editor in charge." Yan Fei said suddenly.

"Huh?" Xu Jie was taken aback and looked at Yan Fei in surprise.

"You should have several authors in your hand, but I am very free." Yan Fei said, holding the coffee cup in both hands.

"Actually, Mr. Zuo has been with me for a year, but there is no decent work... I am still quite guilty, and I didn't help Mr. Zuo when the accident happened this time... You are indeed more suitable than me. "Xu Jie sighed.

"Thank you. However, the whole thing is really strange. It happened suddenly and ended suddenly... If it wasn't for Teacher Zuo Yuan who was still affected, I would really think that there was no such thing. The only thing that made me feel guilty was to put Teacher Shen Also pulled it down." Yan Fei was a little depressed.

"I hope the latest "Steel Refining" will not be affected by this incident." Xu Jie whispered.

Yan Fei glanced at Wang Wenhong, "It shouldn't be. The users of have discussed the coloring page not long ago again."

"That one... does it really show the strength of Teacher Shen?" Wang Wenhong's expression relaxed a little, and he opened the app of and found the discussion post of "Gang Lian".

"Sure enough! You guessed it right, there are 42 pages of the latest words on behalf of 42!"

"The shadow hiding behind Glatoni turned out to be Yao Lin...No, Glad! Isn't Yao Lin gone?"

"It feels like a big brain hole."

"However, this statement also confirms one thing, "Father" is not Hoinheim."

"It looks better than Hohenheim."

"On that color picture, the halo under the feet of'Father Father' is actually forbidden to use alchemy. Who can guess that?"

"But why can he prohibit others from using alchemy?"

"I don't know, it depends on how Teacher Shen explained."

The popularity of "Steelmaking" has not diminished, and it has quickly become a hot topic of user discussion.

The plot of this story still has a high quality. "Father" and the Elric brothers are fighting, and after Yao Lin is subdued, "Father" will be mixed with the "Sage's Stone" of Gried's soul. Incorporated into Yao Lin's body, making him an artificial human-exactly the same as Bradley's experiment.

Although the recent one is not as exciting as the previous one, "The Road Sign of the Soul", the quality is still very high. With the release of "Cobsp; Future", the distance from "Age of Gods" is quickly opened up.

"This achievement... so-so, right?"

Wang Wenhong smiled, his face sullen.

Yan Fei and Xu Jie chirped, their faces were full of contempt.

After get off work in the evening, Yan Fei took the subway to Zuoyuan's residence. unblocked Zuo Yuan’s work, but she still has to confirm Zuo Yuan’s idea whether to go to Shen Xin as an assistant or continue to draw Minecraft-from an economic point of view, acting as an assistant should be more a little better.

Shen Xin has always been more generous to his assistants. Three months of work may be enough for half a year.

Yan Fei came to the door of Zuo Yuan's residence and was about to knock. The door suddenly opened. Zuo Yuan was carrying a large bottle of water and was about to go out to work.

Seeing Yan Fei in front of the door, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly opened the door and invited Yan Fei into the house.

"I didn't expect you to come..."

"Well, Teacher Shen Zheng asked me to come." After Yan Fei sat down, she took the tea cup handed by Zuo Yuan and placed it gently on the side table.

"Mr. Shen?" Zuo Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words "Shen Zheng", then he lowered his head again, "Sorry, I... I really don't know how to thank Mr. Shen."

"Ms. Shen tried his best, but because there is no evidence, he can't do more..."

"No, no, you misunderstood..." Zuo Yuan waved his hand again and again, "I...I am really grateful that I can have the results now. I was already prepared to say goodbye to the profession of'cartoonist' at any time. I really didn't expect that there was still room for reversal."

"Don't think so much, is there a long way to go as a cartoonist?" Yan Fei rubbed her hands, "By the way, what are your plans in the future..."

"First find a part-time job, earn some living expenses, and then take time to finish "Minecraft". After all, I have a contract and I don’t have much choice. Then I will discuss with and ask them to cancel the priority of the next works. Sign the contract, and work while creating comics." Zuo Yuan sighed.

Even if he wants to leave, he can only go according to the contract because of the signing of the "contract.

"Do you want to study with Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen said, if you want, you can work with him as an assistant. As for the subsequent serialization, if there is a suitable work, you can give it to me and we will discuss it together. Of course, I have asked Teacher Xu Jie said about it, and he said it was okay." Yan Fei explained.


In an instant, Yan Fei saw the brilliance in Zuo Yuan's eyes, even a little bit of excitement and joy, but then he lowered his head again.

"Ms. Lu Ning has been with Mrs. Shen for a period of time, and she will be serialized in "Cobsp; Future" soon. In terms of being a teacher, Mrs. Shen has absolutely no problem—"

"No, I know that can learn from Teacher Shen. For me, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is almost impossible for me to have such an opportunity in the future. However, please allow me to refuse."

"Why? Teacher Shen speaks very well!" Yan Fei asked in confusion.

"It has nothing to do with Mr. Shen! The problem is with me. Mr. Shen helped me out and asked Doman to take down the announcement. This is already a great kindness. If I accept his help again, I... don't know what to do. Repay him. Teacher Yan, I really can't trouble Teacher Shen any more."

Looking at Zuo Yuan with an apologetic face, Yan Fei intentionally scolded him out of his mind, but this is also his style of doing things.

I remember that Shen Xin said before that for Zuo Yuan, the "hanging" announcement on the website is more important.

Shen Xin should have spotted this point before he took the lead for Zuo Yuan and did what Zuo Yuan could not do.

As long as he can, Zuo Yuan is unwilling to owe favor to others.

"I see... If there are other suitable assistants working, I will let you know."

"Thank you Teacher Yan." Zuo Yuan nodded heavily.